Monday, September 5, 2011

Boobsey Twins

Last evening I listened in on an interview with Jon Huntsmen, a genuine 2012 GOP presidential candidate, an individual with some intelligence, finally. Not that I would align myself with his political agenda or party, but it was refreshing to hear a challenging opponent voice that Obama is a “good man”, just an evolutionary disagreement with policy and principle between Huntsmen and his once boss. So there exists hope away from the hoopla with the Pea-Party threat. Obama elected Huntsmen as Ambassador to China, and that takes knowledge for both parties. And the present day Pea-Party bowel movement, it is a threatening movement, upon life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness. So bravo Mr. Huntsmen, for performing as a genuine American and leaving the rhetoric of doom out of the equation. Refreshing his interview because it was all positive, a vision to take this country forward, none of that Boobsey Twins' doom and gloom in the cross-hairs prophesy. So why in hell are the Boobsey Twins still making stage appearances and raking in zillions with Big PAC attacks? I am talking MissHell Bachmann and Queen Bwitch, once upon a time known as Sarah “The Quitter” Palin. Typo with the Queen? Use your intellect or imagination and you will understand what Bwitch stands for, yes it is a deserving double take. It goes to show that the Pea-Party mentality is a pea-brain mentality wherein it is a candidacy based on ignorance upon the Constitution and adherence to Biblical hypocrisy to the point of lunacy. This places any intelligent candidate, like the Huntsmens' and the true republicans, a handicap for the upcoming 2012 slush fund. The true GOP now faces a back seat, just like when Ralph entered the race against Al Gore. Bottom-line, the GOP is dead. It is dead in the House, it is dead in the Senate. The question remains to whom will the once die-hard party liners align themselves with, a nut-case or upon a candidate that at least shows some semblance of a statesmen like attitude and indicators of an intelligent life-form. When was “zero” intelligence a prerequisite to political office, as the twins are surely of idiotic non-intelligence. I just listened to Barack's Labor Day speech, bravo. Even though it was a subliminal re-election speech, with focus on workers welfare, it was intelligent. Now I am listening to MissHell as I write, she needs to be locked-up in solitary confinement, as nobody can be that stupid! Maybe a lobotomy is necessary as the Boobsey twins keep on giving, garbage in garbage out. Surround oneself with incompetency appears to be the mob mentality for MissHell. No different for when the Bwitch takes over the podium. I just don't get it. Maybe the Pea-Party gets excited to the point of orgasm when the likes of MissHell and Bwitch gets excited at the podium. Monkey see monkey do works, even for modern Neanderthal women! And I would like to hear Sarah Bwitch and MissHell debate the current U.S. Postal Service dilemma. It is going broke, but the management is looking for ways and means to save the sinking ship, like delivering booze to houses when performing the mail detail. The stamp workers have a contract, a labor contract, as do many other “government” workers, like the TSA. With the “Office” contract, postal workers cannot be laid off, so booze supplemented routes, it has merit. But herein is the scary part of the story. Votes are what counts, whether from intelligent individuals that know what is going on to those that choose to not understand what is going on and believe the vote is a token for a free hot-dog at a Hee-Haw rally. Huntsmen has a good chance in the rink against Obama, and that may foster partnerships, for votes. It could come down to Huntsmen and the Bwitch, with something in return for MissHell, for her blessings and constituent votes. Or vise versa, where payback would come in the form of Assistant Secretary MissHell or Defense Secretary Sarah Bwitch. So maybe will see Mad Magazine have a banner rock-out addition with this tag team. And I am sure Saturday Night Live will have record breaking viewing, as the last time Sarah was faked out by Tina, Bwitch's fan club thought it was the real McCoy instead of comedy central. Let's face it, Palin acts dumb naturally. And please remember this trivial tidbit of a connection, it was Huntsmen that introduced John McCain's monster as the 2008 VP running mate, and sometimes connections are an inbred fallout. Either way, it appears this country may be going down the avenue of doom. If Obama gets re-elected, it will be just more of the same Mitch McConnell assassinating the Constitution and if the Pea-Party gets in, lock your door and throw away the key! Better yet, order more take out booze through the U.S. Pony Express. Better yet, request political asylum on another planet because this place will be doomed and be open for business, not as usual. Soylent Green style ring a bell?

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