Monday, October 17, 2011

Dire Straits

As I get the urge for going and quench that urge by driving across America, there appears an area of interest that should raise some concerns my fellow man. We all realize that home building has become a thing of the past for the time being, as there is a glut of vacancies on the market from the over-building boom of the early 2000's targeting affordable housing for everyone. Too bad it didn't work, this affordable housing for everyone, as it would have been a good thing for America. Nowadays families are being forced to downsize and occupy cramped quarters and “Extended Stay” hotels are booming. The intent from the beginning was deserving, housing for all, but the “true” intent was out of greed and nothing else – so it failed and became non-affordable housing. Those “Insiders” involved in this scam saw $$$, and when it failed ran to Uncle Sam, and the $$$ in the form of a “bailout” was delivered. Who suffered? Look, how can Jaguar be advertising on NPR? Who can afford such a luxury that starts at $90k? That price could mean a nice home for many Americans! And for now ,we suffer from the repercussions of it all, as the intent was just more of the same money over matters as nothing else matters. And industry is also at a standstill, as manufacturing in this country cannot compete against China, due wage discrepancies - so there comes no new buildings being constructed to support a local infrastructure, from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans once white with foam! But there is a boom here in America, one that has to do with building. It appears that payday loan sites and pawn shops are in demand. That is a sad state of affairs when one considers that the market is ripe for pawning goods and opportunistic entrepreneurs bent on making money providing early paychecks to those that are trying to raise a family. But it is an act of desperation, as pawning the family jewels is sinful as is the interest one gets charged when in need of some loot just to buy gas. And this building boom is all promoted on its own, no stimulus required. This sucks and as to why Congress is not watching and taking note this bell weather phenomenon, this pathetic course of events upon America, it is evident that they don't give a rat's ass about this country's welfare and care only about their own segregated welfare and that of their loyal lobbyists. Today, Congress is the ultimate BF system. Now the Pay-Day Loan sharking and Pawn shops were a boom around the military bases across America when the Bush doctrine wars started, let us not forget the “Mission Accomplished” fiasco as George's legacy of illegitimacy. But for today, this “Payday Pawning” phenomena is an indicator of this countries wellbeing status, this boom is reaching out to every nook and cranny here to there. The loan sharks made it wealthy when Bush was at the helm, as did his loyal lobbyist buddies, so it appears the trend continues – they win we loose. See, we send our troops to defend the “wealth” doctrine and pay them peanuts. When you look at the wage a troop gets for the work involved, it is less then minimum wage. What a racket the wealthy have going, sending our kids abroad to fight someone else's war for the enjoyment of more wealth! But with this building frenzy for Check Cash and Easy Pawn on every vacant corner in every major city from coast to coast, it is scary. And this is the only money that banks are giving out, to build this despicable infrastructure. It is a pathetic indication of a society that is in dire straits! When a society must revert to this type of survival, to pawn precious goods just to put Hamburger Helper on the table, and at the same time getting charged interest rates for upfront rent money that confiscates the hell out of freedom, we can see that the representative body of Congress and this country's Commander-in-Chief have failed the basic necessities of life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness for all. The sad thing, it is the stale-mate that is allowing this dereliction to grow beyond decency. When Obama cannot get a simple jobs bill passed, it has nothing to do with anything else but discrimination and prejudice. The Mitch McConnells along with the Eric Cantors in unison with the John Boehners, they are using the opportunity to secretly assassinate a great man, Barack Obama. Yes great man, as we see America eroding away, in its global standing as well as failure upon the “Homeland” infrastructure, this man has a plan! We should already have shovels in the ground to rebuild this country. No we cannot compete with China for goods, but they cannot compete with us to rebuild the transportation infrastructure, like roads, rails and bridges across America. The system is falling apart, yet we see “crap” being constructed instead of necessities. But why should the Mitch-Eric-John trinity care, as they have prejudice and discrimination in their blood. And herein exists the sad fact of the matter too which I take liberty to pick on an elder, Congressmen Don Young of Alaska. When Bush was at the helm and Don was head of the DOT highways appropriations committee, he administered the biggest highway construction bill ever, so big that it needed a name so was named in honor of his wife Lu. It was supposed to be the beginning of a plan to revitalize America. But that budget has run-out, yet you don't see Don running out to get another bill started, as this bipartisan crap that sends once honest representatives into hiding, it is truly anti-American. Look, I don't care what party is in control, this stalemate is totally against the grain of the Constitution. We elect representation to compromise, not destroy. Yet the Dons sit back in quiet and at the same time this country continues to fail, to crumble, to erode away with each outgoing tide. It is pathetic, but when it occurs on Obama's watch, it is evident that discrimination and prejudice has taken a turn for the worse. When the representative body finds a secret mandate to fail this country due the fact we have not a white man at the helm, it is nothing short of treason these representatives practice – and a solid enough reason why they should all be locked up. They want failure, they preach failure, they pray for failure upon Obama at any cost, as discrimination and prejudice is still ingrained in this society, still ingrained in individuals, and when those individuals swear to uphold the Constitution and believe that means failing this once great country due the color of a man's skin, then we deserve no longer to be a nation of honor - as dishonor rules our ways and means. And this is what we may leave generations to come, not a proud inheritance, but “Dishonor”. So instead of all the shovels that should be producing sweat to revitalize the highways and byways, those same shovels are idol, reserved for digging the grave of destruction, and if it does not stop right now, then we may be part of the saddest time in America's history. So what does it take to get beyond this stalemate? The sad fact of the matter is just this. The wealth bigots want to see shovels digging Obama's grave, as to these white men of the racist clan, out-of-sight and out-of-mind is their only solution for their addiction to “white-supremacy” so they have taken this country on the total destructive route to satisfy their evil ways and means. They cannot stand the fact that “My Country T's of Thee” is commanded by someone other than a white man. It is that simple and reminds me of the same prejudice we lived through during the late 50's, when the color of a man's skin did matter, especially in that right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This prejudice is front and center today, and the sad fact of the matter, the U.S. Taxpayers are funding this attack upon Obama, as we pay our representatives not to dishonor this country, but to shine this country's image. But for today, there is very little shine left! And to those bigots of wealth and political popularity, they would probably make a shoe-shine joke over this dilemma and laugh all the way to the killing fields, during this time in history today wherein they fear not exposing themselves, like their prejudice is justified in the eyes of their constituents, no masks or excuses required with this all out war upon human rights. “America, where are you now, don't you care about your sons and daughters....”

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