Wednesday, August 17, 2011

2012 Race vs. Race

I hope Rick Perry is the GOP/Tea Party's presidential candidate for the 2012 “Race vs. Race”. And I hope he names both MissHell Bachmann and Sarah “Cross-Hairs” Palin as his vice-presidential running mate(s). Why two? Because it's apparent that Perry is a “eunuch”, no balls that is, and MissHell & SarahPacking can easily pick up the slack of Perry's sack. Bottom-line, besides possibly the costliest campaign on record 2012 will record, it will be the ugliest as it is “Race against Race”, no doubt about it. And that my friends is more “Treacherous” then “Treason”! What has evolved in this country is a “political” race, based not on color, but creed and patheticism wherein “ethics & responsibility” is but a suggestion. This country has come to the cross-roads, where the wealthy class is using the weakness of others - like the Tea-Party - to further its selfish agenda, which is nothing short a segregated agenda of wealth hoarding gated community existence wherein it sends this country backwards, when slavery and segregation dictated freedom not for “All” but freedom for but a few. When representatives of this country make it clear and convincing that their only goal in life is to make sure Obama fails at a 2nd term, this is “Treason” and Mitch McConnell should be held accountable such “acts of treason” against this America. The list of misfit explosive diarrhea emanating from political orifices damaging to this country goes on and on. Yes it is free speech, but we are responsible for any adverse affects that “right” bothers another's freedom, to be left alone. No wonder “bullying” is the Public School Enemy No. 1, as it is practiced by our own Congress. And we try to incorporate politics into everyday family living, but when our youngsters see nothing but bickering and threats from those in control, what can we expect? The History books are on constant re-write, and what is going on today is a chapter that could only be titled “America's Ugliest Time”. What is going on today is far from anything American. And if the GOP can only provide the likes of the Perry's and maniacs like MissHell and Palin to lead this country to prosperity with peace, then maybe this country would be better off putting the 2012 election on hold, until such time the wackos find a new sack!

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