Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Palin's Secret Weapon?

So some idiot of the celluloid and big screen wants to promote Sarahstein back to life – through a 2-hour shock & awe attempt – another worthless and crappy documentary. Remember, Frankenstein was afforded shock therapy in efforts to see what was around him. And this is what occurred along with the awe when Madman McCain was down, out and so desperate he went AWOL his honor to this country and picked Sarah Palin as a running mate. In my book, McCain is public enemy #1, Sarah Palin public enemy in waiting #1. Just today he insisted that Palin could beat Obama! Hey John, go back to the Hanoi Hilton, you have spent a lifetime trying to ruin this country, give it up. Since that time wherein McCain had a hard-on, we have been socially shocked with the likes of a monster - along with her family's generosity the likes of the “Blob” mob or for comic relief, the “Munster Family” follies. It is comic relief, nothing more or nothing less, but lets be honest and frank, isn't enough truly enough? I feel sorry for her young one, he needs a mom that stays at home and cares. But this goon director that is trying to compete with McCain, in trying to resurrect a nightmare with Sarah, a million bucks doesn't come close to anything worthwhile this endeavor. Look, just put a wig on Eric Cantor and you have Sarah Palin. Or vice versa, give Sarah a wavy butch and you have Eric Cantor. Can you imagine if Cantor and Palin ran on a tag team ticket for the Whitehouse, they could role play, “Who's on 1st?” It would be a great security “fooled us” gimmick. But when we see the mass-media going crazy over some lunatic spending $1-million of his own loot to make the nightmare come alive again, look between the lines. So when the film crew made a secret visit to Alaska, to film “Road Kill – The Resurrection of Sarah Palin”, there was a reason behind such madness. Alaska has become very friendly to the film makers, with tax burden incentives. Now this is how it works and puts it into perspective what a million bucks is worth when trying to resurrect Sarah Palin. Most film companies do not call Alaska home. That is why we see all these fake nit-wit shows about fishing, gold mining and a new series called “mounted”, wherein this reality show scene takes place at PJ's - a strip club made famous during the construction of the Trans-Alaskan-Pipeline some 30-years ago. The same dancers are stripping away on stage today, mature XXX. Oh, so sorry, as “Mounted” is a tribute to Bill Allen, in efforts to have a statue constructed in his honor, mounting under-age girls – what a pervert he was! Anyway, the climate is ripe for the film makers in Alaska. Only problem, they can't take advantage the tax breaks so are allowed to sell the credit to an Alaskan company, like “Big Oil” or the Koch Brother's refinery, which means cheap credits to corporations that must pay taxes to this state. So who is buying the tax credits? That is what those that strive to investigate UFO phenomena should be looking into, as trying to get “public information” from Alaska is proof that honesty in government left this state a long, long time ago. Thank the “Corrupt Bastards” for that. It is harder to get information from this state then to get information on AREA-51 through a Freedom of Information Act request! Regardless, there must be a whole lot of wheeling and dealing going down behind closed doors wherein Bill Allen wannabes come forward dealing tax breaks. It is either with “Big Oil” or “Little Oil”, somebody is making out. But when Sarah tries again to enter the scene of tranquility, it is pathetic, as enough is enough. She has no guilt her disruptive ways and means, but like most beauty queens, she can't give it up and enjoy a life without the glamor. She's a “MONSTER”! I'm glad for one thing, glad she isn't my wife! Honestly, I feel sorry for the Toad, no matter what the figure is worth. So when we see how much it takes for this and for that with respect to filming here in Alaska, take into account the overall tax credits, then deduct what the film maker really takes in for the credit approved by the state, then allow for a resale value of pennies on the dollar, it amounts to about $25,000 actually spent on this Sarah Palin episode – her secret weapon “war chest”. And you can't even get a decent diarrhea commercial for this pittance of an investment. So isochronal mathematical deduction gives the insight, that Sarah's secret weapon won't be worth “diarrhea” on a comparison basis, what most us have been saying for some time by now. The proof is in the pudding, yuck! And those that are brain-washed by her incompetence, it proves constipation is alive and well. Maybe Ex-lax and the other stool softener industry should take note the Sarah Palin Follies, round #2, as there is money to be made.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, I and most Americans are tired of this coverage of Sarah Palin, who gives a SHYTE, as the Brits say..

    A PalinBachmann ticket is what America needs
    mariopiperni.com/tea party

    And we will be the laughing stock of the entire world
