Sunday, September 4, 2011

Umbrella Bwitch

So how many innocent individuals find themselves in the cross-hairs today following Sarah Palin's hate speech amongst the Pea-Party following over in KKK-Parkland central, at the Iowa State Hee-Haw? I can't wait for the Hee-Haw poll results. I have taken the liberty to rename the Tea-Party as the Pea-Party, in honor of “Mushy Peas”, a U.K. delicacy sometimes referred to as “crap” by blokesters for the way the once green peas are beat up for the mush, it is no different then Palin's worriers and the Pea-Party's tyrannic mindset trying to destroy liberty. Look, I will side with no following, no party, no affiliation nor politician that still fails to believe that this country's problems are home grown bred by the wealthy class and that the Pea-Party is being taken advantage of, by the Palin's and the Koch brothers. They just don't get it, that they are being taken for a ride by the wealthy using their very own stage as a ways and means to further the wealth agenda, with a war of words for no personal income tax along with no corporate income tax which means a free-ride wherein the proletariat class paves the way. The original Tea-Party agenda was sound, but like anything else, it was taken over by morons with a totally different agenda. The original party movement was against unfair taxation, a just cause nothing more, nothing less. Now it is a bowel movement. I did take the opportunity to listen in on Palin's pathetic speech that fit the bookepedia definition for EDM, a.k.a. Explosive Diarrhea from the Mouth, as I was in need of some entertainment. But while reading out loud another persons words, it is getting past the entertainment stage with Palin and is borderline criminal activity, it stinks! Palin has no doubt an umbrella agenda, hidden under a disguise of... Sorry can't think of any definition without using unconscionable speech. And I do respect my 1st Amendment right, trying all so hard not to abuse that Constitutional given right, to be heard. Look Palin would have loved to see Flight#93 hit its intended target, the White House. She is using her 1st Amendment right to praise and excite tyranny and incite insane hate amongst her lemming following upon our government, its leaders and upon righteous law abiding liberal citizens. I do indeed fear for the safety of our President, Barack Obama and his family, because of the Palinites! And here is my take on her pathetic ideals, of “No Government” intervention, her “Umbrella Agenda”. Her husband is an Alaskan native, so health care and dental care and eye-care and X-care of the highest caliber comes courtesy the BIA, basically a free-bee at the American taxpayers' expense and Sarah as a spouse is covered, as are all bonafide members of the family clan. It is the ideal government run health care plan which includes “extended” dental treatment, an additional $1200 per year, on top of the regular coverage. A plan so lucrative and expensive that if all Americans were treated the same with respect to health care, the government would indeed go broke, or would have to cut out money earmarked to private defense contractors and maybe have to stop a few warlord engagements. I am all in favor of cake sales for buying new aircraft carriers! And when Sarah was practicing her bwitch makeover to move-over and out-of-the-way other political players here in Alaska, it was the Toad's income, as a UNION member that kept the torch burning. It takes money to play! And when Sarah moved to Juneau to build a new hot-tub, Toad was given a job as a UNION spokesperson or liaison between the PAC union and British Petroleum, working I guess to disenfranchise his brothers and sisters. So Sarah goes against this very grain that promoted, at least helped her to get to the “Hate” podium and Miss Bwitch recognition, even ahead of MissHell Bachmann! There is the possibility that without Toad's salary while working for a “Big Oil” company with generous salary and benefits and the fact that health care was paid for by Uncle Sam, there is the possibility that Sarah may have had to find gainful employment. With that, she would still be a nobody today! Thanks Toad! And a great big thanks to John “I am a Black prisoner” McCain, what a monster you unleashed upon America. Bottom-line, the hate commotion that follows her constituents when she delivers to them a “Hate” speech orgasm, it is getting to the point that local law enforcement agencies are at wits end, as they know that hate speech causes abnormal activity with trigger happy goons going wild, it is an abuse of free speech so I make a prediction. We will see changes upon the 1st Amendment, wherein there will come culpability and the 1st will find itself no longer more powerful than the 2nd, which is Palin's favorite to begin with. So her ideals are in efforts to tear down the wall and if we don't act know, the 2nd Amendment will become in effect the pursuer of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Can you imagine a society wherein everybody must carry a gun? Sure it may place a dampener on corruption and crime, but why in hell would one want to live in such a fearful social order? But all is not a lost cause. See, I have finally after all these years found something to respect Bill Clinton upon! He is on this new kick, a diet wherein you shy away from anything that has a face, has a mother. It is the true vegan identity. So congratulation to Bill, as this is what I would expect from a president at retirement, something worthwhile while Hilary is gallivanting around the world. With Carter, we had respect his tribute to habitat building, through “Habitat for Humanity”. Now can you imagine if we could get George Bush to forever again refrain away from killing anything that had a face, or a Mother! Wow, talk about giving peace a chance. In the meantime, the meanie carries on, wrecking havoc across the land and definitely living up to the standards of the Queen Bwitch!

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