Sunday, June 12, 2011


I have been a keen observer of my neighbor and his insistent behavior that a green grass only lawn without even the slightest imperfection is the only tolerable option. That includes “no dandelions allowed”. So each morning and in between, then again each noontime and in between then again each night before darkness sets in, he assembles his weapons of choice, and attacks what has attacked his domain. First thing in the morning, it starts all over again, as if his eradication obsession prevented a good nights sleep! Fools some are. Like how Soylent Green fooled the masses, he is on a fool hardy chase with the odds against him, in stride with the many like himself that have also lost touch of reality. But it's his domain, only in thought and useless paper, so what say have I upon his pathetic waste of time and energy? This is America, where freedom to do as one chooses is paramount a strong foundation and existence, so we are sold and taught. At least that was so once upon a time. But there may be more too this chase of his, a subliminal analogy, a deeper grass roots phenomena, a dereliction of choice to pursue, yes. And this dereliction of choice may be eroding away the very foundation that made this country great, for freedom's sake. His weapons range from sickle like contraptions to chemical bombs, wherein the MSDS finds the same ingredients that in mass quantities would resemble a WMD. Now over the years, he has shown frustration like most of the neighbors, trying to eradicate something we have no control upon. The perfect “green” lawn is no different then an attempt at ethnic cleansing, a Hitler dream team mentality, a sterilization attempt, wherein the lawn seems to characterize and resemble the perfect society, of “white men only” allowed. Wherein the “back of the bus” was pushed over the bridge to nowhere. I'm white, so can criticize this calamity. And the fact the dandelions are unwanted weeds, that notion was shoved down our cranial arteries and receptors without even the slightest due respect upon this gift from the Creator. Weed? My God, just look at what this living thing has to offer! It is a gift. Unfortunately, it appears the subliminal brainwashing has succeeded, but eventually it will disappear and acceptance will rule. It is happening, right now before us. Once upon a time, dandelions were few and far between here in Anchorage, a nook and cranny type of species, a closet species that found shelter only in back-yards that maintained some semblance of liberalism, “natural” over brutal like manicuring attempts - the “cleansing ritual”. Look, it takes a whole lot of unnecessary adversity to eradicate the unwanted, besides chemical warfare, powerful mowing machines that kill thousands of worthwhile creatures in harms way, machines that pollute and make a whole lot of messy noise – it is all out war. All told without fear, it is a destructive ways and means, to strive for the perfect society. But over time, maybe through revolution and evolution, the “Lion” found a companion and friend, with Nature's climate and started to grow without bounds. A drive down the highway north or south from Anchorage shows what a species can do when the soil and climate fit the species' specifications, what a species can become if left to grow without bounds. And even though it appears it is on a takeover course, what harm has it cost? Nothing, as we have been fooled upon the “weed” aspect. And once we discover that it is here to stay, we may as well put the weapons away, especially when we realize no harm done through brotherly love. Now according to Webster: Weed – A plant that is not valued where it is growing, an obnoxious growth.” Wow, blasphemy to have the Dandelion placed in this category. And when observed growing along other species, it is competition alive and well, but in a subtle non-takeover fashion - by my observations over the past years. In fact, the “Lion” seems to promote growth upon neighboring species, like the “Lion” acts as a coach, a guide, rather interesting this diversity to thrive by so many. It may not be true competition, but acceptance, a “we can share the same earth” attitude. Wow, maybe we are imbeciles in comparison to “Nature”. What problem? I guess someone likes selling poison and snake oil! But before the rest of the story, I must promote the positive aspects this “weed” has to offer. The “Lion” offers up a lovely seasons' first flower, with a yellow contrast against fields of green. My lawn works in unison with the “Lion” and appears very healthy in comparison to my neighbors manicured death zone. By the way, I did shoot my mower! And unlike the slow growth flowers grown indoors in secrecy over the winter, wherein “secrecy” means walloped with huge doses of growth hormones, dandelions have no bounds and no hangups, like the stubbornness to grow with cooler then normal temperatures, as often found here in the bowl. And the flowers are great for making a very distinct and one-of-a-kind wine. The roots, very good for medicinal purposes and supposedly a cure for many aliments. And it is the root system alone that is very interesting, as it thrives to manipulate the earth below, to promote good behavior so the soil can liberate. This helps other species, it helps worm growth, which fuels the robin and other bird populations. Properly nourished birds provide music. The leaves, when young, are an added delight to a healthy salad. The list goes on and on, the positive aspect this species has to offer mankind. What have we been taught upon the negativeness this species? A weed, not by any stretch of the imagination. We