Monday, January 31, 2011

Bob Dylan Revisited

I am a semi-aged, age old fan of Bod Dylan, as noteworthy this following comes from his poetic and musical talent. What's in the message? I believe Dylan was an individual way ahead of the times. A futuristic philosopher. Possibly a view into the future, a true time traveler trying to tell us what was to come, if....! Dylan was also so realistic in his love songs. So he was a musician at heart, but just what was he trying to bring us? Many have questioned his words, that message, especially back during the 60's and 70's. Was it genuine up beat brow-beating Hear Ye, Hear Ye” for the times? With that in consideration, whether wound up on Boone's Farm or toked up with Mary Jane, or maybe a Janis Joplin moment with a little too much comfort, or the fallout from a little too much fun with Lucy in the Sky, we tried endlessly to dis-cipher the Dylan poetry, that subliminal, elusive and almost secret message. When all the time, the “times they are a changin” rang near and wide, far and clear, but for the most part we were successful at providing some semblance of understanding his poetry and its inherent message. But after revisiting Dylan most recently in depth his words, with respect to current “state of affairs” worldwide, it is clear and convincing that today the message finds a right-on meaning. The message in such seems to challenge without a doubt what is happening today, again, only more pronounced and serious a note. I guess when we learn not from our mistakes that a repeat has dire consequences. It hurts more then less. Was Dylan warning us back then that if we continued down the unrighteous path, that this is what we would be confronted with? From political struggles to turmoil of war to environmental degradation to a weakening upon the fundamental concept of “brotherly love”, an economy on steroids wherein the rich and the rest finds a scorecard of inequality never seen before and continued heavy-handed in the wrong direction, how did we miss the warning? The have and the have not is the dead end road we have traveled down. And there was a sign! Don't the rich get the point, they cannot take it with them? I can not wait to become a “pearly” gatekeeper and have some rich guy come “knockin' on Heaven's door” and showing up with his loot looking for a safe deposit box! It is happening all too common upon the causation principle, as 3rd world nations stuck in limbo find more of the same and an ever increasing fan club, wherein scores once comfortable join the same proletariat ranks, with many that once called America the land of the free and the home of the brave. Weird, as had we heeded his warning, then maybe we would have upon us today a different world, a different society instead of one that has indeed taken three-steps forward only to be followed by a four-steps backwards mentality. We have become a handicapped society with no dream, no vision, no nothing except doubt. So maybe there is hope somewhere in the lyrics of old and I urge all Dylan fans, especially the younger generation, scholars and modern day philosophers alike to take this invite for a revisit into Dylan's world, into the word, that message, for maybe the answers to survival are part of that message, still today. Maybe we missed the true message and today we pay for that dereliction. Then again “no direction home, like a rolling stone.....”

1 comment:

  1. Does your car insurance go down as you turn twenty five? If that is so, exactly how much...?
