Monday, July 18, 2011

SarahCRACK Poll#1

Subject: Anchorage & Prejudice - SarahCRACK Poll#1

This is the result and on-line publication of a SarahCRACK poll designed to provide the interested public with a wide open and accurate polling resume based on the most powerful tools available today through the world of Hi-Tech net-working. If this sounds “fishy”, please give it a chance, as the results are not at all “fishy”. The wide open polling results provided by SarahCRACK are designed as both a local Alaskan and nation-wide effort to get the political and other related truths out of the closet, especially with the upcoming 2012 Presidential election. To date, no other polling technique has at its disposal such powerful weapons, for “Truth Seeking”. It is an in your face true definition of “Cross-Hairs” targeting without telemarketing, as Gabrielle Gifford learned when she found herself in the “Cross-Hairs” of a Neanderthal like civilization – what you get when Sarah Palin autographs maps for her trigger happy fan club. And this network eavesdropping technology allows for easy “Re-loading”, to re-assess an individual's data already collected and archived, for future disregard. Basically, once an individual becomes victim this polling technique, it provides a unique IQ/DNA that can be used for any and all polling questions of interest, working through the subliminal. And you won't feel a thing!

The result of this particular poll provides information about the general consensus upon the subject of prejudice and diversity acceptance in Anchorage, Alaska. Anchorage was once voted on as the “City of Brotherly Love”, as a “Sister City” and one time a close candidate for the Winter Olympics! But when the Assembly tried to pass an “equality & diversity” ordinance, all hell broke loose and the religious right faction stormed in with Hitler like tactics to make sure the Assembly was silenced and threatened to “better” vote down the ordinance. The reason for this poll was the interest behind such a drastic and radical change in human behavior, in efforts to try to understand how and why a city could go from “love” to “hate” status in such a short period of time. Was is something in the water? Was it something in the air? One possible explanation was the effect of Jerry Prevo's bozo-bus tours, wherein young children were bussed in from Wasillabilly country, to take a “false” stand against something not understood, especially for those living back in time in the boonies. And you thought “Deliverance” was something to scare reality. According to the poll results, even upon those in favor to vote down any ordinance that provided “equality”, the poll realized that what Prevo was demonstrating with the aid of the young was perversion. The Prevo dysentery relationship was well studied in this poll. Or was this Neanderthal change from “love” to “hate” merely a coming of the times, wherein the general population of Alaska was on the “ethnic” change bandwagon, wherein more and more minorities were heading North to Alaska, for a change of life-style - with that the out-of-the-closet prejudice becoming a reality and dangerous possibility. So this poll was justified. Over 1000 Tera-bytes of information went into the calculated results(See below for screening techniques utilized by Sarah'sCRACK). For the most part, this poll was limited to GOP and Tea-Party followers, as believe it or not, porn traffic was a deciding factor to party affiliation. This was a deduction calculated from “Chat” room activity over the Internet. No phone calls were necessary for this polling, as nuisance phone telemarketing is a thing of the past with this new concept in polling – through personal data manipulation. Why waste your time when a computer can do the talking and the walking! On the subject of prejudice and diversity for the Anchorage bowl, the agreed upon polling results through “Precise Extortion of Network Information Spying”, a.k.a. PENIS polling, this polling revealed that the right-wing believed anybody but a white-man as a neighbor was grounds for purchasing more personal weapons, for protection, and by God time to reload. And those polled agreed that the “N” word was justified for things like road rage, but not acceptable even for John Lennon's song which uses the “N” word to protect women's rights. A majority of those polled laughed when they were made aware that Lennon produced a song to protect the women of this world, which hints that the polling was accurate with respect to party affiliation. And on the subject of Congress, through data dissecting subliminal messaging algorithms, according to those polled, the worst thing that Congress ever approved was the Native Alaskan Corporation instead of reservations for Alaskan Natives, as the polling was consistent with the belief that Native Alaskans were on a free ride courtesy of Uncle Sam and had too much control over hunting & fishing rights. Also of interest this poll, a majority of those polled insisted on keeping their guns and rifles loaded, packed in their beds, as the wife sleeps on the floor – collateral damage is justified when protecting life & property. It is estimated form the data collected that 77% of the Anchorage population was “PENISIZED” for this particular poll, based on statistics had this same poll been conducted by legacy type polling, like annoying phone telemarketing. The greater the number polled, the more accurate the results and achieving a score of 77% makes this poll and results very accurate. For a compete scorecard of prejudice in and around Anchorage, just visit an Assembly meeting!

About SarahCRACK Poll: In this day and age of “4G” speed networking and connectivity from neighborhood to neighborhood and beyond, the amount of data available for “Reasons of Research”(ROR) is staggering. Using Internet “Tube” data intercepted through “mirror” imaging and extraction techniques, SarahCRACK is able to utilize this "In & Out" data to calculate polls of interest, mostly in the political arena subject area, with an accuracy above and beyond old fashion polling techniques. With the help of a Cray Super Computer housed at the University Of Alaska's Fairbanks campus, a computer with unimaginable power to crunch data and a gift made available through the generosity of Alaska's congregational delegation, lengthly time consuming algorithms are used to calculate poll results based on the data collected. Basically, the data mirroring technique collects data from an individual's “Household” computer/Internet traffic for a certain amount of time – called the “mirror-data” clamp-on time. The longer the time stamp, the more valid the data signature for data collected. When enough data is collected upon an individual household, that data is “weighted” for accuracy and with a known IP address, it can be used for future polling. Accuracy of a data stamp profile can last for years, as people's preference doesn't change all that much, like a Google Map doesn't really change. So once a household is “stamped” and that data fits an algorithm, it can be used in future poll generating results - for basically any type of poll question. The data provides a signature that can be put to good use, for future polls of interest. Notice: If you are a GOP follower or a flea-bit peanut monkey Tea-Party follower and feel this type of data collecting compromises your right-to-privacy, feel free to contact SarahPAC and they may just tell you to “SarahPAC” your concern up, way up your....CRACK. PS: SarahCRACK is in no way shape or form affiliated with M-NI-A, Murdoch No-Intelligence Agency.

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