Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No Nooky McCain

It appears that John McCain is getting no nooky, once again! This guy has a habit of staying quiet for a period then when he gets frustrated, after consuming Viagra but missing an outlet because the Budweiser girl has gone missing playing spousal hooky, he takes it out on America – through representative rage from the podium on the Hill. Today that frustration boiled over with McCain taking shots at Obama, for using a bus “Made in Canada” to gallivant around the country trying to sell his “Jobs for American” program – a.k.a. Obama's 2012 campaign on wheels on the taxpayers' dime! Now if you thought Sarah had a fancy bedroom on wheels, take a gander at Obama's dream wheels! But wait just a minute, do you really think Obama has time to go “bus” shopping? In fact, the bus was indeed made in Canada and purchased by the Secret Service then outfitted as “Air Force One” on wheels here in America. So Mr. John “No Nooky” McCain, if you want to take shots at Americans taking advantage of Americans by using outside interference, then look no further then Alaska, as with the “Privatization” of the Alaskan military infrastructure, the hen-house has found a new owner – a foreigner called Canada. Now this preferential “Privatization” here in Alaska was something started by your late friend and colleague U.S. Senator Ted Stevens! And Ted made sure these lucrative contracts went to his buddies. Yes indeed, a $4-billion dollar contract awarded to a local Native Corporation, which is good for Alaska! Except the money to fund this venture, to purchase the infrastructure, it is being secured by funding from Canadian owned investment corporations using Canadian banks for the investment monies. And this is “Big Money”, so the interest payments are astronomical. It amounts to millions in yearly interest payments that is going from the U.S. Treasury to the ARMY to the “privatization” corporations then forwarded to a foreign entity, when it should be staying right here at home to help the economy that is almost at a stand-still. And we are talking contract durations lasting 50-years! So for that many years, a whole bunch of taxpayers' loot will be taken advantaged of by a non-American bank! What corporate taxation? And guess what, through the investing, this foreigner is buying ownership of “Our” military infrastructure! As we speak – and remember for an erection lasting longer then 4 hours please seek advice from Anthony Weiner – as we speak the military infrastructure critical to this country's national security finds ownership by a foreign entity! Imagine if we can't pay the rent what may happen? So if you are once again frustrated when the Viagra takes hold and you have no avenue to show off and need to take something out on something due your long and well-known fits of frustration, try taking shots at reality, like this “privatization” scam, as this country should not be selling such vital organs to a foreign entity – neither friend or foe. This Mr. No Nooky is just another indication that your focus is missing-in-action and missing out the real problems attacking America, because who gives a rat's ass about a bus made in Canada? With the money we pay you to represent, please do your job instead of getting hooked on pettily condemnations your fellow man, including the Commander-in-Chief. And maybe it is time for some tea, instead of the Viagra, to calm you down!

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