Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Obama Rock Garden

So Congress spends one weekend on overtime and then takes the entire month of August off for vacation? This makes it appear that the only legitimate reason that Congress passed the Obama S&S bill was the simple fact that had it not passed, it meant staying in detention a little longer. And that may have interfered with the vacation time. And why have a million-dollar beach front second home if you can’t enjoy it? According to reliable sources, over five-fifths of present day Congressional members spend their family’s vacation time at million-dollar vacation homes. No wonder there came NO new tax hikes upon the wealthy, as they themselves seem to be the wealthy, or controlled by the “Read My Lips, NO New Taxes for the Rich”. Do you really think that John McCain would vote for more taxation on his wife’s crappy Budweiser beer estate? Look, this beer sucks in comparison to real beer. Who drinks this piss? Maybe Congress. Or for that matter John Kerry would never entertain tax increases for the rich, as his wife is the Tomato Ketchup Queen. But they would both vote in favor once loopholes were in place to protect themselves. So the rich are about to take an entire month off from work, with extraordinary benefits continued and paychecks coming and NO threats of new taxes to take the thrill away. Maybe the rich celebrate the 4th in August! Fireworks and all. I wonder if members of Congress can collect unemployment when furloughed for an entire month? I bet some try it! Anyway, I decided to take a vacation, to perform some long overdue yard work. I wanted to go green with my front yard, by setting up one of those Fang Sue rock gardens. So during the design phase while touring the yard with a few cold ones in hand – not bud – I decided to get in the running early and put up an Obama 2012 poster for my wife. INCOMING! In no time flat my yard was littered with rocks and boulders flying from every which way, and I live in a very liberal neighborhood! Thanks Obama, for the rock garden. Was it that bad, this S&S bill? S is for Scam & S is for Sham. We got screwed, those of us that work for a living and are fortunate and willing enough to go it alone, without government intervention – a.k.a. welfare, which includes economic relief for the poor and wealthy alike. Basically, middle class preferential exclusion. Congress realizes this, that the middle class can go it alone – always have, always will. That is our MO. So motor gasoline prices can soar, food prices can soar, we maintain as we are the True Americans. Take the latest just as an example of what Congress thinks of the middle class. When Congress rushed out of Dodge to beat the traffic going to the Hamptons, they forgot to pass funding for the FAA. When that funding lapsed a few days ago, it meant a lapse in a hidden away airline ticket tax, which we pay for regardless, about $15-dollars a whack at the counter. Now ticket prices didn’t follow the decrease, as airline CEOs saw it as a chance to rape us over. And here is the catch. Once Congress returns, funding will be secured for the FAA and the tax will be garnished once again but the airlines have already realized the increased profits from their shenanigans, by raising ticket prices when the tax lapsed. It boils down to double jeopardy. See how we get screwed all around. And Congress knew what was happening here, as lobbyist insisted on this outcome. It was a well planned attack upon the working class. And during the FAA lapse, hundreds of workers were furloughed due this lapse in funding, middle class workers no doubt, but they can’t run off to the Hamptons! Is there a more powerful word over being disenfranchised? Maybe Palin can coin a new one for us. Is there a Lech Walesa out there? But with this latest slug fest on the Hill, I am convinced that my vote doesn’t count. So I decided to sell it on Craig’s List. I found a whole lot of takers, but they will not pay for the S&H, shipping and handling. Selling my no longer precious vote would cost me, and my debt ceiling was reached a long time ago. I guess it is time to shelve my vote and the duty that goes along with that freedom, as Congress has placed a duty - maybe a bounty is more like it - upon that freedom. Talk about a “Bounty”, can Dog and Beth arrest the bastards, as there has to be something illegal or at least morally wrong with what is going down up on the Hill these days. It stinks, the entire setting on the Hill. So I came up with a brilliant idea. If each “True” American reserved just 25-cents each week for a self-inflicted tax to help out neighboring states in need, it could start an entire new trend in lobbying, like maybe we could take back what is ours. And we could use the money wisely, not on things like wars. See, I could set up an organization that could take in the loot and distribute it to help out where help is needed when Congress is AWOL, like occurs during this entire month of August. But the bad thing, I can’t get a non-profit approval, as when the government is involved, somewhere deep within the tax code it is not permitted. My project is a failure even before it gets off the ground because of the bureaucratic red tape, when all the time it had merit this day and age of bipartisan epilepsy. And all I wanted to do was help Uncle Sam! And herein the problem upon us exists. There is no help these days, as government is under attack, by corporate thugs, by Congressional thugs, by foreign government thugs and not to forget wealthy thugs bent on helping out by putting out their hands for more, more and more. It is war without “boots on the ground”, yet I feel the pain of those boots kicking from every direction, and this required no sign of attention for such attention.

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