Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ask NOT....

I tend to believe that the alarming problem this day upon America is not the government bureaucracy’s excessive spending habits, wasting away all of that hard earned income that is burdened by Article XVI - a.k.a. income taxation. As before us today the “Homeland” problem is rooted upon dereliction our conviction to equality that taxation, wherein the Red, White & Blue responsibility is dealt a blow when that money is spent upon scam and sham projects. It boils down to this: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”! And simply stated this means every individual who honors the Constitution should practice responsibility when that money is distributed and police how it is spent. Said again, it is NOT the spending habit that is out of control, but the way in which it is spent once it is free-loaded away from the security of the Treasury by a dysfunctional Congress. I give Alaska's deceased long term U.S. Senator Ted Stevens credit for one thing, as he was adamant to make a point that when somebody asks for government “grant” money and he comes thorough - even if the money was supposed to be used to measure the penis size of the male Musk Ox - Ted was clear and convincing that he has no responsibility forward on how that money is actually spent – as it then becomes the responsibility of the grantee, not the grantor. If you are wondering, the “grant” money failed at the measuring objective because there isn’t anybody that stupid at trying to mess around with the male organ of a 2000-pound beast of burden that makes Attila the Hun look tame! Instead the loot was used to build a hunting lodge. A clear-cut case wherein the Constitution’s “responsibility clause” came under attack. Yes, we are a nation under attack! Not due terrorist activity from misfit rogue nations, but from home grown misfits that believe it is their duty to “loophole” Uncle Sam to the pawn house. And that “Ask what you can do for your country”, it means being proactive, to step up to the plate to defend misguided expenditures, instead of opportunities to steal away this country’s economic future. See, the Congress must give the money away, no matter how dysfunctional this institution appears today, as it is ours to begin with. If not given away, it means Congress must avail a tax decrease to those that are paying their fair share and that never occurs – another dereliction upon the Constitutional “responsibility clause”. And what is fair taxation today? But when responsibility is lost upon arrival of that Uncle Sam check for grants or appropriations’ bills passing the muster, there is a clear cut disenfranchising of the Treasury wealth, our invested wealth, with respect to equality – a.k.a. redistribution. Many individuals have made it a passion and career at taking advantage Uncle Sam's generosity, many are getting rich on your dime, wherein the “responsibility clause” goes by the wayside making it very easy to stuff it away for “their” rainy day offshore fund - like nobody is paying any attention. It is by far the ultimate in selfish greed. In fact, this corruption is being past down to generations, like it is vogue! Greed is killing the American spirit. It is time to stop blaming Congress, time to stop blaming Obama or ex-dysfunctional president George Bush, as it is time to place the blame upon ourselves. We are the culprits, as we are all involved somehow in this money laundering racket that has placed a stranglehold upon this country’s future. We are all accomplices to this crime. Government welfare finds many faces other than the face of poverty, in what is called “Corporate Welfare”. And it is causing a disconnect away from any sense of reasonableness, as extinction is becoming a home rule out of greed and is but a word that should be banned from the dictionary, as without greed this extinction thing fails the test to exist. Do you really think species’ extinction would be a problem if human greed was banned? So as a test case my concern, take Alaska for an example as to how dereliction upon the Constitutional “Responsibility Clause” has contributed to Public Enemy #1. Case in point: Taku is a housing complex designed as comfortable living for troops stationed at Ft. Wainwright in Alaska. It is home of the Stryker Brigade, the brigade that is now deployed in Afghanistan. So it was a privileged perk to have a home that was comfortable for the family when “Dad and Mom” where engaged abroad in theater upholding that slogan and mission that “Peace is Not free”, through “boots on the ground” action. Now when this construction project started, soon into the ground breaking ceremony in 2005 it was discovered that the 60-acres of land set aside for this “Troop” salary affordable housing had been used as a war-time practice zone, with unaccounted munitions and undocumented fuel drums conveniently abandoned along with sinister looking canisters that contained dioxin and other harmful chemicals – Agent Orange. Basically speaking, a 60-acre nightmare that made Love Canal look like a minor environmental hick-up. Now a lot of this “dumping” occurred even before Alaska was granted statehood, so it was basically a toxic waste dump along with MIA active bombs that missed the delivery target and declared “duds”. But instead of halting the government funded project even before the first foundation's concrete had been poured, greed set in and the project continued on, as it meant big bucks for local construction companies which meant decent paying jobs for the trades and labor force. The trickle-down theory based on corrupt spending habits. It means earth work, the kind the labor unions thrive on but aren’t included when Uncle Sam acts as the general contractor. It meant expenditures for lumber and other materials, enriching the local merchants. Everybody was in for a piece of the money pie, even though it was a failed project already. Yes failed upon its intent, but successful upon keeping paychecks delivered and wallets filled. So about $25-million of Uncle Sam's loot was spent building 55-homes. But right before the first ribbon cutting ceremony, the entire housing project was placed off limits, as it was then that somebody warned the military brass that the area posed an “unknown” hazard – five years too late! Today, it is a fenced off eyesore where nothing natural grows, not even devil’s clubs. Where brand new houses sit unoccupied, not due economic hard times, but due a dereliction of the “responsibility clause” wherein many individuals where afraid to speak up due loss of income should the project come to a halt. And to date, the 55-houses constructed during Phase I, with remedial requirements mandated by the EPA, it has cost another $25-million dollars, just for the environmental clean-up costs in anticipation that someday the area will be given the green light, maybe. But the ground below the houses remains contaminated, so it is more likely than not that it will remain a ghost town, it will never see an “Open House” sign. See, the unexploded munitions still makes it impossible for occupancy clearance. Totaling it up in a nutshell, a million dollars a house, an estate with no future use – except to waste