Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Military Privatization

This is the latest Military Privatization Scorecard that reflects the reality behind what it is costing the U.S. Taxpayers for allowing the military base infrastructure, like heat, electric, water and waste-water to be managed by a private entity. Be it known that the “Privatization” concept was designed to save money, to lesson the burden upon the U.S. Taxpayers to run these bases' essential services, for years under mismanagement by the Civil Service, essential services for essential installations during this time of protracted conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This “Scorecard” deals with the “Privatization” of the Ft. Wainwright Alaskan military base only, but demonstrates a very good scorecard all around Alaska, as the utilities were awarded to a single entity through unfair bidding process, which has created a monopoly.

Government's Estimated Yearly O&M Costs: $20-Million
Original Cost 1st Year: $30-Million, Mission Creep 48%
Cost Estimate for Current year: $40-Million, Mission Creep 98%

In just three years under “Privatization”, it is costing the U.S. Taxpayers $20-Million extra for the same services. The extra money is not going towards wages, but most likely enriching individuals involved behind the scenes. Bottom-line, we were better off when under the auspices of the Civil Service and the services mismanaged!

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