Thursday, September 29, 2011

Don Young Is Right

Finally, there is something the Coconut Grove Caddy and I can agree upon, that we finally have a bridge to somewhere – almost! Don made this assessment as a member of the $190-million Tanana River Bridge ground breaking ceremony, a span that is supposed to link Fairbanks with Delta Junction via the Alaska Railroad. Now think back to the last time Bill Sheffield and the Railroad formed a partnership, it was disastrous. Does Bill still get those nosebleeds? And Bill was at this 21-shovel salute ceremony along with MoanaLisa Murkowski, Old Frank and a bunch of numskulls thinking this waste of money is good. So if the state threw in $44-million, then that means the remainder of $146-million was “pork”, that is why this project is suspect on the intent. I guess for Bill it was a good place to hide out these days considering that each time the tide goes out at the port of Anchorage, so does all that expensive gravel he bargained for. How many millions? What a looser. But this is a bridge to somewhere, once the yet unfunded rail to Delta is complete. At $2-million a mile, due contractor CEO cost-of-living-outside allowances, that means another $160-million in “pork”. And of course it means another stupid depot, another $35-million. But right now, it isn't really a bridge to somewhere, but getting there. And a rail link to Delta is needed, not long overdue but just in time for the times ahead. No, not of value for the failed Delta Barley Project, but as a ways and means to dismantle the no longer needed Missile Defense Site out at Ft. Greely. The Defense Department has basically mothballed this program, due to the fact it didn't work up to expectations. That is why the Kodiak Launch Facility is running on empty, as that facility was supposed to be part of the rogue missile testing program. But now, the military brass have opted for an entirely different technology to remove unwanted incoming missiles, by laser weaponry. The Air Force is funding this research, wherein powerful lasers are mounted to the muzzle of modified Boeing 747s, while these planes circle the globe on a mission to kill. The success rate of this technology so far out blasts the rocket against rocket technology, is a whole lot cheaper and doesn't require defense contractors that spend their time due nothing else to do but run model race cars up and down the restricted runway – don't ask! So the bridge can be used to demobilize and demolish this demoralizing waste of Taxpayers' loot, it is no longer needed. It was a program that was never 100% tested but shoved down the Taxpayers you know what, and it was a republican Congress that threw away all the loot to build nonsense and of course with Ted still in charge, Alaska was the beneficiary along with some giant floating radar that was supposed to be stationed at a rat invested island on the Aleutians. So when the rail is finished in about two-years, it will be just about the time that Congress pulls the plug on the missiles and the hundreds of defense contractors that thought they could make a career testing model cars, I mean rockets in silos swamped with tundra runoff. Don't you like the way our leaders look towards the future? And when the demob job is finished and the train is heading home, then the caboose hobos can blow-up the bridge, as it will surely never be used for anything worthwhile after that. 21-shovel salute?

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