Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why Democracy?

Why I ask, why? Why is it that the embedded GOP is so down and opposed to raising taxes upon the class that can most afford it? When did this American democracy cease to exist? In a democracy, it is inherent by definition that there comes the “acceptance and practice of the principles of equality of rights, opportunity and treatment”. So fair taxation is paramount success this cause for democracy. So I ask again, why not increase the tax base upon the class that can afford giving a little more and at the same time eliminate the taxable income loopholes afforded this same class - the wealthy? Maybe “In bed” is the reason with this embedded GOP as to why fair taxation is but a suggestion and far from reality. And the fact that the elephant is kicking the donkey's ass even when the latter is supposedly in control, it is a sad state of affairs. I never thought there would come the opportunity to live in this day and age wherein Congress is worse off then during the days Mark Twain gave his 2-cents worth opinion. His advice back then, circa 1875, was worth a whole lot more but nobody was listening I guess! Twain made it a career taking shots at Congress, and it was not exaggerated or over extended breach reaching, just pure unadulterated welcome criticism. Credit where credit is due. Twain allowed humor to enter where credibility was lacking our elected officials. Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a Congressman can.” - “Congress: The smallest minds and the selfishest souls and the cowardliest hearts that God makes.” - “Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” - “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no directly native American criminal class except Congress.” - “All Congresses have a kindly feeling for idiots, and a compassion for them, on account of personal experience and heredity.” And to end, “I never can think of Judas Iscariot without loosing my temper. To my mind Judas Iscariot was nothing but a low, mean, premature Congressman.” But today we see a Congress that acts beyond the humorous level, to the extent that it is setting a dangerous precedent. When Mitch McConnell can broadcast to the nation that his main objective in life is to destroy Obama, this indicates that all ethics, all righteousness, all statesmanship, it was all checked at the door when the current Congressional membership entered the House chambers. And isn't it a requirement to be “Sworn” to abide and uphold the Constitution? And I do believe that includes “protecting” the sitting president! Today with Congress, it is more in tune to a Hold-up on our liberties over any Constitutional upholding. And when you see the line-up of potential GOP candidates for the 2012 presidential race, why in hell is Perry & Romney the front runners? Especially when there exists some intelligence, like with Ron Paul and Huntsman. It is evident that many have lost faith in government, which is the Congress. It is not the president that has the ultimate power, it is Congress. In comparison, the Commander-in-Chief has very little power so can only take claim for some of the blame. If Obama had the reach, there would have come “Change” by now. And Congress can yield that power, just like they did when George Bush was the GOP's flee-bitten peanut Monkey Man and the catalyst for doom and disruption – the current state of affairs. Look what happened on the dereliction watch? So when you hear these hypocrites excite the base of desperation by talking points about “too big” a government bureaucracy, what gives as they are the ones that created the “Monster”. Incumbency ring a bell? If they failed, then fire themselves, but then they would have to find gainful employment and who in hell would hire a bunch of misfits? How about a lobbying firm, tied to “Big Corporation America”. Now I do believe that corporate taxes should be eliminated, as the money, the profits, it is going to the shareholders, that is why higher taxes on the already wealthy is a wining proposition. Less corporate taxes means more loot for the owners which means more taxes garnished away for safekeeping this country - it is the ultimate end-around game changing play. But Congress all around is “In Bed” with money, and that buys votes. That is the saddest thing upon America today, the fact that as a democracy still, we get to vote in officials, as elected representatives supposedly “For the People”. But that “For the People” is but a smokescreen protecting “Special Interests”. The latter is banned by the Constitution, just read between the lines and you will get the point. But since the “Sargent of Arms was blackmailed into leaving his post”, anything goes in the chambers. So they have a good excuse to disenfranchise the voters' interests, the excuse that it was the “People's Vote” that gives them the power to disrupt and contribute to civil disobedience. The money game talks out loudly come campaign time, and that is why they are afraid to raise taxes on the class that deserves less. Most hard working Americans are more in tune to keeping food on the table then trying to understand what goes down in the chambers, besides horror, so we rely on the mainstream media to keep us abreast of current affairs. And the hoodlums with all the loot, they know how to deliver subliminal messaging when the time is right, and that excites the voters, the “income influences the outcome”. So we have lost the democracy we once cherished and enjoyed and it appears to look and act more and more like a “Limitocracy”. We must remember that America is a young nation, a young government, in comparison to other countries. And with the approval level on just about all things considered, like education and quality of life, tanking, is it a sign that our ways and means have finally set the fuse for destruction. It surely appears that way. Maybe a breakup, a conjugal breakup of this country has meaning. Half goes to the GOP followers and believers the other half to the liberals. I am sure Perry and his followers would go along with this, as long as they could carry away all the guns. Good is my sentiment. Now the problem with that is this – a breakup. If America was divided along party lines, then those that believe in less and less oversight, soon their lands and waterways and airways would be heavily polluted and stripped of life. It would be Soylent Green chaos. Then they would retreat or invade tranquility and with all the guns and ammo.... The bottom line, lets raise taxes on the unwilling. Then we can give them what they pay for, as you get exactly what you pay for and right now the see-saw is broke. The preferential treatment that is afforded the wealthy class is ruining this country. If they don't like it, leave it, as their under-taxed money is leaving already in the form of offshore crookedness and it ain't the hard working middle class that can afford such vacation luxury and loopholing legislation. Government of the people and for the people? Maybe someday once again, when “equality of taxation” upon the wealthy decreases the class differential which is heading down the path of “Us” & “Them”. Take that back, it is coming to “Us” vs. “Them”. With that, maybe someday once again, Democracy will reign upon this Republic, or else this nation has failed because Mark Twain was right, about “Fleas and Idiots”!

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