Thursday, September 29, 2011


It is NOT free-speech when members of the Tea-Party take it upon themselves to “Boo” a member of our military, regardless of this individual's rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Just the other day, a bunch of idiots affiliated with the Tea-Party booed a troop in uniform because he has no need now to hide the fact that he is a member of the thriving gay community. It is spiked-Tea-speech, which appears to be nothing then immoral fodder attacks on decency. I would bet that if a survey was performed on methamphetamine users and party affiliation, the meth abuse goes along with the Tea – desperadoes on overdose with no future and bent on destruction upon those that choose a future. But when the MissHell Bachmanns and Swatsticker Palins use the podium to excite such mental and insane rhetoric, we as a nation have failed. With our very own military brass now recognizing gays in uniform, ask yourself this idiot Tea-Party asinine ass-kissers. If this nation ever comes under attack and the guy that shows up at your front door to protect your interests, our country, if he is gay are you going to turn him away? I bet you will shine his shoes and deny any affiliation whatsoever with this Tea-Party treason that may have caused the attack! And the fact that Bidden was the only one that criticized this 1st Amendment abuse upon a troop, it goes to show that Boehner and McConnell are married to this party, supported by a bunch of Koch suckers. Get my point?

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