Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Statement of Candidacy

I am of average intelligence so said the Sister's of Mercy, fit for the Proletariat class, a.k.a. the hard working salt of the earth Americans with class. Actually, the nuns said I would never amount to anything but a “Farmer” as back in the 60's that was considered the lowest of all job careers, so if you couldn't cut it as a pilot or as a meat clever yielding butcher or as a maggot infested garbage collector, it meant the hay fields. This was all before the “transistor” revolution. I make mention the “intelligence” factor as with the current list of intelligence missing with respect to those making a run for the helm, I too can make a run at the presidency and if “Intelligence” is a factor, I have a good chance of winning – or is it whining? With that, find herein my campaign speech and bid for the 2012 “Hot Seat”. This speech is incorporated into FEC Form 2, “Statement of Candidacy” filed with the Commission on September 5th, 2011 - a.k.a. Labor Day. While at the helm under my guidance, I will organize “All Workers” under one umbrella and it will be “One Union under Guard”. That includes “all” American workers from the lowest paid entry level employee to the highest paid CEOs. If you want to work in this country, or work for any corporation world-wide that is using the American buck - like with a Defense Contractor - you will be required to be part of this effort, “One Union under Guard”. There will be no excuses. With “One Union under Guard”, we will design with confidence, run and manage our own health care program. With “One Union under Guard”, we will design with confidence, run and manage our own retirement plan. This will allow Social Security along with Medicare and Medicaid to cease to exist. What is in that account and owned and owed will be used as seed money for the “One Union under Guard” benefit programs. Free “Higher” education will also be enjoyed through this “Union”. As far as salaries, as a “union for all”, all pay wages will be negotiable and capped, thus decreasing the imbalance between the janitor - who sweats a whole lot more then an executive manager - and the top brass' take home pay. Minimum wage will be but a nightmare of the past. Overtime will no longer be included as taxable income, allowing individuals and families to spend more of the “bread maker's” hard earned income, on things of their choice, in efforts to invigorate local economies. There will come equality in retirement benefits, as “We are all created equal”. As far as jobs, we owe it to our retirees “a free ride”, which will under my watch include “free living accommodations”. This will require major building of “New Age Old Age” communities throughout the land, which means a single way to put people and businesses back in touch with the pursuit of happiness. And I will end all military engagements that are draining our economy in realization that war is outdated and start out once again to compete with other sane nations on a global economy of scale. If in the event “war” is needed, it will require a “Cake Sale” for funding, thus giving us plenty of “Time-Out” time to rethink what we are getting into. As far as Congress, it will be through voluntarism, thus providing “Term Limits” by proxy. My campaign motto, “Let's Socialize”. 
PS: Name Withheld!

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