Sunday, May 29, 2011

On this Memorial Day!

Some years back when the Iraqi conflict was gaining steam and this mess was sending more of our country's youngsters back home in wooden boxes, or back home missing “hunk” mobility due loss of limbs and scorched minds asking “what for”, many of us that had endured and survived the stormy side effects of the Vietnam war saw through the smoke screen rubble and insisted that this modern day conflict was to turn out just like that failed attempt. Agent orange still brings on a headache when it awakens the demons of nightmares' past from villages being torched. Sure we are getting out of Iraq, but it doesn't mean we accomplished the “mission accomplished”. And are we truly out of country? Maybe the military brass have abandoned Iraq, but our presence remains. Just ask the dozen or so “American” contractors that are still engaged in cover-up, the destruction I am talking about. Nowadays, rebuilding a war torn country is as costly as an invasion itself, maybe more! So maybe we were lucky, and skated away from Iraq, following the Bush Doctrine of Self Defense quagmire. Time will tell. But the conflict in Afghanistan, it is turning out no different then the Vietnam conflict. Maybe the Taliban learned a lesson from our mistakes abroad during the 60's, like we should have, and now know what they are doing - by instituting such failures as a means of a protracted engagement against us. Over the past month, the death toll in the Afghanistan theater has been a sickening reminder that WAR is an outdated and worn out tool, once upon a time at our disposal when put to “good” use, for lack of a better term. There is nothing good about “WAR”. And there are certain words that should be banned from the military mindset, like collateral damage and inadvertent attacks – as right now, during this Memorial Day celebration, the “Big Voice” is trying to sooth the fact that a wayward drone attack has just left 12-children obliterated. And just the other day, 12 American troops were blown to smithereens, and this even score-card sounds like an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth turning point. There is no excuse, there is none, there never will be – just cheap shot words for a continued failure in a place we have no business. Call it the sea-saw of death scorecard. Now the WAR in Afghanistan seems to excite but one individual these day, Oliver North, as he gets a big kick out of this sport, and remember, he lied to Congress, so does anybody place any credibility in this guy's views or opinions? We have almost forgotten what is happening around us, especially with respect to our military engagements abroad. There was a time once upon a time not too long ago wherein Americans cared. When all the clapping and cheering at an airport arrival gate went for the troops coming home, not cheers for religion tainted kids returning from one's mission! I fly weekly to Fairbanks, a military town, and when the pilot or flight attendant says a few kind words about our military heroes on board, nobody listens as it appears those not in uniform are too busy “Twittering” or busy following what Sarah Palin is up too. In fact, it appears that this attempt from a few concerned to give credit where credit is due, it may be boring to the troops, as they realize that nobody gives a hoot. When in Fairbanks, I drive by a military hospital almost every day, the blue dismal windows are testament to a horror story inside, young kids missing arms and legs, for what! The suicide rate for youngsters in uniform returning the horrors of modern day war is so significant, it appears the Whitehouse wants a hush-up policy enacted, remember, the 2012 election seems to be front and center stage attention – so the sentiment of “no news is good news” is what it's all about! I will say it again, we have forgotten what it is all about, too damn busy in our own little worlds. And during this one weekend wherein we try to remember, the theater once reserved for decency has been invaded, by Sarahstein Palin politics, as we all know she does not understand “WAR” and if she ever became president, she would have no hesitation sending to battle other sons and daughters not her own – just so she could maintain a stage presence of a power hungry queen. But it just isn't the likes of Palin politics alone that has weakened this country, maybe to the “Tilt” point. Politicians have an agenda these wars, it is not for good of the country, it is not for our security, it is for greed and nothing else. If I am not correct, then why is the economy so bad here at home? It is a simple equation. The billions being sent overseas to fund these horrors, it takes away from the Homeland infrastructure, it is that simple. But it is the WAR machine that is keeping this country afloat amidst an economy that has tanked. Look around you, no building, no big highway projects, no space future, as we only have so much to go around, and the WAR machine is making sure it sucks up more then its fair share. Redistribution of wealth, forget it, as it means a hoarding of the wealth. For every dollar wasted on the WAR machine, due profits required from greed seeking contractors, only half of that, 50-cents goes towards anything good - like jobs creation. On the other hand, had that Treasury money been used for our good as taxpayers, more then 92-cents would be utilized for the working class, for infrastructure development. So the WAR machine does not do its due diligence with respect to true Americanism, it is a burden and a downright drain on our rights and pursuit of happiness. There exists a secret agenda these wars, and said again, it has nothing too do with nothing except the “profit margin” afforded to defense contractors. Look, you don't hear the CEOs of Lockeed or Boeing wanting and end to the conflicts do you? The list of corporate donors that are funding this continuation of the WAR machine is pathetic - as the money they take in is used by lobbyists to extend the conflicts so the WAR machine can keep on running, it is extensive the affiliation. Booze Allen Hamilton, the Carlyle Group and the major banks are all beneficiary this journey we have signed up for. The list goes on and on. We have created a monster with our position that we can warlord others. Look, the Afghanistan conflict is not a NATO adventure, it is U.S. funded attack, U.S. and only U.S. We have driven this country into a pathetic quagmire. When one looks at the aging military structure here in Alaska, WAR has met its match, it is an outdated Neanderthal reasoning wherein “blood-shed” seems the only ways and means to make peace? It doesn't compute, this age old mentality. I am not saying that war wasn't necessary back during the Hitler regime, but modern man must get away from the guns, guts and glory days and start this modern day journey towards the future, as it is no longer a selfish game of power. We are all in this together. We have a choice. We can cut the serpent loose now, and take cover to see what transpires or we can continue down the same old dead end road. There was once a unique bumper sticker back during the Vietnam protests. “It will be a glorious day when a Navy Admiral has to hold a bake sail for a new aircraft carrier”. It has come exactingly to that point in history. When the Cold War went busted, this was the crossroads wherein our leaders should have demonstrated a willingness to modernize our relationship with other countries, instead of a neo-conservative mindset to take-over anything and anybody that didn't think like U.S. WAR is no longer the sleuth slayers preference. But we went caught up in the Bushman doctrine, with warlord defense contractor cronism taking over and the WAR machine took on an entire different “mindset”, today we know it as “mission accomplished”. When all the time nothing has been accomplished accept “what's in the wallet” of the defense contractors. Look, how much wealthier has Dick Cheney become due the WAR machine high on steroids? It is a money making son-a-bitch, wherein deaths are considered the cost of doing business – in a nutshell it is that simple my friends. We pay for it, yet we have no idea how it is being used by the wealthy, that still find the ways and means of keeping their children away from harms way, keeping them out of uniform and keeping the Sargent of Arms away from their front doors, with that sad and too often heard message, “I'm sorry mam”. It is time to repent our wicked ways and means, but it appears that there is still a “childish mindset” that is getting in the way of what could be considered a bright and righteous future, as the real war is right back here at home, just look around you. So can we really thank the troops on this Memorial Day, as they are caught up in a venture, a business venture wherein our engagement in these conflicts is for one and only one reason, to keep the pathetic and evil WAR machine fueled up, not for our security and tranquility, but for a reason simple, “WARLORD PROFITS”! And front and center the latter, American corporations, fake con artist like corporations that are hiding behind the red, white and the blue! Do you really think they care about our troops? Remember, its a career!

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