Sunday, January 30, 2011

We the People!

It is of great humanitarian interest to see the streets of Cairo rallying with protesters. And when Barbaric commanded his generals to send in the troops, it was officially a call to send in the clowns. I am talking the real clowns, as part of the circus atmosphere that has erupted, as a means to overthrow a dysfunctional government.

It seems to have become by now a carnival atmosphere, time to celebrate? This is modern day democracy at work and working well, when tanks of mass destruction find crowds of protesters surrounding, and troops armed to the gills siding with the rebels – a.k.a. We the People – and shaking hands in a show of unity.

Wherein a 3-star general is pictured ripping in half his Commander-in-Chief's mugshot, a very powerful show of defiance. And when these vehicles of mighty destruction - funded in part from a yearly $2-billion Uncle Sam endowment - have the gun-barrel sights on target, that of His Majesty's hot-tub, beware misfit representation. Flames of destruction are pouring out from the Democratic National headquarters! Burn down the “mission” is happening at YouTube speed.

Let's hope that the tides of change, wherein the military may be stagging a coup in line with the people's mandate, stays high. Even though there have come casualties, this is the way it is supposed to work when it doesn't work! If a government is so far out of whack that it is disenfranchising the citizens' right to life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness, wherein people are starving, wherein people have not a place to sleep, wherein the fat cats are stealing the wealth, wherein a person's retirement account has been pilferaged upon, then the army - the military - it is supposed to be there not to protect the crooks, but to rescue the country and restore honor over false loyalty - for the countrymen.

Imagine, if in thisMy country t'is of thee” we had the same menace, with wealth stealing and Richie Rich brat's bent on taking away our brothers' and sisters' shelter. Or wherein tyrannical money mongering corporate dictators were effective at stealing away an individual's nest-egg! It is happening here, right now, even on a weekend, as fat cat banks see the current trend in America as open for business, where the word “pilferage” takes on a whole different meaning.

So, where are the protests, where are the troops? I have advocated for some time by now that this country needs a revolution, a peaceful assembly of all hourly workers, to slow down this country's activities, as a show of dissatisfaction in unison to get the word to Washington - that we are tired of “No Representation”.

Look, they fight all too often and all the time referees are banned from the ring! The House chambers' has become nothing short a pig sty of filth rendered stalemating. Look, I am not the only person with these feelings of sometimes helplessness and almost hopelessness, with respect to representation missing in action. As if Congress acts by taking Bush's “mission accomplished” as the gospel, when nothing has been accomplished, for some 18-years by now.

Many of us, true Americans, on both sides of the “What's best for American” debate have reason to believe it is time – for that change we have been waiting for on overtime by now. And there is common ground this change realization, so it can happen and should happen on our watch. Case in point. I am not a fan of Bill O'Reilly, but when he called for a boycott upon “Big Oil” during a 4th of July weekend back when oil was better then $100-dollars a barrel, imagine what message that would have sent if we all had participated? I did, but even his dedicated following balked at the idea! So guess what? Had there been even meager participation, the price of gasoline would have crashed, and the message would have been set in concrete, “Try Us”, and remained to this day price-wise calm instead of allowing this commodity to make huge windfall profits at our expense.

Hey, money buys lobbying power. When we see unabated profits being raked in by corporate America, and at the same time we see our take-home pay looted, there is change needed. Money controls our destiny, and we are not in control the money, therefore our destiny is questionable.

In Cairo, there have come very few casualties this assembly and protest – especially for what is at stake. It is not always a perfect solution, but it takes a toll to make change take place. We can do the same. I don't care if its the Tea Party, the democrats, the liberals, the republicans or independents or anyone in between, as we are all in this together. We all have basically the same agenda, that of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And I don't care what religion a fellow protester bargains for, but we must remember that we have to maintain a separation. Then we can rally around and upon the very basics that makes this country what it is supposed to be and mean for democracy everywhere else.

Let's get back to the grass roots, and then we can worry about the little things and maybe continue to disagree. Back to an era where “Brother can you spare a dime” would once again be a reasonable expectation. But for the most part, there is reason to believe a “peaceful” revolution is necessary to refresh freedom this land from the oceans to the mountains to the prairies. At birth, I was assured there is a warranty that allows this referendum to “refresh” liberty, as mandated by the Constitution.

See, when everybody is successful at the trio, there comes very little room for mis-representation. But, we all have reason to believe and act against a government in a totalitarian proletariat movement when the goals are not met or wherein thug-mania has taken over sensibility of the representative body of government. A protest to promote a work stoppage, for the most part has come to fruition. And I am not talking a protest upon the Presidency. It is Congress that holds control this nation. So I am talking a march of protest and a work slowdown aimed at the Congressional body. A performance indicator just like they resort too, all to often. When they can't get their way, they filibuster. It is nothing short an engagement in purposely slowing things down. If they can enjoy this, why not America, we the people, the salt of this nation. Congress has failed this country and it appears that it will be business as usual with the 112th. More of the same “nothing”.

