Thursday, June 30, 2011


So Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is going to send the Senate to detention. Yes detention, by taking away the July 4th vacation break. Whoopee cushion doo-doo! I bet the republican side will be AWOL this detention. Now it appears that Congress is always on vacation. It starts in January, when Congress commences after 3 weeks off for the Christmas & New Year's break. And that 1st day back to work was tough, so it means a 3-day weekend, back to work for 2-days and then another 3-day weekend followed through with a week off for Martin Luther King's birthday. So far, Congress has worked only 8-days for January and with present day salaries they are paid about $215-dollars an hour by you and I - the taxpayers. Now we must realize that Senators and Congressmen must travel to their home states to campaign, so it takes time, and traveling on high is tiring. But they don't fly the cheap-skate airlines, the ones you and I must waste time with including pat-downs by the TSA, as they for the most part have the “corporate jet” available at their disposal - all it takes is a phone call or Twit to a lobbyist and it is a done deal. Now February is no different, with 9-days at the office and another week's vacation, this time for President's Day! March, same thing at 14-days of work, and a week's vacation for “Mystery Day”. See they were on a roll with a week off per month, so why ruin a good gig? And since Congress went above and beyond by working 5 extra days in March, it means back to 9-days of work in April, with 2-week's off for good behavior, Eater time vacation. Good behavior? Month of May, same thing, a week in the office and a week off for Memorial Day. June & July, same pathetic showing in the office. It appears they are on to something with their vacation plan. Like magic, turning a one day holiday into a week's worth of time off. And then in August, the entire month off, for vacation! How much vacation time does one deserve? No wonder nothing is getting accomplished on the Hill, as vacation time seems to be out-of-bounds. All told, in the end Congress is milking the U.S. Taxpayers, for a job never “mission accomplished”. How do they get away with it, the luxurious salaries, benefits and a vacation plan that makes us envious and skeptical? They are the lawmakers, which means they do as they please. And the sad fact of the matter is this. We talk about the high and going higher price of motor gasoline. But toilet paper is now running at 50-cents a roll! It is all happening on their watch. So here is what we need. Congress should send every American, every voting citizen, a calendar of the time they will actually spend defending their position as a representative - just like the cheap calendar you receive from real estate people. And that way we can have a good laugh, or cry, every day we go off to work, realizing that during this workday Congress if not asleep at the wheel, is most likely on another paid vacation. And as the salt of the earth hard working Americans - that maybe enjoys one week off each year, but spends 3-days getting anywhere - our hard earned loot from our labors will be confiscated then regurgitated so they can play, as we pay. And with TP on the rise, what vacation?

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