Monday, August 1, 2011

Pirate Man

I am a little confused! But first, how much did it cost the American taxpayers’ for Congressional takeout food during this weekend’s slug fest - over the “Debt Limit”? With a smile, the democrats are saying the debt ceiling struggle has now produced a compromise. At the same time, Speaker Tan-man Boehner - with a shit eating grin - he is saying it was a win for his party, including the TP. It appears that the Dem’s smile is a forced reaction to yet another failure, wherein they are truly afraid to tell the truth of the matter this exercise in futility – a.k.a. representation “For the People”. The democrats in favor this “compromise” insist it was a bipartisan win. But we realize that “bipartisan” does not work on the Hill, as there is no longer a “Team” effort fighting together for what is good for this country. What’s good for the common good is not welcome by the rich and vice versa. And the fact that the outcome of the debt ceiling debate has created yet another “bipartisan” jury, it proves that Congress is broke and what comes from the Hill is pure fluff. It boils down to this. One side fights for the liberty of the wealthy, including corporate welfare, while the other side fights for the liberty of the rest – what was once upon a time not too long ago considered the “middle class”. It doesn’t work, this bipartisan thing, like apples and oranges. So Obama was held hostage and in the end gave in with a cave in upon one all important issue, taxation upon the wealthy. No different then giving into ransom money demanded by Somalia pirates. Congress is no different than a ship full of pirates as we sail a ship of fools. But it was a gamble this fraud against American interests, as Obama and his administration - I mean his re-election administration - they realize that the Commander-In-Chief’s ways and means can spoil democracy and approach Constitutional Armageddon – but at no risk. Because at the same time they knew that when the 2012 election slug fest comes to terms, those of us that were pissed on will have no other option then to cast our votes the DNC way, toward the lesser of two evils. Look, it is boiling down to MissHell Bachmann or Sarah Palin going against Obama. So Obama could give away the farm, he could raise the proletariat income tax to cover the loss from no taxation upon the rich, he could propose and do just about anything and he will still get our votes. It has come down to a Thrash-22 mess for all of us. Not only do we need term limits upon Congress, we need an upholding of the Constitution. Even though Amendments allow an individual to seek two terms at the presidential helm, it doesn’t mean consecutive terms, as to campaign when in office is a dereliction upon duty to country, it is not the way the signatories of the Constitution declared this agreement. Term limits would solve every damn problem this country faces today, every single problem including pirateering. But when a bunch of rich misfits are afraid of working for a living, there is no possibility of term limit legislation. It means a cushion job for an entire career, which amounts to nothing except disenfranchising the taxpayers for a job of fighting across the aisle and calling a colleague a respected friend when on candid camera. And since lobbyists have every damn representative pocket hostage, there is no way term limits fits the “lobbyists’” budget – “We have them in keep them in”! Mitch McConnell and Tan-Man Boehner had this already calculated out, this realization that Obama would bend over their wishes and in the end would prove to provide nothing except another pathetic piece of criminal legislation. And they call this “crap” historical? So Mr. Obama, you won, we lost but you’ll still get my vote through desperation, if we still have a voting right! As it appears the rich are wealthy enough to buy just about everything. And those military budget cuts included in the plan? Guess what, you will have to raise taxes to keep the war machine running. Today, a large percentage of Americans find paychecks from military base infrastructure improvements. Stimulus money before “stimulus” ever happened. And since you can’t cut the war machine, we the people will be faced with tough choices. Don’t raise taxes and these base improvement programs will dry up faster than a windblown snot in Death Valley. That means unemployment in the millions on top of those already out of work. It will without a doubt of debt come down to raising our taxes so we can produce income that will be taxed again and again and again. It is that simple and called Super-Taxing. So middle class America, brace, as a tax increase is coming to your door, courtesy the House of Ill Repute! Pathetic is the voice of Congress, pathetic and tortuous is the voice from the Hill. Pathetic above all is the Silence of the Lambs!

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