Saturday, March 12, 2011

On Bill Allen

How Stupid!

My love goes out to my Japanese brothers and sisters. Needless to say, Japan has what it takes to move on and in the end this disaster will make for an even safer and secure country, along with a safer and secure world, in the event the “Ring of Fire” comes out of dormancy and unleashes another Armageddon attack. But with all the attention away from anything else, even away from Sarah Palin for a break well deserved, is this when the stupid here in Alaska find it easy to pull off a fast one, to perform stupid “think tank” thinking? Scott Walker has taken the present opportunity in Wisconsin, to sign away a worker's rights. I was informed that his legal staff told him not to sign the controversial bill, not until the quake hit and passionate people – the proletariat salt of the earth protectors – they put down their guard, for a moment of silence, to pray for our friends in Japan, that is the moment when Scott rushed to the toilet seat for a movement and signed the bill into effect. What a creep he is! Next it will be OSHA on the chopping block. Unemployment insurance? It will be just like health care insurance, out-of-reach! Americans may as well throw in the towel and accept minimum wage from now on. Scott, remember you get what you pay for! But here in Alaska, on the subject of stupidity, I am talking the thought of allowing “Brown Bear Snaring” over the other side of Cook Inlet, just so there is made available through the lame old excuse more moose to feed the “Great White” hunters' thirst for an easy killing spree for burger meat! I am all for subsistence hunting and fishing, but modern day manhood hunting is a game of David verses Goliath. With high powered rifles and aiming sights designed for military reconnaissance and hit-men, it is hunting from the comforts of home, not a challenge, but a wimp way of getting off and satisfying the male alter ego, that of “I am Whimpy in disguise”. Sport hunting today is not a challenge by any stretch of the imagination. It should be banned, except for maybe bow hunting, as that form of stalking to kill takes courage in the field, not some idiot with a rocket launcher miles away from his victim. Think about how the innocent - a.k.a. collateral damage casualties, a.k.a. fodder of modern war - feel when unexpectedly caught in harms way when a wayward attack hurls a mortar round their way. What the hell.... And now the idiots in charge want to stop charging bears with a snare? If this is not stupid, then Bill Allen's sex craving for little girls is OK! Look, Bill is essentially a free man because the Fed.'s are afraid to condemn his outrageousness, as he still holds the Ace in the Hole, that being the fact that when VECO was sharing the same building with the IRS over on 36th Avenue here in Anchorage, Bill had the keys to the Treasury! He owned the building, that was not secure and there is rumor that Bill, maybe not directly involved with the five-finger slippery finger discounting, was lobbied into fixing the tax problems of the powerful and influential, including buddy Senators and buddy Representatives. So should this rumor become truth through evidence still alive, it would be such an annihilation upon the checks & balances if discovered that it could find that the wall will come tumbling down. And all the Kings horses' and all the King's men....that's right Bush is gone. Lets face the facts. If behind the scenes preferential manipulation was performed on individual and corporate tax returns, what does that say about the entire system of taxation? It basically would allow a competent judge to declare it null and void. But there is reason to believe that there was something rotten going on. Look at the convictions that have been over-turned and or thrown out, as Bill is holding the Fed.'s hostage. Do you really believe that Ted's plane crash was an accident? Of course not, it was a planned attempt to get rid of the evidence, or the problem. Call it a conspiracy theory, it is. As the government is now the conspirator, trying to cover up years of abuse upon the system that was supposed to be full-proof. Think about it. You hear of many “Democratic Party” officials being taken down by tax problems over the years. But ever hear of a GOP member going down? See, it is easy to fix the problem, as the entire IRS system of checks & balances is convoluted. It is so complex, that as case files get passed on through the wringer, it is very easy to step in and make something disappear. It is not like a CSI adventure episode, wherein a detective is assigned to follow through the entire case from investigation phase to conviction stage. The IRS has defined areas of jurisdiction, so an agent may do his or her job, then it is passed on to another department, passed on to then another Senator, I mean department, so it allows for a very vulnerable system that can be attacked and manipulated if somebody has the knowhow, and that knowhow comes about through the back door. Look, IRS agents are very dedicated their chore, but when something is so damn complicated, so damn convoluted, that is an invite for the crooks. It is that simple. Keep it complicated – as Don Young likes – and then there is no way to prevent an abuse upon the system. This country has spent billions over the years to reform the tax code, reform meaning a simplification, as that was mandated upon the Justice Department - through Congress. But with all the money spent, there is still today a dysfunctional system. Even the authoritative in charge will tell you that they don't even understand the “code”. But there is a secret “code” well understood, and Bill may have had the password to find his way through the back door – of his own house! To not simplify to fix, it was planned that way. Placate the American voice, that a fix is in the works syndrome and we move on as the crooks move in. If it were simple, then there would be no easy way to manipulate things. What evidence, you may ask that points towards something rotten going on over at the IRS shelter at Bill's palace of seduction? It is well known that furniture assigned to the IRS field office in Anchorage somehow ended up in a VECO office way up north in Prudhoe Bay? Don't laugh, its only a chair! But this supports that back-door syndrome. Sure enough, office equipment still baring the U.S. Government property stamp – a solid bras icon and an indestructible seal – this stuff belonging to the United States was being used by Allen, and this doesn't happen in the real world as furniture auctioned off must first find a release, and that is when the official stamp is removed and the stuff is released from prison. So it appears that something rotten was going on over at Bill's empire when the IRS agents were being true Americans, away from their desks and enjoying a weekend off. And then you ask, what about the alarm system? In this day and age it is very easy to bypass stuff. And remember, Bill had an army of qualified alarm technicians and engineers at his disposal. So it all adds up and makes for a very fascinating chapter in the “Corrupt Bastards Club”, the continuation of. And there exists a whole lot of evidence that points to preferential treatment, like tax crime indictments going into the Fraternal Order of the Black Hole, never to be heard about again, sealed away forever and without reason. This is a fact not denied. I guess when you get on the right side of the crooks, there comes all kinds of tax breaks, just the way the GOP likes to have it their way! But snaring brown bears, how about a law to snare the crooks, as we have been duped once again and Uncle Sam seems to be afraid to open up a can of worms that could show that statesmen sold out, for something way beyond treason!

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