Monday, October 17, 2011

Sick “TeleHealth”

So who is “still” making it rich here in Alaska courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers, even when Washington is digging in deep for deep cost cutting legislation? How about the “TeleHealth” industry for starters. And when I target crooks that are taking advantage the taxpayers' hard earned income garnished paycheck to paycheck to fuel the U.S. Treasury, it is all about “Welfare”, corporate welfare in this case. Look, nobody understands utility billing, as it has become an obscure science with the intent to fool the consumers. If that were not the case, it would mean a simple bill each month with the cost for service rendered, nothing else – divide this by that equals what I owe. Such long-winded bills today are designed to fool, and in this foolish scam that is allowed by Congress, it amounts to a few cents on the dollar, so what. But when the overall haul-in makes it back to the front office, it accounts for millions in “Fraud” money – which in turn is used for political contributions by utility company lobbyists to keep the consumer scams going. It is a complicated situation for us and a simple rip-off scenario for the crooks. Now case on point with phone service, what in hell is this “Universal Service Charge”? Well it is a fine you pay so this “TeleHealth” can be a reality for those that live wherein there is not medical treatment by a bonafide sheepskin MD. It is a “fine” because it provides “zero” worth for those of us that live in the city or rural areas, land ahoy connected by roads that allows mobility to the nearest ER. In Alaska, “TeleHealth” was supposed to be a saving grace effort to allow some semblance of local medical surveillance without the high costs of a dedicated on-site staff with very little too do. It had merit, if the original intent was a justified ways and means to provide economical health care wherein health care was lacking. But I doubt the original intent was based on “out” patient needs and nothing short another way to use the Alaskan “Back Country” excuse to fill the back-pocket wallets of unscrupulous businessmen bent on ripping off Uncle Sam – a direct blow below the belt across the knees! It is yet another case of a crippling greed mentality, a truly un-American dereliction of duty. In fact, Alaska receives well over 50% of the money taken in by the Treasury for this secret “Service” charge, or fine. It amounts to well over $35-million, and Alaska has benefited over the years above and beyond any other state with “TeleHealth” needs and is provided this type of medical assistance. In Alaska, this state racks up approximately $54-dollars per person for this type of coverage, wherein there is a doctor many miles away that can provide assistance. The second state leading the high costs of this hi-tech like medicine is North Dakota, at $2-dollars per person. So you can see why Alaska reaps the benefits - maybe rape finds itself a better value - and gets a whole lot of support from Uncle Sam. Now this “TeleHealth” is a good thing, except when the system is abused, which is generally the case when Alaskan businessmen and Federal funding finds a relationship. This state has ripped off the U.S. Taxpayers well beyond any conscionable amount, a trend that continues year after year after year. It should have been stopped a long time ago. See, most of the existing “TeleHealth” contracts cost about $200,00.00 per year, but most of the clinics provided this gear have been shut-down, or remain open for business but a few hours per week. And in order for the local witch-doctor to use the system, he or she must be a bonafide member of the system, like a PA! And this is not the case for many outlying clinics that have been built, through millions in Federal assistance grants, then when the construction was complete, the clinic shutdown, due lack of funding and qualified staff. But the “TeleHealth” bill remains active, even if there comes no customers, which means the “Universal Service Charge” - this fine - continues. So there are hundreds of contracts here in Alaska wherein somebody is collecting a whole lot of taxpayers' loot and providing nothing in return. It again points to the fact that we are our own worst enemy. Look, if local telecommunication companies are providing this service, why not do it the American way and charge for the service only when the service is rendered instead of demanding blood out of a turnip, through “running reserve” contracts. It all boils down to that age-old greed factor. With this “TeleHealth” scam here in Alaska, someone saw another opportunity to rip off the hand that feeds realizing that there exists no accountability here in the “Last Frontier” when it comes to Federal assistance, with both corporate welfare and citizens' welfare. In a single year's time, Alaska threw away almost $20-million in U.S. Taxpayer money for this “TeleHealth” scam, for 1095 measly medical calls, which amounts to about $18,000 dollars for each call. Like the Inspector General cautioned, the money spent for nothing in Alaska with this “TeleHealth” scam could provide a team of Mayo Clinic medical professionals to visit the bush each summer, to health screen the citizens and offer medical advise and prescriptions if necessary! Another case in point I prefer to use to get the point across that demonstrates the system is broke was the funding that the late Senator Ted Stevens approved for studying the penis size of the male Musk Oxen. The proposal was submitted, the money was had, but there is nobody in their right mind that would attempt such an act. And there is this unfortunate dilemma alive and well, as when “pork” money is appropriated it cannot be taken back, the system of merits does not allow such a retreat. And due the possibility that honesty may still exist, Congress made the rule that exterminates any honesty hangover which does not allow unused money to be returned to the Treasury! So the penis caper money was abused and used to build a hunting camp! Ted was adamant that he has no control over what happens to the Taxpayers' money once it leaves the U.S. Treasury. And therein exists what has happened for years amounting to abuse. Congress has been very generous giving away the hen-house, with no accountability. Had there been accountability, especially here in Alaska, we could have used the Treasury money to create something that future generations would have enjoyed, like a sustainable jobs infrastructure – instead of vacant buildings due lack of interest and never any intent for occupancy. Due easy handouts, we went addicted on “pork” and corporate welfare and today we see the effects of such “fraud” with failed project after failed project and no future for our children. And how many millionaires did this crazed greed make? Lots, believe me as the “Corrupt Bastards Club” had a following of gangster type greedsters and today the Federal deficit points to me for a bailout. Pathetic this time in history with respect to righteousness and a Congress that worked the end around play away from even the slightest ethical representation. And the real sad fact of the matter is this. The ways and means of Congress over the past 30-years has led to a generation that knows no better when it comes to ethics and wherein greed seems to be the deciding factor on just about everything. We have created a generation that thinks it is OK to rip off Uncle Sam, like that is the normal and moral thing too do. How do we break that habit? It is simple, how about trying a very easy thing, like being a true American, just once and maybe it will seed a passion for what this country once stood for. But like the “Universal Service Charge” and the fact that utility bills are complicated in efforts to screw over the America workers, I doubt if the parents of the wealthy generation have any inclination to do things with righteousness, morality or honesty, wherein the latter is just a suggestion, just like an Anchorage red-light, zoom, zoom!

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