Sunday, July 3, 2011

Asleep at the Wheel

Wake up America! It appears that Uncle Sam is asleep at the wheel of fortune, which equates to our misfortune. The “our” herein defined as the salt of this earth hard working middle class with little of that class left Americans. When is enough truly just that, “enough”? I am challenging the subject of just how much wealth does one need in that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – the Constitutional trio? There was a time in my life earlier on when wealth of others didn't bother me, as it seemed while growing up the wealth was confiscated by those who were businessmen. A select few wherein the numbers didn't have a trampling effect upon the “trio” of other Americans. Individuals that created a business, provided jobs and from their labors to help out others, were awarded by wealth. But it was from their sweat this equity that propelled them above the “middle class” ranks, to a class of their own. Regardless this mobility, there was an inherent phenomenon still holding on to some semblance of balance with respect to the “wealth distribution” scale. And the wealth enjoyed by these successful individuals was not in the millions plural, as becoming a “millionaire” was the goal for many and a “billionaire” was an out-of-sight goal. Yet only a few made it happen, that of becoming a “millionaire”. Today, a million is peanuts and most Americans still make do on a pittance of a salary. Back when wealth seemed to be evenly distributed, this was the time before “trusts”, a.k.a. “fake tax shelters”, became popular and only a handful of Americans enjoyed the proceeds from such “hand me down” bank accounts, like the Kennedy's, Getty's, Rockefeller clan, to name but a few. But nowadays it is out of control, as there are kids of the elite and wealthy that will never have to work a single day, as they are filthy rich through such inheritances. Going a lifetime without work, it is un-American! It goes to show that the wealth-in-kind dilemma has taken on a mindset of serious abuse. And it all boils down to “Taxation”. Take it or leave it, “Taxation” is a very serious “controlling” element and if left unchecked with respect to equality, this country looses out - which seems to be the case upon us today. Take as a prime time example the guy, an ex-Lehman Brothers' hedge-fund executive, who most recently left an ATM receipt at some machine in New York's Hampton suburbs. The Hampton's is where the rich hangout. Now the receipt of interest that was turned over to authorities indicated that this guy had over $100-million in a savings' account that was bearing very little a return-on-investment, less then 1%. And consider the fact that the FDIC can only insure a savings account for $250,000 maximum. There was something seriously wrong with this picture. Come to find out, this guy just purchased a $43-million dollar mansion in the Hampton's and paid cash! How many suitcases does it take to hold $43,000,000.00 dollars? We are starting to see this unfold into something interesting yet puzzling aren't we. But after the house deal was executed, he didn't move in right a way. He had it demolished, so he could build an even bigger mansion! Look, the guy was once upon a time a hedge-clipper for Lehman, the money he made was someone else's money! Probably money from our retirement plans that tanked during the economic showdown. Yes showdown, as it appears the only recovery so far is the rich getting richer and the middle class on a status quo playing field, the reason Congress wants to sell us out and raise the retirement age to 70. And how much of that secret bank account owned by the Appaloosa is Uncle Sam's bailout money? The latter is the firm that this rich bastard owns. Look, this guy isn't stupid as he made a whole lot of money, somehow. He maintained this money in a savings account instead of investing in Uncle Sam bonds that would have yielded a guaranteed return of 3%. Is it because he is hiding something? Of course! Had he invested in the Treasury, then there is the “red flag” possibility. Look, hedge funds are the ultimate hide and seek mechanism open to qualified investors only. It is not a “public entity” so has very little transparency. The main interest comes from institutions, like universities and health care institutes, which finds money from other wealthy individuals looking for every which way but loose on how to shelter their inheritance. It is all part of a gigantic “loop hole” tax shelter, as the endowments provided by the wealthy finds very favorable tax credits which is magnified along the way. In the end, very little tax is paid on this trillion dollar scamming. It is a scam, as this entity along with many other's wanting tax relief are getting “representation without taxation” and if I remember correctly, isn't it just the opposite or has the FOX raided the hen-house? Lack of taxation is hurting America, wherein the Bush dysentery dynasty provided tax breaks for the wealthy, which when on a roll just kept on giving it all away. Back to the Appaloosa and how this creep is getting away with highway robbery. Is this savings' account of his with $100-million just “play” money? And doesn't the bank he does business with have investment strategy advisors that pay attention? Look, when I go into Wells Fargo with a few extra bucks, there are always these tease like gimmick programs wherein they say try this and you will get this and they charge a fee. Last year one gimmick made me $101-dollars, but cost $103 with the service and maintenance agreement. What car? So I ended up in the negative. But remember, Appaloosa may have a relationship with his bank, a hands off relationship. What happens in the vault stays in the vault attitude. It is play money, probably un-taxed income from “off-shore” and he doesn't give a rats ass at any loses upon a laughable investment strategy, as the tax loses would be a hell of lot more. Deja vu is playing over an over again here in the Heartland. It used to be the Homeland, but replaced by the Heartland. A bleeding heart it is when we see what is happening, the class system, wherein the rich are getting filthy rich and the middle class is, well just making it from pay day to pay day. When an idiot has so much money that he falls under the Dylan definition of a “Master of War” and “builds to destroy”, then Uncle Sam has lost touch with taxation equality, and that is the ultimate weapon weakening our existence as a peaceful and rational nation. Even some very wealthy individuals like Home Depot's Bernie and Warren Buffet have made comments that the rich are not taxed enough. Wake up Uncle Sam, here is an invite from individuals that want to pay more, or at least see a reasoning to make some changes. And in ending, how about this song for from Ten Years After:
“Tax the Rich, Feed the Poor. T'll we run out, rich no more.”

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