Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Sunday Poem

Please Leaves, Leave!

From some tree, these leaves.
So individualistic, this existence.
So alive, end in sight confuses.
For now, enjoying life to that end.

Defying gravity all season long.
To compare, such high standards.
Greater than the might of my resistance,
Gracious this Creation, this affair.

Another species, grandeur guarded.
Prancing back and forth, to and fro,
In chaotic rhyme, no reason.
Yet, all in harmony with grace.

Bestowed from the Heavens above.
An existence at a vantage point,
To apprehend Thy gifts.
Please leaves, why this fashion fallout?

Even when bound to statesmen like pillars.
Limbering foundations so demanding.
Absorbing centuries of respect.
Why such camaraderie for thou guest appearance?

Be it protection, or for production.
So seasonal, yet no mystery.
As all of a sudden, the change commences.
Please leaves, from whence does this command come?

Like a chameleon, scorn the scourge of Jack Frost.
Annihilation upon your tranquility.
But oh White Rabbit, what a show.
A kaleidoscope like venue trespass, upon the senses.
Then comes the choreographed ending.
Gravity no longer defied, but the descent,
It defies all circumstantial evidence,
Denying the understanding of relativity.

Please leaves, why so Newtonian?
Soon the ground becomes your retreat.
Truly yours, the ups and downs of life.
But even when put down there is more to come.

Romancing of the stone, with character.
You have no weakness to retreat.
Every nook to every cranny welcomes your invasion.
This cover, this mantel, a shelter from on high.

Please leaves!
On whose order does it glide?
Awakened by a wind song.
On whose order does that side?

Please leaves, pardon my weakness, these questions.
And soon, your whereabouts will be cloaked.
The great white show will secure your future.
By design, as no other reason stands to reason.

Come spring, the melt dismisses the future hidden.
You will have changed, as change is good.
Colors no more, just a defiant hue.
Will thus adorn your next state of affairs.

Please leaves, forgive me my insensitive behavior.
Please leaves, leave you must.
As in the end everything returns, to the womb.
The circle be unbroken, once again, and again, again.

CopyRight 2011/MSK/ERP

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