Sunday, June 12, 2011

We Got Screwed, AGAIN!

I am glad the news' media is digging in for a wasted weekend, sifting through 25,000 of Sarah Palin's useless e-mails, a.k.a. “The Trash Talk Follies”. Look the good stuff has been hidden away, under client lawyer privilege redaction techniques, a.k.a. “We are hiding something”. Can you imagine wasting a decent weekend in this summer with this kind of pathetic task, sifting through “old and outdated crap”? This is playing right into Palin's world of “I'm the Queen Bee”, and this latest showdown is testament that a National Enquirer mentality is front and center over any good and worthwhile news' coverage. But Alaskans have been screwed over once again, due continuous pressure from outside news' hounds that should have better things too do upon their dedicated discipline, reaching out and standing behind a true 1st Amendment work product. If I want “crap”, I can tune into the “public” comments section of any of the numerous “no fee” on-line news updates, discipline missing in action rhetoric wherein “Printing Press Rage” lives on. What ever happened to the likes of Walter Cronkite? What's wrong with focusing on priorities instead of Sarah Palin crap, like covering the important issues that are draining this country's well-being? We have WARS, military and drug smuggling wars that finds maybe a hint of coverage, because of “crap subjects” taking the front and center stage. But when the state decided that $15-million was out-of-whack for “processing and printing” the entire “Half Baked Alaskan Governess”, a.k.a “The Quitter Memoirs”, and decided that $725 bucks was worth the effort to satisfy the media and allow publication of just another crap style reality story based out of Alaska, we got screwed over, AGAIN! Had the state bureaucrats followed the state statutes, with respect to “Open Public Records” and the costs involved to provide “state records of record”, the state would have been richer, and that would have meant an increase of $359 dollars that would have found its way into the yearly welfare giveaway - the “PFD”. Yes indeed, we all would have enjoyed an extra $359 bucks. It would have meant we were not “left behind”, while Sarah rakes it in. So have a good weekend, a wasted weekend, as Sarah Palin is smart in one respect, she continues to use the stage to make money, and it is the news' media that is fronting that desire, that habit, that of greed. In that respect and that only, the “greed” aspect, she is a true Wall Street American. So instead of blaming Congress for this country's woes, maybe we should shed a little of that blame on the media, as our only means of being heard out loud is so weakened these days, to the point we may be better off without a “Say” - as that appears to be upon US already! And here is my take on the entire ridiculousness behind the Sarah Palin follies. She made it because she was Alaska's governor. So the state should sue Palin for at least some percentage of the money she is raking in as it appears there is an infringement, as we are suffering from her passport, “unusual pain and suffering” it is, which is against the Constitution!

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