Thursday, August 18, 2011


The news was traveling as fast as espresso beans on Red Bull, especially at the coffee shops, frequented by normal people still showing some semblance of Americanism - a.k.a. American liberalism. Those waiting in line for a caffeine fix were at a loss, based on a rumor floating free that Ben Stevens’ was not to be indicted, for whart-ever – a free man after all these years of mischief! That was to be expected, as the entire Federal investigation had become rather stale, mate. Look, Ben was but a worthless snot in the big picture show and Uncle Sam has bigger fish to fry, like corporations involved in “Privatization” of this nation’s military infrastructure. I’ll get to this crime in the making a little later in this broadcast. Bottom-line, Ben will always be guilty in the eyes of many intelligent Alaskans, yes guilty until proven innocent – which is a long shot. Not because he received $70,000 dollars a year from Enstar Natural Gas through SEMCO for nothing while a state senator, but because of his punk like attitude that NOBDOY CAN TOUCH ME BECAUSE Ted’s My Daddy syndrome. Look, Ben screwed up so bad that he took his own father down for the count. Now Ted had his disgusting ways and means, but when a son uses the power of his father to get ahead in life, that is the true crime. So I rest my case with the “punk”, as he had about enough credibility to….he has no credibility! In fact, Joe Hazzlewood has more credibility, as he was indicted and served time helping out his fellow men & women in need a meal, at Bean's Cafe. I use the comparison because both are boat captains. And for those out of touch reality, Ted died while playing out his fantasy as a lobbying whore for Ron Duncan. He is the guy that owns GCI and takes a whole lot of your money for Internet and phone service then contributes generously to GOP bashing of the liberal agenda. And Duncan could not have become so wealthy and powerful without Ted’s help, through changes in the FCC rules & regulations geared towards aiding and abetting the business which in turn becomes a burden to the users. Ted wasn’t big on credibility either, like father like son. Ted practiced cronyism to the nth degree plus some. And what Ted delivered to this state was high expectations with respect to government welfare – a.k.a. “pork”. But with that, came also low expectations in building a sustainable jobs infrastructure with that welfare giveaway program that made Alaska the “King” state for regurgitated taxable income. For years, Ted was a very powerful con artist that used his political influence to distribute back to his home state more Federal welfare than what was taken in. We were John McCain's envy, but he was no match in comparison to what this state's iron clad gift giving could deliver. Of course it was gift giving, as if we didn't ask for it, what else could define the loads of loot heading this way from the U.S. Treasury? Now Ted can’t take all the blame for this disenfranchising, as he had accomplices, like Don Young and Frank Murkowski, the three-stooges they were. It was a game played out with one intent, to bring home the bacon. That my friends was how the stooges purchased the voting publics' faith, through welfare. More bacon meant more jobs which equated to more re-elections. It was a very simple equation for success. They wanted it their way and had it their way. What was ironic, this state didn’t need the money as this state was for many years the nation’s largest producer of oil! We didn’t need one red cent of Uncle Sam’s money, a.k.a. GOP welfare. The other bottom-line, this state has wasted away so much wealth and has nothing to show, except panic as the money tree has dried up. What this nation should have been diligently saving - for that rainy day - it has evaporated to nothing! In Alaska, so much waste that there are believers that believe when state-hood was granted, it was a mistake. The lower 48 would like to sell Alaska, just to get back what was lost from the Treasury during the terms of waste. There’s hardly any more oil and ever since Sarah made the headlines, this state has become a punching bag of abuse. Sell it, just give it away! Besides, polar bears are dieing and Parnell has better things too do, like prayer service with Perry, that idiot from Texas. Maybe “prey” service fits the picture. Please take a look around Alaska, you’ll see the remnants of a failed bureaucracy run to the ground through corrupt cronyism. Take the rocket launching nightmare located on Kodiak Island. Sure it creates jobs, but what good is a Cape Canaveral if there are no rockets to launch? But just in case, is costs this state along with a handout from Uncle Sam well over $4-million a year, to maintain an obsolete project. So this state was very successful at creating government funded projects just for local jobs and now we must pay to keep the crap from rusting. There was never an intent to put this stuff to useful existence. It was the ultimate “Wasteful Projects for Jobs Creation” bill. The list goes on and on with the failed projects here in Alaska that were made possible by the Three-Stooges when in control, by handing over the taxpayers' hard earned loot. Now what tops the dilemma in the category of ripping off the taxpayers is the “privatization” of the military infrastructure here in Alaska. The Native Corporations are being taken advantage of, wherein