Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jail Bait

It is a sad day upon America! It is a sad, sad day upon America. It may be a much sadder day tomorrow upon America, if what is going down and around is allowed to continue. As the Wolf once upon a time warned out, “America, where are you now, don't you care about your sons and daughters”, today it rings out on high alert - this message. What would Mark Twain say about this dereliction upon America? What would Woody sing out upon this same dereliction? Herein is a big part of the trouble instigating this sadness upon the Homeland. Take MissHell Bachmann's claim to be a responsible person, with a law degree along with a bonafide foster parent's experience as a qualifier to this “responsible person” definition. Please, can we have ankle tracking bracelets placed upon her “fostered” kids, to monitor their whereabouts! And can we have the authorities investigate what is being taught in the law school she received permission to litigate? I fear this kind of parenting - premised on teaching hatred - and what it means for future generations. And if MissHell feels that she understands the legal system, future generations are indeed doomed through injustice! All thugs considered, don't forget that MissHell Bachmann is in the running for the U.S. Presidency. The GOP is that desperate? Bottom-line, MissHell should be in jail instead of free to gallivant around the country campaigning behind a subliminal message fostering “Hate”. What do you mean innocent until proven guilty? The evidence for conviction is overwhelming, no jury needed, just a competent Federal judge that is listening in to what is happening across this once great nation - “from the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans, white with foam”, I mean “black with carbon” as global warming is “natural” according to MissHell. Besides supposedly having an understanding of the “law”, MissHell is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, but what does that really mean today - especially in the category of “responsibility”. Instead of more effort towards fostering “responsibility” at a higher standard, it appears that once a member of Congress recites the almighty creed “So Help Me God”, it means a license to do as they please without any fallout. In fact, MissHell and her husband Dorkus should be sharing the same jail cell, as both are guilty of crimes against the government which transposes to crimes against humanity. The money that MissHell's clinic stole away from the U.S. Treasury, used in efforts to abandon that separation between church and state, it is a crime. It is a simple “crime scene investigation” and the perpetrators should be awarded jail time their efforts to circumvent their responsibilities when accepting funding from Uncle Sam. And both MissHell and husband Dorkus know what they are up to, so claiming innocence doesn't cut it to overturn the conviction. It is a blatant disregard against “freedom and liberty for all”. What has happened to this “My” America – My country Ti's of Thee - when crimes against the Constitution becomes mainstream politics, like it is OK to “crap” upon the freedom clause? This country is in for a rude awakening, unless the lawman starts performing. Not that we want more government intervention, but we need intervention upon the right-wing-nuts missing a few screws. Our government has a duty to uphold the social order for all! And the Sarah Palin monster should also be incarcerated in a jail cell, for the cross-hairs incident that left a somewhat decent House representative - Gabrielle Gifford - pleading for sanity the rest of her life, in that life and liberty and happiness pursuit. This crime occurred after some MissHell & Sarahstein follower triggered a bullet that hit this innocent bystander, a dishonor upon her Constitutional will. With respect to MissHell's crime and with husband Dorkus by her side as an accomplice, she used taxpayers' money to try to change what God has delivered, diversity! This is a simple case, but the crooks like MissHell continue to get away with piracy, as Congress has left the safe unguarded which has allowed eroding away the very foundation that supports a healthy social order. Order? The Constitution is under attack. Look, idiots like MissHell cannot offer anything but destructive advise and advice, wherein their political survival mandate gets funded by the secretive rich. MissHell's message is less government, which equates to less taxation upon the wealthy. So the secretive society funds the Tea-Party movement, for no other reason then for selfishness. These right-wing-nut gatherings, like with the Tea-Party, such are being used for selfish reasons only! Do you really believe that if MissHell were to succeed to take over the helm that the Koch Suckers would be all in favor of getting rid of Trailer Trash Central across America? No way, in fact as the rich get richer, due less and less contributions from their fare share of taxation – a.k.a. “all the representation without taxation”, trailer parks will become the American scene for the middle class. We will become the rich bastards' servants, after ethnic cleansing is performed, as that is what is truly behind their message – revenge of the white-man. Bottom-line, the Tea-Party is just a secretive cover-up supported by individuals that have no idea what they stand up for, as even though it appears to be a calling against “everything” government, there is more to this active nuisance then meets the eye. Look, when our liberties are in jeopardy, not from too big a government but too big a corporate society of a few yielding all the power, all the wealth and all control, then this nation has come to the cross-roads of “Deliverance”. And con-artists like MissHell and Sarahstein, they help fuel the false movement against “Big” government by exciting their base that fails at establishing any base of existence or credibility at all. And fortunate for us, the real Americans, their message is thin - like a bowel movement on Ex-lax, that has lost control and cannot find a toilet, and we “this “American” gets shat upon. The unfortunate realism, everybody is watching but nobody is doing anything constructive to abolish such lunacy, and remember “silence like a cancer grows”. So we get what we deserve if we remain silent this continued abuse upon America by the GOP, Tea-party and what appears to be lunacy at the highest decree, a dis-respect it is. And these people, like MissHell and her husband Dorkus, can they really have a good nights sleep? I really doubt it, as sleep may give us a break to break the wicked spell cast down upon decency, and we could once again have it our way instead of their way. So I started a new blog site, called “MissHell Bachmann for President NOT” and sponsored by “All Thugs Considered”. It is an open forum wherein anybody against continued political corruption and political ineptness can voice such concerns, as the 1st Amendment still hangs out on our side, maybe by a thread, but it is all we have left in the arsenal that defends Constitutional righteousness. Check it out now at: http://www.AllThugsConsidered.Blogspot.com

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