Saturday, November 26, 2011

Don Young, Shut Up!

It has been only a few days by now since Alaska’s Congressmen extortionaire Don “Shut Up I’m Right Your Wrong” Young started a fight in the House, trying to duke it out with a genuine U.S. citizen minding his own business. Don went ballistic when this citizen reminded Mr. Congressmen that it is the taxpayers’ that pays out a representative’s salary, when the “Don” tried to act as this citizen’s superior. Way out of line it was for Don and has provoked another “Occupy” movement, called WOODY, for “What’s Occupying Old Don Young? People are outraged over this pirate like road rage, a trait of Young’s, not a real good example to set being a longstanding member of Congress, a genuine abuse of power it appears. In fact, the “Approval” polling officials said this outburst of patheticism by Don Young right before Thanksgiving has allowed the Congressional Approval Rating to slip another 5-points into the weeds, which means the Dunce Clock has hit “Zero”. Now I had to travel across America during the Turkey Day, through ultra-conservative front and back country, and I never had so many threats of intimidation cast my way. And I wasn’t driving a Subaru with an Obama 2012 sticker advertising my preference! People in the lower-48 are angry at Young. People are pissed off over this Congressional member’s behavior, directed upon another American called to testify in good faith – more like a pissed on citizen! Maybe the next time someone is called before Congress to spill the beans, take the 5th, just like occurs when CEOs of large corporations are asked if their corporation paid any income taxes. Look, I had a vehicle try to run me off the road, after a high speed bumper to bumper cat & mouse chase, and when this guy finally passed me by realizing he won the California verses Alaska showdown, he slowed down enough for me to catch his campaign bumper sticker - McCain Palin 2008! See, I have Alaska plates on my car, so it has become a target of interest following Young’s mental state questionable outburst and an affair being used as a hot topic broadcast by the news’ media. And when in line at the stores and checking-out, I get the same old treatment when the secret is out, that I am a resident of Alaska, like people in the lower-48 do not want to associate themselves with Alaskans - like we have a dreaded disease from that affiliation with Don Young as our representative. In fact the check-out person told me to fill my own bags, after he found out I was from Alaska! Now things were pretty quiet for a while, ever since the Palin Follies lost sponsorship, but Don has rekindled the hate upon Alaska, due in part to the cesspool politics that has been an icon of Alaska since Ted Stevens was asked to represent the “Last Frontier”. Bottom-line, when a member of Congress acts like this, wherein he should be sent home and censured until he receives anger management coaching, we see yet another ways and means that a misfit Congress disenfranchises the American spirit. In fact, the Committee Chairperson present during Young’s outrageous behavior, Doc Hastings, instead of trying to remind the now irate citizen belittled by Young about mannerism and “Ethics” when appearing before Congress, the Doc should have slammed the gavel down hard on Young’s outburst. The Sergeant of Arms should have been called upon to arrest Young – for citizen abuse, no different than domestic violence. To try and turn this outburst around with blame upon an American that has an opinion that differs from Young’s about opening up ANWR, it is just another indication that there is a “Bastard’s Club” mentality alive and well amongst the cohorts in crime of the 112th Congress, and in this case, reminiscent of the Alaskan “Corrupt Bastards’ Club” reign. Look, I didn’t vote ever once for this moron Young, but the fallout derails my right to life, my right to liberty and my right in that pursuit of happiness. Don Young and his nasty mentality fosters an interference upon our freedoms, which is no different than a mad-man terrorist on the loose. And what happened to being left alone, with these indecent attacks upon my well-being because of misfit representation? Guilty by association sucks. But this is what we have front and center today with a mismanaged Congress wherein the membership thinks their you know what doesn’t stink, when it is in reality sending a stench beyond decency from sea to shining sea, and they just continue to waddle around pleasantly in their own filth and disgust and as a whole gets worse off than ever every passing day that Congress is in session. It is like Congress in no longer the “Servant” of the people, and instead they take the stand they own us. Pathetic it is beyond real. And had Citizen Caine performed inappropriately by “correcting the record” with Young, Hastings could have found him in “Contempt of Congress”, but that would be a sad day and a tough thing to prove from the way Young was behaving. Young deserved to be talked down upon. So to come to Young’s defense and try to paint Mr. Citizen in the wrong light, Hastings should step down his position. Doc Hastings, like Don Young, both stooges were completely wrong in the way this matter was handled. Wow, someone just pounded my car with a rotten pomegranate. And it looks like there’s a cow pie heading my way. And what do you mean you don’t take credit cards from Alaskans, I need gas to get back home to Alaska where it may be safe? So thanks Mr. Don “I need anger management” Young, for making me a target of your pathetic ways and means that is in no way shape or form helping this country survive, but diminishing its standing in the category of “Trust”, as it appears the concept of trust is today and always was just a suggestion in your book of moral and ethical behavior. Who in hell voted this guy into office, for how many terms of endangerment? Must be something wrong with the polling equipment, or something in the water! So if you are an Alaskan on the road in the lower-48, run for cover and when at a store, use the Canadian “political” asylum gig as a way to distract any further attacks and for reasons at defending your well-being as an Alaskan, undercover!

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