Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ave Maria

It is sad, so damn sad, when today the 1st pictures of Gabrielle Gifford surfaced. Yet that sadness was postponed a little by her smile, the kind many of us remembered, even if not a constituent. It is indeed a “comeback” kid kind of smile that will go the extra mile required for Gabrielle to once again step up to the plate, to defend our nation. I am from Alaska, but always enjoyed her clout and stamina when in the representative mode, a true American she is. We have not seen any pictures of her since the showdown occurred down Arizona way some many months ago. The maniac that pulled the trigger has been found “incompetent to stand a trial”. Sad, because if he could pull the trigger on Gifford and others, he should face the strictest of penalties. And I am sure that he will find advice and advise from attorneys that are secretly funded from the opposition, gun right enthusiasts and Tea-Party followers trying to protect the real culprits, as there is a whole lot of blame to go around with this freak show on the loose trying to disrupt tranquility. I am talking Sarah Palin, as she is incompetent to be a U.S. Citizen! With Gabrielle, why a young and vibrant and good looking lady with great liberal values came face to face with death, a women with a future for herself and for American values, why her life was almost cut short, that is so unfair. Life may not be fair, but it is not this unfair. And we are not talking the devastation from cancer or other deliberating disease, we are talking an attempt at someone's life, premeditated murder. We are talking the Sarah Palin disease that found Gabrielle in the “cross-hairs” of a pathetic, desperate and crazed following, so it is premeditated and Palin should be held accountable for at least some of the pain and suffering confronting Gifford and our nation when hate rhetoric gets out of control - as it did in this case. So for the last 5-months, Gifford has been in therapy, trying to recover from a gunshot wound to the head, from a crazed maniac that was a follower of Palin and her Hate Mobile. And Gifford suffers still with her speech, like the wound did exactly what it was intended to do, silence the opposition! It appears freedom has taken on a whole different concept, as those that should be free are incarcerated and those that should be incarcerated are roaming around, trying to re-write history with a pen filled with “Hate” ink. So I am glad for one thing, that the media decided to publish Gifford's pictures during Palin's weekend, taking away the stage and some of her thunder, wherein for the most part the media was engaged in going through Palin's 25,000 pages of nothing. Maybe one day we will see Gifford get to the point where she could take on the “witch”, as in my book Palin is the “Wicked Witch” and Gabrielle the “Dorothy” we need to get things back to decency as the Lion has lost his courage and the Tin Man his heart and the scarecrow his brain – just like this country has lost its way! And it was the Gabrielle Gifford's that were tuning into this disconnect and taking on the bad and the ugly, as she had a brain, she had courage and a heart. So today on this Sunday, let us all rejoice with an Ave Maria, the greatest of all songs, for Gabrielle, a beautiful song for a beautiful women. And for Sarah, about the only song worthwhile her cause is “Pissing in the Wind”, as her maniac ways and means find no other tune to rejoice too, it is that simple America!

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