Saturday, May 28, 2011

Anchorage Under Siege

For real, Anchorage is under siege by artists of the conman club. It is most likely an affiliation with the remnants of the “Corrupt Bastards”, as we know this organized crime spree continues unabated. Some believe that behind the scenes dealings behind closed doors down in Juneau made membership a per-requisite for a political career here in Alaska. Look, all the crooks are free, just ask Ben. And do you really believe that Bill Allen is in jail? Roamer has it he attended the Kentucky Derby. Mom and dads, the perverts are on the loose! Yes the crime scene spree continues here in Alaska, take a look around you. For instance, just look at what is happening at the Anchorage Port and the new prison being built out in the middle of nowhere. Bridges to Nowhere! Ports going Nowhere. Prisons.... May as well subscribe to a new motto: “Alaska – The Nowhere State”. For 10-years by now I have been performing research, to support a theory upon this corruption. But nobody has any information to divulge – intelligent stuff beyond fluff – that warrants my research a theory credible. Now though through persistence paying off, I have found the answer. Is it Nobel? Not really, but for Anchorage it is a worthwhile find and breaks this ring of corruption down to its simplest form, so we can gain an understanding of why this state is going “Nowhere”. Like mentioned already, for 10 long years this research has been going on and during this testing and trying time, I have complained relentlessly about the poor quality road lane paint used in and about the Anchorage road ways. Come spring when the snow melts and the pavement is blasted by the endless persuasion of street sweepers, there remains nothing noticeable as lane demarcations to help one drive decently, so many get pulled over by the police because it looks like a bunch of drunk drivers on the loose. And it is dangerous, no lane dividers, especially in those round-abouts. Now cross over to somebody else's domain, you'll find out that road rage is alive and well. Look, I live on a gravel road that finds street sweepers engaged! What gives? Honestly, I had a window broke out by rocks gone wild from a sweeper, its a gravel road, get the point! But every time I question the authorities about paint that seems to last no longer then a Popsicle on a summer's day, I get nowhere! Remember, we Northerner's like that kind of ill fated advancement – the “Nowhere”. When in conversation with the staff at the highway department, I get lame excuses that it is due to the severe climate we have here in Anchorage. Now for some time, it seemed a plausible lullaby. But by Ben, the cat is out of the bag. Come to find out, over at Ted's runways, repainting the “ways” occurs every five years, as the Airport DOT buys decent paint. And can you imagine how disruptive it would be for airline traffic if the same crappy paint used on the Anchorage streets were used by the airport maintenance crews and every spring the runways had to be shutdown, during tourist season? But the paint purchased by the road baron morons is the cheapest paint the market can deliver and it is probably watered down, for a reason, and this is the turning point of the “Theory”. Road painting creates jobs. It is an ever ending ordeal here in the bowl. But when one considers cheap paint combined with expensive labor, we would be better off buying the runway specification paint and let the painters go on unemployment when finished, as with benefit extensions, five years seems to be the norm. What a deal! And the lame excuse “blame it on the weather”, it is super lame, as there are cities in this country that have the same or worse off weather and a whole lot more traffic. Yet, they have decent roadways. So why the failure here in Anchorage on what appears to be a simple dilemma? This is what Alaska is all about. We strive not to do it right the first time, as that may curtail what could be considered seasonal jobs to careers for a lifetime for some. Can't blame the workers, but this is what is required because this state has failed miserably at providing a sustainable jobs infrastructure. The paint is an example of how we do business here in the 49er. Sure we could splurge and get better paint, matter of fact this state has enough dough to have designer paint mixed up that would and could last a lifetime, just like the floating foundation at the Nesbitt Court Out-House, a one-of-a-kind foundation built on the riskiest downtown land – on the “red zone” with respect to the earthquake damage ratings. The state splurged on this one, and what was considered worthless land made the Hickel's even richer, at our expense. Remember, the “Club” has been in business for a long, long time. And get this, automobile insurance companies rate the roads based on many factors for the premiums we pay to be insured by mandatory insurance laws. In Anchorage, we pay an extra $26-dollars a year, because of shabby paint! And even though the round-abouts have been under construction for the past 5-years, wherein speed bumps out of the maze is the newest addition to the whirly-Wally-world, the DOT has still failed at placing the required road signs, the ones that say, “Patience, take turns”! Hey idiot, that's my lane.....

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