Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Please Arrest Palin

Why is it that soon after Sarah Palin delivers a “Hate” speech, we find ourselves witnessing more death squads wherein innocent victims find themselves heading for the grave? Right here in America! In Fairbanks, it allowed a 5-year old to shoot a 3-year old sibling! Why in hell was this kid allowed access to a loaded gun? Hold that thought. How in hell does a 5-year old know how to handle a deadly weapon? Now we see news of another massacre in Nevada, with an automatic weapon. Mr. Lawman do us a favor, arrest Palin for exciting these massacres and let a competent jury decide her fate. Is her podium time, even though free speech, causing this commotion and a trigger happy nut-case Armageddon? There is enough evidence that allows you to make an arrest or require “Home” solitary confinement for Palin. If innocent by jury fine, but we must lock her up as an example until such time we get a hold of what is causing people to go berserk. If this not-so-innocent “Cross-hairs” killing rampage continues, we will be at war with ourselves and that takes more then an act from Congress. I hope it is not too late. Better yet, close all gun stores down until after the 2012 election, just as a precaution. Now don't get me wrong reading public, I have respect for the 1st and 2nd Amendments, but both appear to be on the abuse and that can only lead to you know what – control! But I also realize that the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the 1st and so true with the 2nd, so your guns are safe as is your free speech. We just need to get a handle on automatic killing machine weapons and diarrhea of the mouth weaponry that have no purpose upon anything civil, not in debating or hunting or protection, either one. Time has come for both sides to give in a little as Palin continues on a rant about her “Union” affiliation following Jimmy Hoffa's call to action against the “Son's of Bitches”, with Sarah wielding this fake and disgusting “Brother & Sister” crap, like she is one of us! She is not nor will she ever be a “Brother or Sister” to the working class heroes of this nation. Her husband Toad was a skumbag union hater but had to pay dues to keep his job, a well paying job at that because of the “UNION”. She is a Koch Sucker, and we all know what the evil “Brothers” are up too. How can Palin have any followers? Is the IQ of her followers been dealt a low blow, called idiotic insomnia akin to a subliminal lobotomy? As she is the true demon, wrecking havoc across this nation, from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans just so she can have her claim to fame, and she may go down in the history books as a real McCain!

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