Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Trigger This!

There is something seriously wrong here in the Homeland! The “Freedom” clause of the Constitution is not faring so well these days, because of abuse brought on by individuals that have forgotten something very basic to the future of the “freedoms” we have for so long cherished – at one time the envy of the rest of the world in the “Born Free” category. Like with the 1st Amendment, we as Americans have the right to “free-speech”, no doubt about it. But at the same time, we are responsible for policing that freedom as to not cause harm upon others. This is specific in the state of Alaska Constitution, which works hand-in-hand with the U.S. Constitution. According to the state's will; “This constitution is dedicated to the principles that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the enjoyment of the rewards of their own industry; that all persons are equal and entitled to equal rights, opportunities, and protection under the law; and that all persons have corresponding obligations to the people and to the State.” and under the title of “Freedom of Speech”: “Every person may freely speak, write, and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right.” The inclusion of “responsible for the abuse of that right” is paramount, as it places blame on the very instigators who publish their thoughts when things get out of hand when exercising that right. This responsibility clause is inherent also in the U.S. Constitution, be it thought non-existent this clause is not open for debate. It basically allows us our defined freedoms but at the same time provides for some semblance of responsibility. It allows us to exercise the “rights” but at the same time a built in mechanism to self-police our actions. But the responsibility clause is being “Left Behind”. Case in point: It is so, so damn sad to see the before and aftermath, with Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford in her struggle to regain posture. With the flick of a trigger from a trigger happy goon, Gifford was gunned down, along with 19 other Americans, 6 Americans that never recovered. This goon behind the gun knew how to handle a weapon, especially the focusing in on his victims, through the cross-hairs! But now a judge has decided he is unfit for duty! Yes duty, has he was no doubt part of the Palin militia posse. Sarah Palin is some what still responsible for what happened to Gifford and the others, gunned down while trying to exercise freedom! Look, who in hell would name there son “Trig”? It isn't found in any dictionary, and if one considers a weapon's firing device, its half way there! It is well known that Sarah Palin has a deficiency when trying to understand the word “responsibility”, as to “quit” her job as governess of Alaska, for no other reason except she was bored and tired - it defines her MO agenda and “mission accomplished”. And this same responsibility went missing-in-action when Sarah's political website placed “individuals of interest” on a United States map with cross-hairs, as a means to “get the word out”. I guess in Palin's pathetic dream world it is like pin the tail on the donkey! The “cross-hair” publication – which included Gifford as a victim - is wherein Palin lost it, as it has a subliminal message - like the “silence of the word”. And yes this site was just performing under the 1st Amendment “free-speech” right to be heard, but the message allowed some “Trig” happy mental case to take it upon himself to wreck havoc upon another's life. Life is part of the trio, in “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. And Sarah Palin never said a damn thing about this incident. Even though within minutes after the bad news, the site map went missing in action. I ask WHY? It is simple, she was guilty, contributory negligence it is called. Look, this action through publication of a “map with cross-hairs” was enough for guilty by association. If we did indeed have the opportunity to try Palin through a “responsible” jury, for contributory negligence, it would be a guilty verdict. But then what? Do we strip her of her Constitutional right, that of “free-speech”? At her supposedly mature age, trying to understand responsibility seems like a lost cause. So we turn our heads to allow such injustices while Sarah gallivants around the country trying to polarize more trigger happy goons, through irresponsible behavior. When an idiot like Palin is gaining in the “mean teen queen” popularity contest, and when this obstructs justice and she takes no responsibility - the Constitution is doomed. We strive to maintain our freedoms, but when responsibility our actions goes AWOL, there will come a point in time that it will warrant an unwanted change, “control” it is called. Something we don't want, especially when one considers the 1st Amendment. Bottom-line, it appears that this country is on a crash course, as it will soon be upon us that the Constitution may be whittled down to two all important Amendments only, the 1st fighting the 2nd! And now the “Flake” is trying to utilize Palin's legacy of pathetic ways and means to the top. It appears that others try to take advantage the merits of foregoing the “responsibility” clause and practice makes perfect just the opposite - irresponsible behavior. Look, Michelle Bachmann is a flake! She exercised her 1st Amendment right by throwing around the fact that bonafide U.S. President Barack Obama was “anti-American”? Once again, we see an exercise of our right of free speech with the “responsibility clause” nothing short an “abuse in practice clause”. But with the likes of Palin, Bachmaan, Gingrich, it appears that the GOP is desperate for nothing accomplished but more bloodshed, more pathetic history lessons and more jewelry heisting. See, the GOP ruined itself when it had control while the “mission accomplished” President was asleep at the wheel - wherein all ethics and responsibility was banned, like books banned during the Hitler years. So here we are today, one step forward, but blown back to the starting line by irresponsible behavior. We are all in the “Cross-hairs”, as this country has lost its way forward. And why has National Geographic become the National Enquirer? Honestly, the crap that is coming over the airwaves under the auspices of the “Graphic”, it is pathetic. Take Alaska State Troopers! It's a pathetic show about drunk “Alaskan Natives” and native domestic violence. Once again, it is back around to “free speech”. But the “responsibility” clause missing-in action lends itself to “acceptable” stereotyping”. In ending, we should continue to exercise our rights, but if we allow the “responsibility” clause to follow that of Congress, in a “monkey see monkey do nothing” mentality wherein this body continues to operate under “irresponsible” representation, we will get what we deserve. And it won't be freedom at last, but our freedoms will be in the cross-hairs of some “Trig” happy faction!

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