Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Begich & Murkowski

To: U.S. Senator Mark Begich & U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski
On September 26th, the Directroate of Public Works, Michael T. Meeks, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND filed a motion with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska requesting information as to how the ARMY under the utility “Privatization” contract with Doyon Utilities(CPCN 717 through 728), contract SP0600-05-R-0024 can forfeit its “Regulated Utility” status and subsequent oversight and control. This appears to be because of contract dispute issues; “We are currently involved in several significant contract dispute issues, with more on the horizon; all of our jobs will become much more challenging by adding in the RCA through the 13 different rate cases DU intends to file in 2012.” I have been following this $Billion dollar mess since its inception, along with the “inception rate” that the U.S. Taxpayers are paying out to Doyon, and it is bothersome. With the fact that the ARMY is now realizing that “Regulation” was requested by Doyon as a ways and means to rip off Uncle Sam, I believe it is time that you step in and request an investigation as to whether or not this “Privatization” concept is working towards the advantage of the taxpayers or is it just a money funnel for Doyon and the previous owners of Fairbanks Sewer & Water. The latter were made very rich through this “Joint venture” and it appears that maybe it was an upfront plan that has gone into dispute and that cannot be a good thing. Right now it is costing, as dispute resolution is a costly thing. And Doyon employs very powerful lawyers and is very well situated politically, so this thing will cost somebody in the long run. I hope not a burden upon the Taxpayers! It is time for Congress to get involved, as the rate case filings need to be monitored to make sure the “inception rates” are realistic and not set a precedent upon other utilities here in Alaska with respect to “rate” case. And why did Doyon Utilities win all 12 utilities? This has created a monopoly.

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