Monday, January 31, 2011

We the People - 2nd Installment

Unstable government? Unstable economy? Unstable legal system? And basic services like electricity and water remain questionable? After how many billions in aid? After how many casualties? Questions, questions and more questions with bonafide answers the billion dollar question.

Look, it is time for those responsible for the Iraq mess of a life-time to confess. I didn't want this war and nowadays cannot find a single soul who authorized this eminent domain “occupying” upon a foreign territory.

But there exists evidence still of who is too blame for the “yellow cake” recipe mess. Even though responsible interests have tried too hide behind self-proclaimed innocence by altering their web-sites, the evidence is overwhelming. Sorry, there is a chain of guilt left on the tube.

If Booz Allen Hamilton has enoughextra income” to support the subliminal take over of NPR, then these bastards should be held partially accountable for the war in Iraq, it failed! We would have been better off hiring the Mafia to get rid of Hussein and his sons, the rape artists. And then when they were finished that job, come back home to take-care of this country's home grown rape artists.

It would have cost a whole lot less, and maybe the savings could have been incorporated back here at home, upon the homeland, as we see similar consequences, with a stalled government, a stalled economy, a stalled legal system and electricity almost to the point cost-wise to be out of reach for most Americans and water rights being abused by “Big Gas.

So it is time for the real crooks to come front and center, and pay for their evil ways and means that has sent many a young American kids to an early grave, or crippled for life. For what? Nothing, as Iraq is a failed project.

And it was a project, made possible through the idiocy of PNAC, the Project for the New American Century. The signatories of this blatant disregard for ethical reasoning finds a following of the rich and powerful, but now its web-site has disappeared.

But Bill Kristol and the Doctor of Doom lives on, still trying with a smile to placate their ambitions. They failed the “mission” and now is it our responsibility to pay? No, and this episode in history will not be complete without a total enactment of the War Crimes tribunal. But America has lost consciousness, lost direction to what the Constitution required future generations to accomplish.

We cannot hope for democracy upon others when we see democracy eroding right here on the homeland. I know some Americans despise the use of the word “Homeland”, but it is what it is. Our home, our land. So I am sending out debt recovery correspondences to the entire listing of the PNAC gulag.

To: William Kristol/PNAC Project Director/Editor of National Enquirer

Your organization has been assessed the following debt for the War in Iraq. $3,000,000,000,000.00. This is an attempt to collect a debt. If you deny such debt, please reply within 30-days receipt of this “collection attempt” stating reasons why you are not obligated to pay such debt. If you prefer debtors' prison, I am sure the country you and the signatories of the PNAC “PACare hiding out in can accommodate such desires.(Note: this assessment accounts for 25% of the national debt, so please, for our children's sake, pay up.)

Please make checks payable to the: The U.S. Treasury

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