Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Send Relief

Send relief, in the form of DucoLax colon cleanser, to the following address:

Office of Door Keeper
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

It is the address of the U.S. Senate Sargent of Arms, and he has the power to distribute this relief to all members of Congress as this body is suffering from constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating - a.k.a. a 5% approval rating. And all these symptoms are negotiable with the cleanser and DucoLax acts fast, so says the “small-print” advertisement. But what is really sad and warrants such a prescription for Congress is the fact that this body is derelict its duty, as a recent GAO report of “Contractor” abuse with taxpayers' loot in the theater of war is overboard alarming. The senate is responsible for this mess, as “Defense Contractors” utilize massive amounts of lobbying power, so the buck doesn't stop you know where. Our money is turning up in terrorists' pockets, being used to kill and maim our children in uniform. You know what, why not incarcerate 1/5th the lobbyist for a week, just to see how the stock market reacts, as it would most likely indicate a recovery. Then incarcerate another 5th, and on and on, then maybe this country could see a future. And don't let them loose again! It is sick, this abuse, by individuals that call themselves “Americans”? Fraud and waste have taken its toll on the 260-billion spent for George Bush's games of misery wherein everyone is required to participate, and about 60-billion has been stolen away, by “Contractors” that call themselves “American”? Then these contractor corporations get away as tax cheats, in the end the hard working Americans get cheated through triple-dipping taxation, as somebody must pay to keep government running on empty. I am a socialist and would pay a whole lot more in income taxes if that money was spent wisely, like stopping war and indicting those that have turned this country into a laughing stock piece of crap – a.k.a. the wealthy. Now the war theater is complex, especially trying to do business in a foreign war torn neighborhood wherein you cannot trust anybody – not even a pigeon. So it allows for a convenient scamming and shamming and slamming arena for many U.S. contractors bent on ripping off the very government that is trying to protect these very same company CEOs' families and mansions in the Hampton's. No excuse this separation by distance, as the same damn theft is occurring right here in America, especially up here in Alaska. I guess once again the distance far and away from the Treasury and Justice Department allows for a buffer zone for the crooks to thrive. That sign that states; “This door must remain unlocked during business hours”? I guess there is one that says; “This vault must remain open and unguarded when the Senate is in session.”, as the Treasury is vulnerable to temptation. Now Alaska is known for its political “Corrupt Bastards” whose trademark is taxpayer abuse. Honorary members include RIP U.S. Senator Ted Stevens, his son Ben, the Murkowski dysentery dynasty and Don “Hit in the head by a coconut I can't remember anything” Young. The list is long and disgusting, so why bring back bad memories. Why? Because the abusive ways and means have become the norm here in America. The rip-off artists are alive and well, right here in the Fairbanks community. When “Privatization” solicitations of the military infrastructure hit the federal bid sites back in 2005, the crooks gathered behind closed doors in efforts to see how they could benefit. Look, there is only one “Big” problem here in America, it is called American “Greed”. If we just practiced what John F. Kennedy preached, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”, we would still be on top as the most likely country to succeed. Now this “Privatization” was supposed to save the taxpayers from abusive ways and means practiced by civil service servants when running the military infrastructure, like the electric and water utilities. I have been researching this “Privatization” thing and here it is in a nutshell, a comparison as to what we had then and what we have now, for the next 50-years - unless our representatives take this derailment and derail the profit scamming. Let's put it this way, that jail in Mat-Su will not have an empty bed syndrome if we indict these crooks. In 2005, the civil servants required about $4-million to run one particular power plant at a military base here in interior Alaska and no revenue income as this was a government run business venture. When this same operation went privatized, in its 1st full year of operation by the Fairbanks Mafia, it cost the taxpayers, not less, but a whole lot more in the tune of $25-million, for the same damn outcome! And this increase cannot be due some “Required Revenue”, as only thefts rely on this kind of lunacy. It is pure unadulterated theft by a ring of businessmen – lawyers – that set out with the intent to rip off the hand that feeds. It was a multi-million dollar extravaganza, courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers' loot lotted away by greed and opportunity? And here is how one individual with connections to the “Mafia” became a millionaire, almost overnight. Before the government allowed for “Privatization”, the deficiencies were reported so the government would be responsible for paying out money for the fix. That was good, as this would allow both parties to know what was required to keep the infrastructure in check. The electrical distribution system, a “mission critical” item was in a state of disrepair, as it was constructed during the 50s. So the system was listed as a deficiency and the fed.'s required the new owner under the “Privatization” umbrella to fix things within 2-years time, wherein Uncle Sam realized a cost of about $75-million. Now in that estimate, and Uncle Sam is pretty good with the estimates as it hires 3rd party consultants to gauge costs for major projects, well in that multi-million dollar contract was incorporated 18% for “Project Management”. Now project management is a very complex thing, and it takes many dedicated individuals to see a project from inception through to success. So when one considers that the “Project Management” would consume about $13-million, that was not a bad deal. But when an individual with connections decided to be the solo-project manager and hired his wife as a partner, then we see fraud alive and well. So a husband & wife consultant team made millions, in only 2-years time without any sweat. Why? Nobody in the government is watching how the money is spent as there has to be a “separation” now that things are “Privatized”, like a religion, a hands off approach. Now this husband & wife team are rich, travel around the world and live in a place that is probably a tax haven. And they call themselves Americans? Wish I had a riddle for this one!

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