Monday, October 3, 2011

Jericho Showdown

There appears to be a showdown, on Wall Street. I have dubbed it “Tear Down this Wall Twenty-Eleven”. Akin to Ronald Reagan's "Tear Down this Wall" challenge, made to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev – with respect to the Berlin Wall. That wall was over there somewhere, this wall is over here, on home turf. Over 700 protesters were arrested this past weekend for marching “peacefully” along the Brooklyn Bridge, the target of interest the “Street”. Wow, what an icon to base this march from, the “Bridge”! Its historical value lends credibility to this march. This demonstration, better defined as a “protest”, it has been going on now for well over three weeks time – more like several years, basically in silence since the markets unexpectedly tanked right after Obama recited the oath of office as Commander-in-Chief following the resentment by the falling-out Commander-in-Thief – George “Geronimo” Bush! I know it is improper to use the Great Apache Chief's namesake, especially in unison with Bush, but this dysentery dynasty of Prescott, George H.W., George H. and Jeb, they know the truth behind whether or not the Skull & Bones has possession of Geronimo's skull. That put aside, its time – this march – it has come to fruition, as the sentiment of anger over misfit behavior practiced and condoned by the Wall Street executives has boiled over, which climaxes with “citizens” embarking on the next right of passage, that of “peaceful” demonstrations. The 1st Amendment Right comes alive and it seems well with the latest news from the “Bridge”. I guess when we can no longer trust Congress to police the mess, then the people get to send the message. So why have the police been so brutal towards the “Right to Assemble” citizens? From where do they get their marching orders? It is suspect, due the fact the “Force” should be more sympathetic this cause, as a majority of the proletariat class has lost something with the slowdown commencing the showdown, so we reserve and deserve the right to “protest” for such loses when at the same time many others have been enriched. Simply put, money lost from my retirement account ends up in somebody's wallet. See, when the market tanks, it is not like somebody is burning the loot, it is just an exchange of hands – dirty hands in this case. And today, that exchange is controlled by gangsters with moral support from Congress. The GOP has reneged on righteousness of representation upon the very foundation they are supposed to protect, the “Citizens”. There exists a seesaw of doom to gloom with the market force these days. Now with the markets tanking towards new depths, like a Dakota drill site's drill bit bent on “FRACING” the peace and quiet the earth below - what water table - of course a sanctioned “demonstration” is justified upon the “Street”. In fact, it should be a requirement. I would be there, but writing from Alaska on this subject matter will have to suffice my support. My congratulations goes out to those that have disrupted an October Fest weekend to make a showing against distrust. So with that in mind, I will try to use the “FRACing” phenomenon as a means of comparing what is going on behind closed doors and behind closed doors. It is called blood out of a turnip at any expense, the Stock Market's new age hobby. With “FRAC” interest across the land, which has led to a Jed Clampett Beverly Hillbilly psych revival movement, is it safe, this blood sucking? As when you take enough away, which is the “FRAC” trademark, well guess what, there comes a collapse! And even though the authorities believe the aquifer is far and removed from the toxicity of “FRAC” work, a collapse will have dire consequences upon the underground utopia. It appears that the entire “Wall Street” is about to find the same fate. See, what is happening on Wall Street and with “FRAC” work, it is one and the same. “FRAC” work is a new technology wherein it has not been decided whether it is good technology or destructive technology. The comparison exists upon WS as with the “Street” , the bailout was the new litmus test. Look, the auto industry survived the collapse by not mismanaging the bailout. Why? Because it was the working class whose wellbeing that was a stake. With the bailout to the crooks on Wall street, guess what? As the working class is not part of that elitist membership, so there is no intent on letting it work. And with the latter intent, that of prefabricated total destruction, can WS survive now that it has been given an infusion of Taxpayers' loot without wanting more? How much longer can it tread water - without another life preserver? Or is it true that those bent on getting more relief to fill their pockets of greed, are they laughing all the way to some offshore bank realizing that they don't have to play fairly? Basically, it has collapsed and the image of investing has been polluted beyond survival. Who's to blame? Now that is a very simple question with a 5-cent answer. Remember when you could buy a candy bar for a nickel? Anyway, “American Greed” is the most destructive force this country contends with today. A greater threat then the combination of Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the Mexican Drug Cartel. Our borders are threatened by the drug lords. Our troops are threatened by the Taliban, as is our war on opium stymied by imports from Afghanistan. And Al-Qaeda is everywhere. But the real killer is the economy through home-grown manipulation wherein fake scenarios now finds a ways and means to steal more of my retirement away – their gain is my pain. The tanking started as a planned manipulation but now it has tanked beyond the expectations, a collapse is inevitable. It may be what they didn't want yet they gambled for more rescue money and the stinginess bit them in the foot. Bin Laden voiced that to destroy America, it meant an attack on the economy. He had not the power or ways and means to perform such an operation, but it appears it is happening, from within by our very own. The have and the have-not is what America is all about these days. But don't the wealthy get it? They have no real power when it comes to push and shove. A simple “march” like is happening today has the influence to grow, and for a good cause. So maybe it has come that time in history wherein it is us or them. We seem to limp along without Wall Street, they can not do the same without us, as it is the proletariat class that builds America, it is the same class with class that protects America, it is the class that grows for America. So I ask, what does the wealthy do for this country, except cause harm with hurt and discontent, enough of their disease to go all around. March we must, to tear down every damn wall blocking righteousness and built by filth money and erected during the Bush dynasty. March we must, and remember the re-spoken biblical words by Martin Luther King;
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho,
And the walls come tumbling down.
Up to the walls of Jericho they marched, spear in hand.
"Go blow them ramhorns," Joshua cried,
"‘Cause the battle am in my hand."

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