Take the current debate on “earmark” legislation. Some argue that in respect to the “pie” it amounts to a numerical rounding error, that what is defined under an earmark is basically peanuts. But what many don't understand is this. Earmarks, pork-chops, whatever you prefer, it has been under attack for 30-years by now.

What made the latter so lucrative was the power found commingled by the 3-Stooges. Don Young, Ted Stevens and Frank MurKowski. When most of the country was taking home a pittance of regurgitated taxpayer money, Alaska was taking in 3 dollars for every dollar garnished away through income taxation.

There is a very important word found throughout the Constitution, it is called apportionment. It basically defines that tax paid in shall equal tax paid out. Basically, what is not used for military means, it is supposed to go back into the infrastructure of the constituents who donated, or at least resemble some semblance of responsible distribution. But over the years, power allowed the very right of taxation to be dishonored upon. Call it thievery, it is. But nobody complains, as nobody understands what has gone on. And why are we all so afraid of the IRS?

Anyway, due the fact that Alaska's take home pay was well beyond the national average and against such apportionment so defined in the Constitution, it irked other powerful Senators, like McCain. So John visited Ted's office and found out how to get more, as the more a politician can send home, the more votes one can buy. That is it in a nutshell. Take-home pay taken away from us then taken back home by Senators and Congressmen buys that seat for a long, long time. So they find clever ways to keep it coming, bringing home the bacon, at the expense of democracy. Bottom line, our tax burden should have decreased a long, long time ago.

Anyway again, over the years and under the microscope, clever Senators and Congressmen realized that one could place things in the Defense budget, unrelated to “Defense”. Or hang ridiculous money wasting projects onto the highway appropriations bill, another one of those billion-dollar must have bills that nobody refuses to sign onto. Like the government budget! Hey, if a representative, it means government would shutdown if not approved and that does not look very favorable come re-election time. So it is an easy and done deal, a very favorable means at hiding the true pork-chops.

So over the years, things that were pure adulterated waste, these things have become part of the essential, and moved out of the cross-hairs, but protected deep within bills that when printed out approach 2 to 3 feet in depth. It means that it is renewed time after time after time, as there is not a single person out there that would try to send a check back to the Treasury, for projects that don't even exist. So when you hear pundits talk about earmarks not a big deal, think twice, as an earmark today has a very good chance at becoming a forever generator of income for somebody in the future and possibly their kids also. In Alaska, this state has received thousands each year to study the penis size of a male Musk-ox. It is the gift that keeps on giving, not the penis, but the appropriation.

And take the defense appropriations bill, signed without winking an eye of hesitation, as to indicate reservations means that individual patriotism is questioned. It is huge, it is complicated, this bill. So it is the perfect haven for crooks to hide and seek loot. Shock & Awe? Trust me, as why in hell are the taxpayers paying for snow machine gasoline for recreation at some remote place in Alaska? So very few Americans have the time or inclination to waste on this bother, researching the very bills that have been sending this country down deficit alley of no return. Debt continuation is ingrained forever in these bills!

That is why many Republicans today are calling for a halt on earmarks. Why? They had 8-years in control to play the 3-Stooges mis-fit game, hiding away what they need to keep that seat. I am talking “Big Bucks”, for huge defense projects, huge highway projects, that include everything like a fishing pole tax! Honestly, when Don Young was forced to provide funding for bike paths in the most costly high rolling appropriations bill ever on record and never to be trumped - like some $240-Billion - which he named after his beloved love of life Lu, in efforts to pay for what he felt a waste - the bike paths - the bill contained a secret, called the fishing pole tax. On all new fishing equipment, sport fishing stuff, a 15% tax was to be collected, for bike path construction. It is there today and will remain on the books probably forever. Just like a gasoline tax. Hey, go collect that from the “Big Oil” barons who were allowed to testify “not under oath” by Ted Stevens' wishes. Ted was not good for this country, maybe for Alaska, but had he demanded that “Big Oil” was to testify under oath, the economy would not be facing $80-dollar a barrel oil.

Bottom line, the Congress should see this Cairo situation as a wake-up call. But they are so entrenched in pathetic legislating, wherein nothing is accomplished except they still earn a fat paycheck with health care benefits even rich people envy, they have nothing to gain by performing. Remember, it is what they bring home that counts. Sad thing, it is ours' to begin with, they just have the stroke to control it. And the gall to waste it. What a life they have, spending our hard earned income. Bring on the tanks....

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