Monday, September 12, 2011

Bravo Maria Cantwell

Bravo, Bravo, Bravo and a standing ovation. This rare honor bestowed to U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell as she gets prepared to duke it out with Don Young. How come this state gets stuck with morons? Yes rare this honor, as we see very little representation from the House on the Hill these days deserving congratulations, with bi-partisan bickering the main theme. But this could be the best duke out of the 112th. See Don wants to strip the EPA of any power that could put a stop to the Love Canal remake, a.k.a. Pebble Mine. Look, Young and Stevens and the Murkowskies and now Begich, they were in it for themselves and are on the lookout for themselves, not as representatives “For the People” but representatives of special interests in hopes to have a cushion job for a lifetime. Sure it is a cushion job, just look at the House restaurant menu! Now the Alaskan delegation did look out for the constituents, but instead of on a priority basis, as should be the case when elected officials swear to uphold the citizens' interest above all, we were given a seat in the back of the bus. The trickle down theory worked, but those on top, the schmoozes, they made out like bandits during thisAWE “ time in history, or the Alaskan Welfare Era. Believe me, it was a “Shocker”. With resource development, this state has been screwed over, not once, not twice but for 30-times over the past 30-years. Had we done it right, which means taxation appropriate for the taking, we would not be a state that has and continues to rely so heavily on Uncle Sam welfare. But that is what has gone down for 30-years, or close to 50 following statehood. “We're In” was not the call of the people and a call from the wild, but a call from the lobbyist as Alaska's statehood was heaven sent. They saw gold, but not the kind that takes sweat and bones to bring topside. They relied on the open door policy, that of the U.S. Treasury. Yes, “the Sargent of Arm's was blackmailed into leaving his post”! The Pebble mine is a ridiculous endeavor. Not that responsible mining is impossible, but there exists too many unknowns with this project. See, this state is desperate so instead of developing a sustainable jobs infrastructure and weaned away from “pork”, we became addicted to the free-for-all, courtesy of Uncle Sam generosity and now that it appears the giveaway program is running on empty, let's just sabotage the entire ecosystem! Actually, the GOP has the money hidden away, so when they get back in power all will be back to normal with the AWE! But why waste? There were years when the Three-Stooges were so powerful that this state received $3 for every dollar sent south through income taxation. We could have built “gold” bridges to somewhere. But the money went missing in sub-standard construction and practices that has become a sad part of Alaska's history. And now that the Stooges have lost touch with the “Keys to the Treasury” as the Treasury is broke, this state finds itself in dire straits, the main reason as to how come Ben Stedman has to pay his own way for that $1000 a night super deluxe hooker pad when he visited Hawaii on official state of Alaska business. So with desperation there comes a tilt upon decency, for over extended resource development and the only way to stop it, to police it, is through threat of environmental lawsuits - using the EPA. Not so fast, as Don gets involved and as a Tea-Party wannabe, decides that government must be too big and starts to thrash away at the environmental programs. It is pathetic representation and we see the see-saw has grounded on the wrong side of righteousness, just like when Joe went “hard aground” on Bligh reef. Like Joe, this state has hit the most recognized navigational hazard, it is called “Day Dreaming”. We blew it and now with the oil money running almost on empty with drastic reductions in throughput, it means stupidity at the helm. Soon we will see an attempt to open up ANWR! But I would be in agreement of land based oil development over what is happening in the Colville River Delta, on the open water gateway to the Beaufort upon sick looking man-made islands. Sick it is the mentality that is ruling this state. Take that back, “ruining” this state. The open for business sign is glowing alive and well, calling for unrealistic development at any expense. Polar bears are dieing and getting shot. The caribou population will soon be devastated when Golden Valley starts running 22-trucks a day filled with volatile LNG down the Dalton, probably this century's most worthless and idiotic idea. So give'm hell Maria, but look out for rabid skunks!

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