Tuesday, September 20, 2011

African Bees

Some disabled guy in a wheel chair was attacked by 60,000 Africanized bees, down in the vegetable garden! FYI, that means California’s Sillycorn Valley. He received over 60 stingers and the two Good Samaritans that went to his rescue had to retreat several times before succeeding at getting this poor bastard out of harm’s way. And most recently a 1000-pound hog was attacked by another swarm of these flying aliens and then another 800-pound pig in pregnancy found the same fate, targeted then attacked. And the way this is accomplished by these aliens, this species “pheromones” its victims, which is just a fancy word for “shit” or “crap” if you believe in the pound over the greenback. The crap acts as a targeting scent and drives the army bees crazy. It is akin to Sarah Palin’s cross-hairs mapping and Tea-Party conspiracy. Wow, these bees are ferocious, and this targeting by crap attacks is something to foster a beware! Man, there is a commonality with this species, to another species that can be found right here from sea to shining sea, a species that acts alienated. I am talking Congress, as they shit all over us then when we send in help, the same damn thing upon the Good Samaritan Obama. Maybe while we are at it, outlawing these bees, how about the same for Congress? With an all-time “low” approval rating, something in the single digits, what good is this body of morons? I don’t know about you, but I am about fed up from the way this representative body “shits” everywhere and on all of us, unless there exists grounds for immunity and the prerequisite for this kind of preferential treatment is “lobbying”. The latter requires a whole lot of sniffing on all fours. And the sad thing, we pay for Congress to be outfitted with Grade “A” toilet paper! How do they get away with it? It is called Congressional immunity or “parliamentary privilege”, so we find they enjoy freedom from arrest, even when traveling! And this “arrest” is over-extended to include any detention, including a summons and or subpoenas. So that crap about “you have been served”, it doesn’t apply to members of Congress and they can tear up any and all legal stuff just like they can a traffic ticket. Remember, no arrests allowed. And that is why they can get angry and irate even at the TSA without the slightest discomfort. This “clique” is also guaranteed absolute freedom when debating and no matter what they say or yell out, there comes immunity from law suits of slander. And this crap about “Contempt of Congress”? It is pure bull-crap. Wow, tough job isn’t it. But it makes one realize why this present day body of jerks can be so offensive. And no wonder they are afraid of getting rid of the U.S. Post office as they have also another freebie benefit the Pony Express, sending out free mail, courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers. That is why Mark “Runt” Begich went on a rant when the General was about to shut down a whole lot of useless post offices’ located in bush Alaska, as this is how he gets elected and trusting it for re-election. And even though it is not supposed to be used for campaigning efforts, what else could it be used for! It is an incumbent’s saving grace. Just ask MoanaLisa MurCowski, the nepotism senator from Alaska. And now that we are on the subject of Alaska’s finest, how about when Don Young called Pelosi a “rabid skunk” with “gnashing teeth drooling up and down the halls of Congress”. Them are fighting words in my book. So why would anybody subject themselves to this kind of preferential treatment when all other Americans must abide by some semblance of reasonableness and responsibility in everyday life? How about all that immunity and sniffing and wait there’s more! Congress receives a yearly salary of $174,000 for about 4-months of work. When the average American worker brings in $40,000 for working the entire year with maybe a week off for good behavior. So in essence, Congress makes six times the average American wage - they only work at most a half of the year - and these are the jerks that vote in “minimum wage”? In the early 1800, Congress received a grand total of $6.00! As back then it was a more of an honor then a disgrace to represent this country. Remember, today representation is for the wealthy and the lobbyists. And what a retirement plan these moron bozos give themselves! And what a medical coverage plan! Shouldn’t we get the same kind of treatment? So no wonder they don’t give a rat’s ass about my welfare, or your welfare for that matter. And they feel it is alright to dismiss Social Security. Look I have paid thousands into this institution, and they feel it is time to cut the losses? What about my losses! I am sure that when the time comes for the dismantling the SS that they will have figured out some kind of roll-over plan for their contributions. They care about nothing but themselves and the wealthy that can keep them immunized. That is why they are no different then these alien Africanized bees. They shit on us then target anybody that tries to destroy their dysentery dynasty.  No wonder they get away with murder. Look, the wars they fund without Congressional approval is premeditated murder, no if ands or buts about it. That is why Mitch McConnell is still a free man and not incarcerated away like should have been the case for this nutcase the day he recited Obama’s assassination speech. Mitch has made it clear and convincing that his main objective as an elected U.S. Senator is to destroy Obama. If this is not premeditated, then what is it? Look, most elected officials are crooks to begin with. So they do everything they can to convince the voting public that they are sane, snake oil it is, then when we buy their “pheromone” and they get elected, lobbyist become their number one worship and we become public enemy number one. We want them to abide by the Constitution, but when we see this immunity “crap” and realize they have no obligation whatsoever, we are screwed over and over again, triple-bypass jeopardy ring a bell of concern? It should. And what many don’t realize is this fact of the matter. Term limits is built into the Constitution. It allows for an individual to seek additional terms, but not when sworn in to represent “All the People”, as there is no room allowed for campaigning when engaged. It would be like allowing a police officer to be a crook when not on the clock when all the time they are supposed to be upholding the law, 24/7. Congress is no different. But the rule bending and twisting that comes from the Halls of Montezuma’s Revenge, it is pathetic these days. Where and when will it all stop? Probably not in my lifetime as there is no incentive to truly represent the American People. FOD S.O.S. just in. Obama is going to raise taxable income on the wealthy, called the Buffet initiative. See, Warren Buffet is adamant that the wealthy can pay more tax to help out where help is needed, and today that is with the U.S. Treasury. There was a PAY-Day distress signal sent out. See, “Capital Gains” tax is taxed in a lower tax bracket then ordinary income. It wasn’t always so, but over time the jerks-in-charge changed things, not to my advantage but an advantage upon guess who? So the wealthy can list everything and anything under this disguise, so they end up paying less tax than the average American. There are many millionaires that don’t pay any Federal income tax, yet use our highways and use our schools and basically use US! So Obama wants to retreat away from this preferential treatment for the wealthy class which would add billions to the Treasury. At the same time, there are signs of hesitation from the GOP. See, Speaker Boehner is stilled pissed ever since there was a tax imposed of “Tanning” booths. But the GOP is not about to let the rich pay their fair share, so have instigated changing the tax code once again, with this “Capital Gains” thing, just as insurance. The sad fact of this matter, that GOP initiative will get passed, as they control the IRS. And if Obama fails at the tax table, then the rich will benefit by paying even less tax as once the “Code” is changed it takes an act-of-Congress to change it back, and that is like asking Mitch to act like an American. This is how it gets so ridiculously out-of-control. It’s the “pheromones” on the attack again. In case you were wondering, FOD means one of two things: Foreign Object Damage or F&%* Oh Dear, take your pick as both are appropriate for Congress in our times! One last thing, aren’t you glad Don Young was supportive of DADT!

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