their names and once good standing status are used to acquire lucrative “government” contracts. Once again, government welfare. It is the name game and in the end it is not the Native Corporations that are raking in the receipts from gold plated toilet seats, but sub-corporations run by wealthy lawyers, made wealthy through generous payments from Uncle Sam. It is the ultimate “American Greed” scamming. We the taxpayers are getting ripped off like never before. Face the facts. If a military base has to find foreign investment to survive, we have sold out our sovereignty! And this is what the legacy chapter of the history books will remember, for Ted, for Don and Frank and of course MoanaLisa Fugwug – nepotism daughter of Frank and Mrs. “Bathroom Too Small” Murkowski. The bottom-line, here it is in a nutshell. The “Privatization” of the military infrastructure is costing the taxpayers possibly up too and above 100% more then what it cost the taxpayers under Civil Service abuse! And the sad fact, Canada is buying up that infrastructure. The Fairbanks Mafia, 10 confidants who had friends in D.C., they became rich this “privatization” venture, because they blind-sided the government. I guess for them it is not “Ask what you can do for your country” but “See what you can do to screw your country”! When the 1st solicitation hit the streets for “privatization” of the Alaskan military infrastructure, the utilities that is, it was open to all willing and able American corporations. But soon, somebody with influence in D.C. insisted that the military change the bidding process in midstream to “Set-aside”, which meant only a limited amount of entities could proceed with bidding on what was too become one of the most lucrative business dealings on record between private business and Uncle Sam. The Mafia was laughing all the way to the bank, until the SBA decided it was not a “small” venture. Then the Mafia tried to sue Uncle Sam through an estoppal, denied by a prudent Administrative Law Judge. When that attempt failed, to turn around the SBA judgment, it meant bringing in the Big Guns, and who else could turn something like this around? And “Set-aside” meant it would go to a “small” business, as defined by the Small Business Administration. It meant that it would be an Alaskan Native Corporation doing the bidding. But when the SBA said that the Fairbanks Mafia venture called Doyon Utilities was not small, it threw a wrench into the Mafia's plan. Not to worry, as with friends in powerful positions, all that was required was a phone call and the bid was changed again, no longer set-aside but once again open to the public. But by this time it was too late for reputable entities with experience to provide a bid before the deadline. So it was a slam-dunk for the Mafia. When the contract was signed sealed and delivered, it made the Mafia confidants filthy rich, as they were able to convince a Canadian outfit, a loan investment outfit, to purchase their shares in the venture, for a “goodwill” amount that was way over-bounds. Not to worry once again, as the head honcho - the Godfather - he would become the head honcho of the privatization effort that would over-see $75-million in revenues per year, once again courtesy Uncle Sam's generosity. And when the buck doesn't stop here, at the head, it can be regurgitated to other entities, even foreign entities. It appears that there is in the works a lucrative payback scheme, wherein so-called inception payments made monthly by Uncle Sam are being diverted to pay for business dealings that are suspect. If one finds interest in financial statements this venture, it is easy too see that the “Administrative Costs” are out-of-bounds, when compared to other utility financial statements on record at the Regulatory Commission of Alaska. There is something seriously wrong with the “inception rate” that the Mafia sold to the Army. The government was taken for a wild ride down 2nd Avenue and it appears when it is over it will be a detour to skid-row! So the legacy of misappropriations lives on. A few in the know learned it well, from Ted and Don and Frank, and today we see the lasting effects. It continues to be a giveaway program, at the taxpayers expense. Bottom-line, the stooges made friends and relatives wealthy, and the proletariats ended up with a few good jobs. The wealth lasted, the jobs dried up. And with that, unfortunately, we are still looking for even a decent job nowadays, as the well-off play with horses and enjoy a life of luxury - if not in jail! And here it is in a nutshell to those still interested and upset about rip off artists preying on the U.S. Treasury. When the Civil Service was in control of the Ft. Wainwright power plant, in 2005 it is documented that it cost $13-million to operate and maintain the facility for that year. In 2009, the 1st year under “Privatization” by the Fairbanks Mafia, it cost the taxpayers $13-million, except in the latter case it doesn't include $10-million in coal costs, as the “Privatization” contract left that burden to guess who? The Taxpayers! Do the math, its simple! So the wretched wealth indecency continues unabated, as some have learned well how to rip off Uncle Sam. With an attitude of “NOT my country 'Tis of Thee” and once again we are branded with economic failures as the thieves run free, on our dime!

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