Monday, June 27, 2011


Conservative Republican Michele Bachmaan has become the recipient of the “GRAND THEFT BIMBO” award. The award notice sent to Bachmaan is presented below.
Dear Michele Bachmaan;
Thanks for exercising the right to bear the “Conservative Republican” label! It goes along well with the time tested and never forsaken “like if the shoe fits wear it” syndrome. You surely and without a doubt shine within the definition of “Conservative Republican”. And that brings SPAM On-line Picture Dictionary's board of directors to the conclusion that your efforts have allowed for a revisit upon that of Webster's current definition of “Conservative” & “Republican” and to your honor, a rewrite more in line for what you stand for - with respect to the combined outcome of “Conservative Republican” and what the latter defines. And this honor is bestowed on the very day you are to announce your run for the 2012 presidential race. As a “Conservative Republican”, for your efforts to attack government “pork” but at the same time take in $250,000 dollars each year in farm subsidies - a program you attacked in front of your Tea-Party fans, but signed for acceptance on the dotted line behind closed doors - this cheating effort disenfranchises the taxpayers' hard earned money for your own selfish life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It is an action nothing short a definition of “GRAND THEFT”! And at the same time, supposedly during your watch as a “representative” paid luxuriously by the taxpayers to uphold righteousness and security upon the Treasury, allowing your husband's business to receive over $24,000 in taxpayers' loot for “quality Christian counseling in a sensitive, loving environment”, which goes against the grain and whittles down that required separation between “church and state”. So upon your efforts, you earn the title of “GRAND THEFT BIMBO”. Proclamation: Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the town crier cries out this proclamation, as your ways and means continue to bring tears upon the greatness this country once flourished upon, and your double, I mean triple standard is evidence that this country continues down a road of tough recovery. Not because of economic woes, but because of “Theft” upon ethical governing, to which you are an accomplice, guilty by association. We are beginning to hear other countries cry out to this country once great, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless...” as it seems this country under your watch has become a ship seeking doom because of a ship of fools at the helm. You are part of the problem, you cannot be trusted by any stretch of the imagination. But like has been the case through history's making, it appears the general public does not learn through mistakes and people like yourself take advantage this fact - snake oil sells. So as you profit, somebody's rights diminish – an “American's rights. And for some disenfranchised through your “trust me” attitude that is just a camouflage decoy for what you really stand for, it means that the leftovers in the dumpster may be all they can afford in their own disruptive striving for that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. And as an added benefit this award, in the SPAM picture dictionary, an on-line publication that all kids and adults can understand and Tea-Party goers should understand - as a picture is worth a thousand - your mugshot will appear as below:
Picture Definition of GRAND THEFT BIMBO

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