Friday, March 11, 2011

On Pete King

Two Strikes

Representative Pete “Weakling” King(R-NY) has two strikes against him in my book of sloths. The 1st “strike” occurred a few years ago, when he went ballistic over the fact that informed sources were questioning the legitimacy of George Bush's “Yellow Cake” recipe at the same time this country was questioning the legitimacy of that presidency. King threw a temper tantrum, then another and another, arguing the fact that Bush was right to take us to war, for a cake recipe that was a hoax. During this campaign, King's blood pressure must have hit the Richter scale highs! This guy needs a lobotomy, except there ain't nothing to lobotomize, as today he is the only living individual that still believes in the hoax. Even Bush has loosened his stance this issue, that it was a prefabricated injustice. So what if thousands of young kids have been killed this deed, just so George could once and for all be popular amongst his only following – Tony Blair. OK, that was mean, the lobotomy thing. But this is what Americans have to put up with when “Term Limits” are not adhered upon and the “Kings” remain in power, year after year after year. It becomes more of the same sad story. What “Term Limits”? Inherent in the U.S. Constitution, upon the Presidency on down through the Congress, there exists a clause for limits in office. It works like this. Once an elected official swears to uphold the Constitution, be it as the president or as a representative or as a senator, that “upholding” is for all, not just along party lines. When elected, one is supposed to put away any party affiliation. That is what makes for a true leader, working unbiased for the good of “All America”. Once in office, an elected official should practice bipartisanship, which is a 50/50 proposition. No majority, no minority, equal protection it is. One must place selfish ambitions on hold. With that said, there comes no time for campaigning, for re-election attempts, as to campaign for selfish reasoning, it once again tilts the scale of equal representation. And inherent in the Constitution is the mandate of apportionment, so there is really no fuss over the re-distribution of money garnished through taxation. This places “pork” and behind the scenes thievery out of consideration. It is supposed to be an easy job, it is, yet those elected make it difficult. So there exists fundamental reasoning that already disallows for no consecutive terms in office – its called “Termination”! To file for re-election, that shows contempt, so one is supposed to do his or her job then when the term is complete, that is when one can start all over again to run for office. It is an inherent “time-out” period. Basically, from the 1st day Congress is in session to the last day of the “term” - president equals 4-years, senator equals 2-years, representative equals 6-years - no time during that term is allowed for campaigning. It is a simple solution, it can work, but we have not one that likes to follow the rules. The signers' of the Constitution did not go into great detail this limit clause, as this is really a no-brainer and it wasn't conceivable at that time that idiots - elected idiots that are supposed to be above all with respect to morals and ethics - would take advantage, as that would be Treason. Now for the 2nd strike of indecent injustice by Pete “Weakling” King, it appears that he is a terrorist bent on treason! The latter defined: “Levying war against us”. Bottom-line, his most recent investigation into the muslin community, this is an attempt to wreck havoc and incite hardships - the bully syndrome. See, even though Obama has endured the attempts by the GOP to derail his credibility, their plan has failed. So King is trying to excite the base, to see too it that the Obama administration does find failure its mission, so there will come hatred that brews another attack on this nation. Push them too far, somebody will break. King is indeed “levying” this action. So maybe not a direct treason attempt, but just like the “yellow cake” recipe, an important ingredient. With that in mind, he is guilty. Just like occurred when Sarah Palin directed the cross-hairs upon Representative Gifford, and some nut-case followed through her wishes. What do you mean she had nothing to do with it? Anybody thinking in the latter frame of mind must have had a lobotomy. So Pete King is doing the same thing, as his most recent investigations as head honcho the Homeland Security, it is an attempt to perform a Palin, as these unethical hearings have no use accept to placing the cross-hairs on innocent people who are probably a better American then Pete and Palin combined, as they have not the time, energy or inclination to perform like these idiots who think they are Americans but practice things that are detrimental to this country's well-being. And King uses the excuse that it was Obama's recent security briefing that promoted these hearings. It is a fake excuse, out of desperation to place blame where no blame exists. It is foolhardy representation. Again, a failure of the system wherein “Term Limits” are laughed upon. And sure there exists a few nitwit fruitcakes out there that would love too see this country fail - beside the GOP - but do you brand an entire culture? Pete King should be banned from America as a voice of the people. He is not a representative by any stretch of the imagination and a pathetic looser trying to play like Bush, as with very few friends, he is desperate to find somebody that will befriend him. He is hoping that there comes destruction, as then he can say, “I told you so”. But so far it has been a pathetic show of failure, his terms and this most recent investigation, wasting time away from more important things. Waxman did the same thing, against Major League baseball. And now he finds lawsuits. The Muslin community should counter-suit King's disrespect. During the hearings, King looked like a madman, hate like distemper foaming and frothing from his mouth, Hitler eyes, and we pay this guy? This guy must have an IQ equal that a mouse turd to show so much disrespect another human race. Look Mohammad Ali - the greatest boxer of all times - he was a Muslin! There should come a pre-qualification for the office of representative and that of a senator, a lie detector test and an IQ test, as it appears without any pre-qualifier, we end up with goons like King that have no reasonableness and we get robbed again. This kind of rhetoric does indeed steal away our sovereignty and curtails our freedom, both injurious to the Constitution. So if King's wishes come true, some nut will take issue his abuse upon the Muslin community and we will see more bloodshed, destruction, just because Pete wasn't invited to Bush's “Yellow Cake” festival and he cannot stand the fact that Obama is succeeding where the GOP failed, a secure America, a healthy economy, heading down that road to recovery. The GOP agenda is easy to understand, “Total destruction is the only solution.” Please, bring in the cuffs! So with that in mind, coupled with the fact that King is reckless, he is the recipient of this years FMSA, a.k.a. “Foaming at the Mouth Sloth Award”, due his inability to face what it means to be a true American, not against us, but with us! He like others are hell bent on seeing Obama fail, and the toll this will take to them and their selfishness is but a meaningless laugh by the Court Gesture, as they think what they do is for the better half, and we all know what half they are talking about, the have and the have not. To end, how about a patriotic “Pathetic” cheer for Pete King and the gang!

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