have been fooled all these years. And when one walks down the isle of the “Great Box Stores”, accosted by can after can of poisonous concoctions designed to eradicate a gift of the Creator, it is no different then walking down that religion isle wherein some preacher tries to teach me this and that about nothing. I am not interested in polluting the Mother Earth just to have a circumcised lawn. So over the years, when people started to realize that we cannot fight the “Lion” and retreat to the fact that this plant has so much to offer, there came acceptance. There was no harm involved, even after what they told us from the pulpit. And when the flower comes to fruition, when there appears a transparent globe like shelter of perfection, with a little wind, it provides such a choreographed ritual. Unlike an army on attack, this seed finds freedom we wish we could only enjoy. It doesn't seem to care what we think. It will move on and grow no matter what madness finds a homeowner preoccupied upon, or for that matter, religious right preoccupation that tells us who we can associate with. That is what is behind such an eradication program fostered by the religious right, trying to tell us who we can associate with. But such fear from the pulpit has proven to be a waste of time but for a few die-hards bent on wasting their lives away trying to play God, by trying to devastate through eradication any species unlike their own. When in reality, those that finally find acceptance find something God like, as it is such a beautiful species. It is such a strong species, now that it has come out of hiding and shown us what it can do, to manicure nature, provide shelter for underground creatures, how its root system massages the soil, allowing many other species the right to life, regardless of orientation, as nature finds within itself many different orientations, but all reach out upwards towards the Heavens. And when finished its seasonal procession and limited possession, the “Lion” disappears, as there is very little left as it finds no reason to “brand” its existence upon anything or anyone else, soon to whither away, remains as refuge to shelter the earth. Wow, and we attacked it because we were fooled upon its true worth and goodwill? And this species is like the gay community, wherein the eradicators of the religious right “but so wrong” posse, tries endlessly to eradicate through false pretense a valuable difference, and not realizing what worth there is to allowing this species to grow and flourish. Yes, preachers sell hate like the poison pushers selling “weed be gone” poison. They try to sell this crap to the masses, along with the sickle like instruments of destruction. A sanitized lawn looks good only from the surface. I have noticed that my neighbors lawn is void of life. Robins never visit, as any worms that have not been chemicalized to death, it would mean a death blow as a food source. It requires way too much attention trying to get rid of this species, and not a pest by any stretch of one's imagination, belief or following. Yet due to stupidity and lack of understanding this menace to eradicate goes on and on. And it is for no reason at all but a discriminatory motive, a selfish Neanderthal belief. So modern mans' mentality seems to push and foster waste of time, on something we have not the precriptional rights, as the prescription is simple and singular, “Love thy brother and sister, regardless how different”, love what nature has provided, and leave behind the sickle and poison on the isle of the alter that is trying to alter peace upon the species and upon Earth. Eventually that mentality to play God will foster maybe an overdose upon themselves, something they deserve, “preachers against gays be gone” seems to be a better model and calling – we need this poison formula so badly! The gay community is here to stay, and have never posed a threat upon society. So to the Christian right, in reality the devil in disguise, to those pulpit fanatics that sermonize hate and discontent and would use poison to have their ways and means come true, time is on the side of justice and in the end guess who will prevail - just like the dandelions that are gracing my lawn tonight with beauty. And when the wind blows, a graceful choreograph of freedom in flight, moving on to cover and converge where it has not had the opportunity to show off what it means for society, and soon my neighbor will learn that this menace he believes in is in reality a lovely species with no apparent bad-will. So if our government was doing its job, we would see a billboard warning like this: If anybody comes in contact with any of the below mentioned, please approach with caution. Matter of fact, retreat to a safe haven, do not approach as those named herein are considered dangerous: Andrea Lafferty and Louis Sheldon of the Traditional White's Only Coalition; Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and Jerry Prevo, known for instigating hate crimes; Mayor Dan Sullivan, for supporting the hate crime agenda; James Dobson of the Feces on the Family Council; Donald Widmon of American Family Assholes; Tony Perkins of the Family Retard Council. Any affiliation with those named above should also be considered dangerous, for behavior typified by an overdose from an ingredient called “HATE”, a 100% active ingredient wherein any present or future affiliation should be avoided by women and children and all humans that believe Hitler was a numskull and that ethnic cleansing is what these modern day pulpit “weeds” are all about.

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