Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mr. & Mrs. Flake

Honestly, even though Michele Bachmann has been named the “Grand Theft Bimbo” by SPAM Picture Dictionary(LLC), she is indeed the “Flake that keeps on raking it in”. So today we have more evidence that she is a genuine fruit flake, like maybe she doesn't really know how to tell the truth. Not a bonafide “liar, liar pants on fire” - but flaked out. See, more evidence has surfaced that goes against her “mission accomplished”, wherein she is totally against Medicare welfare yet her husband's clinic raked in over $140,000 of taxpayers' loot for the last 6-years, which when combined with the farm subsidies and other government welfare favors, the Bachmann's are recipients of close to a half a million each year - courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers! And she races around the country claiming she is against all this giveaway? When FOX News' Chris Wallace asked point blank if Bachmann is a “Flake”, Michele looked like she had wandered off into La-La land, a.k.a. Tea Port-A-Party Central. And even though she struts around boasting about a law degree, bottom-line it is clear and convincing that she must have failed kindergarten, and never recited the K creed, “To Tell The Truth” as that must have went by the wayside. So the board of directors of SPAM have decided to bestow yet another award to Michele, to be enjoyed also by her husband. This time it is the “Flake Award” and will be included in the growing publication found in the SPAM Picture Dictionary. So here it is....
Picture definition of FLAKE:

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