Friday, August 19, 2011

Raven Puke

That saying, “the early bird catches the worm” seems to have competition, as “the early Raven eats the puke”! Maybe out of desperation, but before the sun has time to dry out the hangover leftovers, Ravens seem to take a fancy sucking up semi-dry regurgitated stomach chow from a little too much shine, or maybe one too many shoots of Jack. Maybe the birds get a high from the alcohol left behind! They are smart, the Ravens. Then again maybe the Ravens are trying to show us what is about to come down the pike, with respect to what can be expected upon life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I am talking what is coming from the Hill, nothing - except “puke”. It is nothing short a nauseating waste of time at the taxpayers' expense. Garbage in garbage out has found Wikipedia a plausible definition of Congress. Maybe leash laws would be appropriate, and for MissHell Bachmann a muzzle and please would somebody ground Palin's broom! Look, Congress has taken the entire month of August off! When this country's financials are tanking. But they don’t have to worry, as 64% of the Congressional membership qualify for the “Millionaire’s Club”. Take 432 House members, what would you guess is that memberships' net worth? How about $3-Billion. If I take the 432 members of my “unguarded neighborhood”, wherein hard working salt of the earth Americans hang out when not at work, the net worth amounts to 1/20th that of the Congressional “Treasure Chest”. And if not a “millionaire” , afterbirth creates lobbying assignments. Lobbying isn't an option anymore for senators or congressmen out to pasture, but a retirement requirement. Can you imagine an entire month off, with pay? But honestly, isn’t it time for a leash law, wherein if a senator or member of Congress steps out of bounds the leash reacts? Wherein that quick retraction mechanism takes over, so powerful that like when Fido gets yanked, they will piss in their pants. It is a sad day upon America when we see Bin Laden’s wishes coming true. That to spoil the American Dream, just attack the economic well-being. And this is exactly what is going on with Congress, a homegrown attack on our own economic well-being. They just don't care, because they have the keys to the Treasury, they get paid for doing nothing! Bottom-line, forget the leash laws and just practice the laws already on the books, called Treason. As when a Mitch McConnell can broadcast to the world that his only mission as GOP House Majority Jerk is to attack Obama from all directions so the sitting duck President doesn’t have a chance at a 2nd term, then we have hit bottom, the ship of fools has grounded. I fear for Obama's safety and the safety of this country. The base is being excited by treasonous rhetoric, and some fruit-cake will break. The bottom-line, the problem today upon this country is prejudice, alive and well. It is the only thing that has the tendency to bring government accountability to a halt, like is happening today. It is pure unadulterated prejudice, wherein racism reigns over anything positive pushing this country ahead and if it is allowed to continue unabated, it will cause this country a revolution. And it appears from all indications that showdown has started and it is steering us in the face. A race war is upon us, and we should have seen it coming. Can't buy me love? It appears money can sure buy hate! And that is what all these “PACs” are packing, pure unadulterated “HATE” and the latter is more powerful then the 2nd Amendment, just ask Hitler.

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