Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dear Don Young

According to reliable sources, you are considering the floating of a bill in Congress that wipes clean and away any and all government regulations made into law over the past 20-years! This is a rather odd stand, as during the George Bush Dysentery Dynasty and those years of endangerment which commenced with Gore vs. Bush through 2008, all regulations were stun-gunned to death. That was also during your own terms of endangerment as a member of the GOP controlled House. We realize that you may have suffered a memory loss when the “Coconut” hit you on the head, but give us a break on this rolling back the wheels of misfortune – as deregulation has made a fortune for corporations and cost me a whole lot more, for energy, for cereal, for beer. Can you really gut regulation any further? It is today a sea-saw of unfairness, as less control means increased profits and that can only occur when I have to pay out more for my individual pursuit of happiness. There is only so much to go around. One man's loss being another man's gain is no longer dedicated to garbage. What power does the EPA have today? What power does any regulatory body have these days? MIA seems to fit the times. And since you want to roll back regulation, why not roll back other things made famous by Bush, like the tax cuts for the wealthy? Can you imagine how much money the Treasury would collect if the tax tables and tax code were set back 20-years? Sure I would end up paying a little more, but the wealthy would then have to pay their fair share and I bet this would cure some of the economic woes we enjoy today. How can somebody have representation without taxation? Please don't answer that question. So why do you insist on continued gift giving for corporate America and the wealthy when you swore to uphold the Constitution. See, the word “Corporation” and “Lobbyist”, these subjects cannot be found anywhere in that writing. In fact, isn't that your motto, “Representative for All Wealthy Alaskans”. So I just don't get it, as deregulation does not play out like it used too, wherein less control means more corporate freedom which stimulates and helps maintain a sustainable jobs infrastructure. In Alaska, we have failed that mission. How can the richest oil state in the Union be so broke when it comes to jobs? I blame it on continued government “welfare” that headed this way courtesy Uncle Ted's pork addiction. It created jobs but nothing else. Once the last pane of glass was set and trees were planted, the “Open for Business” sign lit up but nobody showed up. This state has more failed projects and vacancies from such waste that it is a pathetic waste land of “Pork gone Wild”. Look, we are still trying to get the Healy Clean Coal abortion up and running. We have train depots that have been “Closed for Business”, due piss-poor management of the Taxpayers' loot. The list goes on and on. And now we face the delivery of a ferry that has no future - the ultimate “Real Nowhere Man” project. Once again courtesy of Uncle Sam's generosity. And back to your roll call roll back scam. Look, corporations today have to answer to the shareholders, and they want blood out of a turnip. It is that simple. Less no longer means more, except if a shareholder and when the market crashed, that “shareholder” became a thing of the past for most Americans. There is indeed a wealth warfare situation here in America. I have to work for a living, unlike Congress. Really, it appears it is game playing as usual, the only thing you and your cohorts-in-crime colleagues cantor upon with lust, more misfit behavior. You supported the biggest highway bill ever released. Why not spend the time left in office dedicated to this cause, instead of wasting my time with less regulation. And get this, the other night I woke after falling asleep in front of the TV, low and behold I was startled by what appeared to be Congress in session, at 2am! Wow, maybe there is hope on the Hill! It sounded like Congress in action. It looked like Congress in action. But as my senses came into focus, it was a “Three Stooges” flick. But you know what, there seemed to be some commonality in the way the stooges acted out and what goes on today in your House. Bumbling Idiots ring a bell?

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