Sunday, October 2, 2011

Poetry Sunday Project

Remember when a Sunday was a day of rest and respect? Some states still maintain on the books the so-called “Blue Laws”, wherein many things were banned, if it were Sunday. Like mowing lawns - basically any manual labor unless necessary meant grounds for a citation. And back many years ago, citations meant stoning. So maybe we as a society once upon a time revered around the globe need to make an attempt to get back to reality, minus the stone-age, by placing into effect things that may create more civility as it appears we have an out-of-control society. With that thought still warm, maybe for just one day we can compromise. No negative blogging, no name calling, no negativity, just pure respect for one another. And for those that like to write, let's propose that Sunday be reserved for poetry only, in song, in verse, in writing, in Twitter or in solemn thought. If none of the above, then silence be the golden opportunity. I am all for it, how about you? It means just a single day of RESPECT upon your fellow man no matter what side of the road that neighbor walks down. Just one day of respect, 24-hours! This is the true litmus test defining who we are as Americans in this day and age of a “Nowhere Man” syndrome that is negatively preoccupying our advancements in history. It means a simple poem, try it as we are all poets when it comes down to the basics of life and happiness - as a poem is a simple thought, usually a good thought. Peace be with you as we “Give Peace A Chance” through words of praise upon our fellow men, women and children.

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