Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nuclear Fallout

Scary it is! A “Confidential” report of highest priority was just declassified, the subject being the investigation of “hydraulic fracturing” and its inherent side effects. This modern day technology being hailed by oil executives as the saving grace, the Holy Grail, it is being utilized in many parts of the United Sates to quench this nation's outrageous fossil fuel energy consumption behavior. “Fracturing” attempts to loosen up stubborn hydrocarbon constituents, including much sort after natural gas, by utilizing so-called down-hole techniques that threatens the underground ecosystem. I guess what happens down-hole and is supposed to stay down-hole has found freedom! The report titled, “The Effects of Hydraulic Fracturing and its Ability to Unleash Cancer Causing Radionuclides – A Serious Threat” is something every states' legislative branch whose bureaucracy is interested in oil recovery from shale, this governing body should take note upon this report and proceed with caution. The authors are well known for their professional and unbiased opinions on subjects that pose a threat to mankind. PJW & Chumley Associates have once again proved that we sometimes get carried away our ambitions to make a quick buck. Phineas J. Whoopee, the principle investigator, and Chumley, his side kick field data collector and long time confidant have researched the side effects and the results mind-boggling to say the least. Rock bottom, it is not worth the effort. We should start walking to work. In fact, Sunday's should once again be a day of rest wherein all merchandising stores should be closed. Church by Internet or TV, as a means to keep people home and on a ban wagon conservation attempt. There should be fines placed upon those that drive, unless a necessity, like to buy more beer. Better yet, seek environmental asylum in another country, approved now instead of when it is too late. And Alaska is next in-line to see this play upon the pay! Here it is in a nutshell, the specifics of the “silent killer” being unleashed by such “frac” work going on in a locality near you. Want an insider trading tip? Buy stock in bottled water companies! You thought natural gas coming out of a faucet was chilling, how about water that glows in the dark? I guess it is good when you have to pee in the dark! The “report” was unveiled in a secret location on the Hill, wherein PJW pulled out his 3DBB and provided the selective audience the results of this secret study:
NORM – Naturally Occurring Radioactive Matter – as encountered in oil and gas exploration, development and production operations originates in subsurface formations, which may contain radioactive materials such as uranium and thorium and their daughter products, radium 226 and radium228. NORM can be brought to the surface in the formation water that is produced in conjunction with oil and gas activities, especially from water withdrawal following “hydraulic fracturing”. NORM in these produced waters typically consists of the radionuclides, radium 226 and 228. In addition, radon gas, a radium daughter, may be found in produced natural gas. Produced water from “frac” work should be handled with caution and quickly disposed of in a permitted NORM site. Because the levels are typically low, NORM in produced waters and natural gas is not a problem unless it becomes concentrated in some manner, as is found following a formation fracturing attempt, as once concealed radionuclides are bombarded loose, thus get carried away with the “frac” fluids. Through temperature and pressure changes that occur in the course of the “fracturing” operation, radium 226 and 228 found in produced waters may co-precipitate with barium sulfate scale in well tubulars and surface equipment. Concentrations of radium 226 and 228 may also occur in sludge that accumulates in oilfield pits and tanks. These solids become sources of oil and gas NORM waste. In gas processing activities, NORM generally occurs as radon gas in the natural gas stream. Radon decays to Lead-210, then to Bismuth-210, Polonium-210, and finally to stable Lead-206. Radon decay elements occur as a film on the inner surface of inlet lines, treating units, pumps, and valves principally associated with propylene, ethane, and propane processing streams. Workers employed in the area of cutting and reaming oilfield pipe, removing solids from tanks and pits, and refurbishing gas processing equipment may be exposed to particles containing levels of alpha-emitting radionuclides that could pose health risks if inhaled or ingested. 
Because of its widespread use today, the regulations governing NORM should be re-evaluated, as radioactive levels encountered at undisclosed locations wherein “frac” work was taking place showed levels that were above NRC permitted worker exposure levels, for workers at nuclear power plants. It was above the “Hot Zone” levels which requires limited exposure time. This is a serious matter and all attempts should be engaged to stop this out-of-control “hydraulic fracturing” before the contingent United States finds itself the aftermath of a nuclear war zone, from our own attack! Since NORM is not regulated at this time, there is no oversight that is watching out for the workers health and upon those that live in close proximity to this out-of-control exploration work. Call your representative NOW and demand regulations that restrict “hydraulic fracturing” until such time the effects of this devastating procedure can be studied and safeguards are in effect.

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