Monday, July 18, 2011

Cease & Desist Order

KABATA(Knik Arm Bridge And Toll Authority) is hereby demanded to cease & desist all efforts to build a Bridge to Nowhere, which demonstrates nothing except a Bill Sheffield Train Depot IQ and a complete wasting of state money and the possibility of misappropriating U.S. Taxpayers' money. This is your last clear chance to cease & desist any furtherance this circus like venture.
Submitted by Bozo the Clown & Associates, LLC, PC.

PS: If KABATA needs more Funny Money Funding(FMF, a.k.a. theft upon the U.S. Treasury), how about putting the M.V. Susitna up for sale on E-bay or Criag's List! Maybe the U.S. Taxpayers could recoup a few pennies on the dollar, wherein our hard earned income was taxed then regurgitated for nothing in return but a hull turning back to rust! Now here was a project with a novel concept, something we really needed, a ferry to nowhere. Dam it, I was wrong! It isn't a Bridge-To-Nowhereville, it's a bridge to rob the State coffers and the U.S. Treasury, so it has a duel purpose – a fight to see which entity succumbs first to this American Greed scam! We don't want a bridge! We didn't want a stupid ferry! WOW, I'm on a rant. Hey, listen up KABATA henchmen. If you don't mind answering this question, is KABATA affiliated with Trans-Canada, as an accomplice behind this rip-off upon Alaska once again? Face the facts, pipelines to nowhere, amphibious assault vessels going nowhere, in fact maybe this state's motto should be “We Never Went Anywhere and Still Ain't Going Nowhere”. In fact the people of this state, not only the Municipality of Anchorage should sue KABATA. Do us all a favor, get a job that does something besides waste a whole lot of resources, like maybe sitting down to design something worthwhile, like a wood chip facility - named in honor of Don Young. What you mean we already have one? And its “Bankrupt?

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