more taxpayers’ loot trying to figure out what to do with the so far waste – like we need to spend more on failure. The vicious circle continues, especially when the vulnerability of Uncle Sam’s giveaway program is still unsecure. Like the famed Alaskan “Bridge to Nowhere”, this failed housing project is no different, except the money has been spent. This all could have been easily avoided, had just one individual out of the hundreds employed this project found the courage to speak up. Maybe we should spend some loot measuring the penis size of these “iffy” Americans! Sad it is that hundreds didn’t speak up. Once again, evidence that the “responsibility clause” is a lost cause as putting bread on the table is more important than honesty. And I would bet that the corporations involved in this mess made millions and continue to reap the benefits of loophole technicalities. How else can these corrupt corporation CEOs find colossal salaries so their families can have at least three multi-million dollar vacation homes? Bottom-line, in many cases “We the People” are paying for some of their extravagant living outrageousness, while homelessness continues to be another Public Enemy. Another case that should be under the microscope is the “privatization” of the military infrastructure, not only in Alaska but all throughout America. This I offer as yet another convincing concern that proves Public Enemy #1 prevails over any intent to fulfill the Constitutional “Responsibility” clause. How many out there realize that we are selling that infrastructure to foreign governments? For Alaska, it means that 50% of the military utility infrastructure is owned by a Canadian firm, an investment firm that doesn’t give a rat’s ass about saving Americans any loot. Now “Privatization” was supposed to save the American taxpayers from out-of-control expenditures with respect to military base utilities. Like electricity generation, heat and water & waste-water infrastructure. Doyon Utilities now owns over 20-military utilities throughout Alaska. And hiding behind the “Alaskan Native” icon is Canadian owned CORIX, which is a front for Inland Pacific Resource Corporation, a privately held investment entity tied to Toronto Dominion Bank Foreign investors are in this game for one and only one reason - GREED. As a test case to see whether this scam is working to enrich a few and at the same time disenfranchising the American taxpayer, in 2005 the power plant at Ft. Wainwright cost the U.S. taxpayers’ $13-million dollars in operational and maintenance budget requirements, over a 1-year term - when under Civil Service control. That included $10-million in fuel costs for coal. In the 1st full year under privatization, remember the intent was to save us money, Doyon charged the government close to the same amount, approximately $13-million. But in this case, it doesn’t include the fuel costs as Uncle foots that bill. So once again considering the simple nutshell case, it is costing the taxpayers’ almost twice as much for the same service outcome, and nobody is speaking up! When Uncle Sam ran the military utility infrastructure, 25% overhead for administrative costs was the accepted norm and considered high, but that was the modern day bureaucracy at work. Today under the private label, administrative costs are targeting 98%, which is a crime. And why is it that nobody is speaking up this cover-up rip-off? Once again a pretty simple answer. In this case, it is the corporate board members maneuvering around complex loopholes, which includes some Canadians, that are calling the shots and know all too well what is going on. Those in the known are getting well paid and a handful of local Fairbanks’ investment attorneys are getting filthy rich this scam upon the American taxpayers’ wealth “no more”. From its inception it was designed as a ways and means to rip-off Uncle Sam, through vulnerability, and that is what excited the interest of foreign investors. It has become a money funneling Western Union operation, wherein millions in taxpayer loot is handed over to Doyon which is then handed over to outsiders that provide nothing in return. Treason it is on its face! Again, the “Responsibility Clause” is Missing In Action. And when the Defense Administration bid out for long-term coal contracts, every place except Alaska saw a 5% decrease in delivered coal costs to the military bases. That was a big win for the taxpayers. In Alaska it saw an increase of 11%. Supply and Demand? Not really as the Koreans can buy coal from the same Alaskan outfit for far less. But Usebelli is one of the outfits getting richer over the “Privatization”, as this outfit through Aurora Energy collects “consulting” fees, for doing basically nothing. The guy that sits in as the consultant and seems to do nothing other than warm a seat could speak up, but why rock the boat when the money keeps on rolling in and nobody asks any questions? The entire “Privatization” is nothing short of pirates at work, wherein Uncle Sam is walking the plank. Now this is but a few examples of zillions of similar reoccurrences of American greed gone wild. It’s just not the gold plated toilet seat, but the gold plated loophole we don’t give a shit attitude, from those that say they are American? Maybe bringing back stoning would be a valuable tool to fight this corruption to death! And here is my point. Americans rely on government spending, be it welfare for hard times or welfare for stimulus or welfare to keep the war machine running, it is all a handout from Uncle Sam so fits the definition of “Welfare”. But what happens today as indeed happened yesterday is the fact that it is very easy to rip-off the hand that feeds, Uncle Sam. From defense contractors to farmers on subsidies to rock stars on carbon credit tax deferred havens to salt of the earth workers afraid to speak up when they find themselves engaged in questionable activity wherein Uncle Sam becomes the victim. All said, it all boils down to a greedy mentality that is strangling the economic well-being for everyone, especially upon our children’s future, which is here today. It is that simple! So we have become our own worst nightmare enemy. From the top down, we all strive to take advantage upon what appears to be economic survival. It used to mean hard work to keep up with the Jones', but today that hard work finds an emesis wherein it is tainted by corruptness, a tearing down of the “responsibility” clause. When JFK coined that almost forgotten but so valued “Ask Not…”, maybe he was looking well into the future, like then for today, wherein we all need to all step back and re-access what it really means to be an American – mirror time! And at the end of the day to those that still feel greed is a priority over the stars’ & stripes’ mission and cannot amend bad habits and still cannot accept the Constitutional “Responsibility Clause” until death do we part, then you have initiated yourselves into the ranks of the terrorists. And there is only one remedy for that, courtesy the same hand that fed your greed like ways and means, wherein measuring the penis size of a wild roaming Musk Ox would seem tame in comparison!

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