Saturday, May 28, 2011

Today's True American

The award for “Today's True American” goes to Mr. Ted Shpak, National Director of the Memorial Day Rolling Thunder event, in honor and support this country's war veterans and the MIAs. Ted has made it clear and convincing that Sarah Palin “wasn't invited” as a celebrity guest to ride along this event. Read between the lines, she isn't wanted, even at events like this that strive to be non-political. I am glad that somebody with courage has finally spoken out upon Palin's crazed world of me, me, me. As a matter of fact, this one day “award” has been extended, throughout the 3-day Memorial Day weekend, because Ted has guts to call a witch a..... In fact, let's extend this award for the entire time that Sarah Palin's gas guzzling house on wheels is robing the freedom of our highways and turning decency into political road kill. See, Rolling Thunder is a non-political calling, in honor of veteran rights. When Palin decided to join in to re-ignite her falling out along with her failing following, she used the opportunity as a political junket. She was not invited to use this show on wheels as a political vise. She was so wrong to take advantage of this calling, to steal the “Thunder”, as she is an idiot that is trying to destroy all decency. Her staff must be idiots with the same “zeroid” intelligence to not realize this was trespassing on decency. In fact, it appears that in the Palin camp, “we lie” is justified, as one of her representatives is convinced that Palin was invited, through negotiations with another idiot in Alaska, Joe Fields - who worked with Palin during her terms of endangerment as half-baked governess. The “Rolling Thunder” organizers were pissed, were heart-broken, that Palin would step up and try to ruin what has been for years a non-political get-together, in honor of our Veterans. She is evil, she is eviler then evil. I am starting a collection, to buy “Wicked Witch of the West” brooms, to be placed at every intersection her bozo bus passes, so we can sweep her crap away. I hope her Wasilla Trailer on wheels breaks down, somewhere along “Dueling Banjo Way”, get some of those moon-shiners to teach her what tough life is all about. For Palin, her idiotic ways are akin to gutting a fresh kill and leaving a whole lot to waste. Palin is gutting decency, and there is not much left. Besides, Joe Fields, should have known better, that Palin would use this event for no other reason then to destroy American decency, she is good at that. If she really cared about Veteran rights and MIAs, she could have attended this event incognito. What a looser she is and when her “zeroid” ways and means inflicts upon decency and she feels that it is OK, by god, does she really think she could play out the role of Commander-in-Chief? We have come to sad days here in America when the likes of Palin seem to think that “zeroid” intelligence can run our conglomerate. She is an opportunist, and as she gains wealth and lemming power, this country suffers. Damn, there's somebody at the front door. It's the “Brown Man”,the brooms are ready!

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