Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sarahstein Legacy

There is one and only one thing that I will give credit wherein credit is due, to Sarah Palin that is. It appears that every time she is asked a legitimate question about history, instead of admitting the fact that she paid no attention when “History” was the subject of the hour in grade school, she provides some illegitimate answer. And once the screwball news' hounds get a hold of the illegitimacy and it becomes public, we are bombarded by more illegitimacy, especially from the fans trying to come to Palin's rescue. Honestly, her fan base will cheat and lie to protect the “Queen Bee”, a.k.a. Sarahstein – John “Mad Scientist” McCain's creation. Talk about disrupting a hornet's nest, just try to discredit Sarah. I liken the Tea-Party movement to the invasion upon this country by African Killer bees. They fight for stuff not worth fighting for, they can't share space and this species produces honey unfit for consumption - filled with crap. Why McCain decided to bless us with such shortcomings with Sarah Palin is pathetic. If he had not ignited the fuse of “illegitimacy”... I guess when your wife is a billionaire, why bother with decency – it becomes indecent exposure. Illegitimacy? Indecent exposure? That's right, it's McCain's curse! It seems to be coming together, the GOP agenda. But I give credit to the Palin follies because it seems to have awakened an interest in history. Look, how much did we really learn back in grade school when histosterone and herstosterone was coming out of the closet? No more you know what behind closed doors. And for what was supposedly learned back then - with history - how much do we retain when what was considered a boring subject is the furthest thing from our mind during life's passion – finding work. So when Sarah speaks, the illegitimacy allows time for us to open up the books, to see what really happened. Actually there are no books anymore, its Wikipedia for most. I still use an old dictionary, one that does not bear George Bush's mugshot in the forward section, or Bill Clinton for that matter! Of course Bush's name can be found in the contents, under “illegitimate”. See, there is a pattern beginning to emerge the GOP mindset. Now with Sarah, she like most has some semblance of an idea of what went on hundreds of years ago, but we have nowhere near the correct answer. Some will Hail Mary fake it, others will just admit, “who cares” as an excuse over embarrassment. So here is a lesson for those interested in “History” and the present GOP race for the Office of Illegitimacy. Hey was Bush a legitimate President? For eight years this country suffered his Skull & Bones mismanagement style – a grave-diggers mentality. Under the U.S. Constitution, Article II – Section 5: “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; and been fourteen years a resident within the United States,” So the “or” qualifier allowed for “other” then the “natural born” to be considered candidates during the 1st race for U.S. President. So maybe back then there was not a pool of likely candidates, so the founding fathers allowed for “outsiders” to enter the game. Here is my point this conversation. Since it appears there is nobody worth beans in the running today to challenge Obama, supposedly an alien or illegitimate according to Misshell Bachmann – another history buff – and Donald “Duck” Trump along with others, why not open the race up to say “Arnold”! Can you imagine the fun it would be if Arnold, Bachmann, Palin and the rest where debating! It would be interesting to find out Arnold has more on the ball with American history then, all time Americans! And he meets the 14-year requirement. So why not lift the “natural born” requirement as we see it was once postponed, for a legitimate reason. Back then, that reason may never be realized. But for today, when the FOX lineup for Friday night is like this; The Blob, The Wrong Man, The Magnetic Monster, The Thing From Another World, IT the Terror, it appears that the GOP has indeed hit bottom. And Arnold was the only person to trump Sarah over the “I can see Russia” ordeal and laugh of the week when he “Twarted” Sarah while flying over Alaska. When over Wasilla, where Sarah went to school and didn't learn her history lesson, when at 30,000 feet up high, Arnold sent Sarah the message that “he could still not see Russia”! Think of the possibilities this would allow, as it appears most of the Tea Party and or GOP candidates are no where near qualified to be Americans, let alone an attempt to be the helmsman! “Twarting” you ask? It means “drop the big one now”. Still don't get the point? Aren't we glad elephants don't fly! Yet the way the GOP is crapping upon this land, by assassins like Mitch McConnell making it clear and convincing that his main job is to take down Obama, when this type of hype gets in the way of decency, wherein the only thing that has passed the House after 6-months in session is the “automatic pay raise” for members of Congress, we need exceptions to the rules of the road. So I say hear me, hear me, open up the race to foreigners, they own us. Now if any one legitimate and decent song could act as a qualifier the agenda the GOP dictates with disgrace, it is Dylan's “Desolation Row”, as “the circus is in town”. In fact, history lessons should be mandated upon studying Dylan's songs, as he was brilliant with history. It could be called “History with Bob”, wherein his songs and words of warning could be the lessons taught and the lessons learned.

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