Friday, July 15, 2011

Scam Nation

I have to take the time out to give credit wherein credit is due. This time around the winner of what's behind Gate#1 is the TSA(APPLAUD). Serious I am, as they don't take any crap from the traveling public. Especially in the “preferential treatment” category. I am talking the “special treatment” gate at airport security entrances, wherein some travelers think they are better off then others and demand this first class preferential treatment and feel they don't have to wait in line with the proletariat class, so rush to the front of this special line, like their time is more valuable then my time. Look, I am a “Goldie” and could use the hurry up “I am better then you line”, but choose not too, as I am a true American and believe in justice and practice patience. So when I am next in line and elbow to elbow a “stuck up” who has rushed forward the crowd behind me for special preferential assistance and the TSA agent picks me over them, chalk one up for America. Talk about road rage, some of these idiots denied the preferential benefit find daggers in their eyes when a peon wins out! And I am glad that the TSA has them figured out, those that seem to think special treatment is deserving when it is not. The TSA is part of America and justified in their action to not give in under pressure this preferential treatment BS. The Constitution of today bans this type of behavior! To bad Congress didn't act in this same manner, especially upon lobbyists! Wow what a concept, maybe the TSA should become the police upon the House members and control who they associate with. The TSA is looking out for our security and it appears that may be in jeopardy with the current stalemate upon the House. Can you imagine what it would be like if it were a TSA agent checking in on the credentials of a lobbyist. Sorry Mr. Money Bags, access denied as you are on the cheaters list. Bottom-line, it's a scam when government agencies like the TSA have to follow rules and regulations that allows for such preferential treatment. Now no problem this preferential treatment for pilots and the flight crews or the handicapped or for that matter our troops. But it is but another scam designed to disenfranchise morality. If this country keeps on the “scam” bandwagon, we may as well change the name to Scam Nation. With respect to the traveling public, next time you are waiting patiently for your turn at the interrogation podium, take a good look at that irate guy in the preferential line not getting his special treatment ahead of the proletariats, as he is most likely a scam artist traveling 1st class and for free at your expense! See, somebody figured out that you could buy U.S. Treasury minted dollar valued coins on a credit card, get the frequent flier mileage based on a mile per dollar exchange, then return the minted surplus crap to a bank that must take it in and with the money in return, pay off the credit card debt before interest stabbing time and retain the free miles. Basically, it means free miles! Now a few miles here and there is not a big deal of the century, but the assholes that have figured out this scam are caching in on millions of frequent flier miles, because they have been purchasing millions in coins for no other reason then to exploit a loop-hole in the Treasury code. Upon return, this coined crap gets stuck back at the banks then returned to the mint and the whole thing starts all over again. What a scam. Its the scam that keeps on scamming! And it appears to be the very rich that have caught on to this scam, as the coinage being purchased just for this mileage rip-off is in the million dollar range. Now who has a million dollars at their disposal to play a game like this? Simple answer! Those that don't pay enough tax. And to those that think it is OK, that the vulnerability is Uncle Sam's problem and not their problem or our problem, think again. It appears that “scamming” has become the national pastime here in Scam Nation, once upon a time known as America. But finding loopholes and exploiting that loophole is no different then bank robbery. Loopholes should be fixed when found, not exploited. Instead of posting the most wanted at the local Post Office, how about posting “Loophole Scam” artists, those that are taking advantage weaknesses in the system. It's a complicated system to begin with no doubt, there will be loopholes orchestrated through unrefined legislation and amendments. Either that, it is a calculated weakness designed so by an inept Congress. Basically back-door legislation for friends, so a select few can take advantage. I hope not, but I fear “loopholing” has become yet another tool, another vise utilized by Congressional representatives to disenfranchise the proletariat class - a.k.a. American Middle Class. In fact, how about this for an idea to get America back in sync with ethics. Take Qui Tam, wherein whistle-blowers get a percentage of the take for ratting out on somebody taking money away from Uncle Sam under a scam lam tactic. For those that find loopholes and report it to the proper authority, they should be rewarded instead of being awarded secretly through rape upon the system of merits, by exploiting the lollapalooza loophole for their own personal gains. Merit, what's that? How about this thought for the day; Thou shall not scam thy fellow man!” And why is it that everything that the FDA approves in the pharmaceutical arena has side effects of diarrhea, vomiting and nausea? Sounds like a copycat of what it feels like after Congress tries to do something right, as we all feel the side effects.

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