Friday, January 28, 2011

The Financial Crisis Scandal

So Where's The Paddy Wagon?

“We conclude this financial crisis was avoidable. The crisis was the result of human action and inaction, not of Mother Nature or computer models gone haywire. The captains of finance and the public stewards of our financial system ignored warnings and failed to question, understand, and manage evolving risks within a system essential to the well-being of the American public. Theirs was a big miss, not a stumble. While the business cycle cannot be repealed, a crisis of this magnitude need not have occurred. To paraphrase Shakespeare, the fault lies not in the stars, but in us. ”

This is the conclusion from the Financial Crisis Investigative Commission, a U.S. Congress mandated investigation in efforts to decipher what went wrong with the financial markets in 2008 and still sending more and more people onto the streets of poverty, as foreclosures continue unabated, even when Uncle Sam says “slow down”.

Look, the rich don't give a rat's ass about your shelter! They don't give a rat's ass if you are hungry! They don't care about your poverty affiliation, except less for you means more for them. They just don't care! As they see the present day situation as an opportunity to make more! Instead of “One man's junk is another man's treasure”, it is today like this: “One man's poverty is another man's caviar”.

Shakespeare also penned “The Merchant of Venice”! Remember Shylock, the lawyer that was successful in getting a guilty verdict for an unpaid debt? But was in the end amused upon by the jury, as a well crafted rescue by the judge made it clear and convincing that Shylock, even though he won judgment, he could not spare a drop of blood in efforts to get justice – the pound of flesh verdict.

In the case of the failed financial markets of this country, there came lots of blood shed, many suicides from everyday investors loosing their shirts, and all around devastation from sweat and tears of labor savings gone south. The sad thing, there was no repudiation, no guilt, no penance, no nothing against the goons gone wild with our kids' inheritance.

In fact, there was an individual that has bank-rolled $9-billion in betting against the bailout, like he knew there was something rotting on Wall Street. He made another $5-billion last year alone, as the “Wall” keeps tumbling down, artificially boasted above the sewer water level by the American taxpayers.

We are getting looted, again. Is it not that we were blind and weak before and during the collapse, as some did indeed try to warn authorities about the scam. But they were called “whistle-blowers”, lost their jobs and were branded as a “snitch”. These are the heroes, as we all should have heeded the warning. What sounds too good to be true, is!

So the guy that ran off with billions, for betting on hedging failures with housing - the basic American right of shelter from the storm - and the CEOs that ran away with taxpayer bailout money, it appears that it is crooked-dom upon the very street that is supposed to have roadblocks against such tyranny. There is no honor left, especially when it comes to wealth.

So there will be no paddy wagons showing up to take the thieves away. Matter of fact, it will most likely be a Brink's armored carrier frequenting a rich bastard near you, to haul away our loot. I heard a rich bastard's car dealer talk the other day, that Lamborghini and Jaguar sales are down. Not because the markets are done, but rambling on that the rich don't want to appear doing still good as most of the country flounders in debt, so they refrain to spend to make it look good? Hey wait. Neighbors? Rich bastards don't have neighbors. They live in gated mansions, where they cannot see a neighbor.

And like already eluded upon, they don't give a rat's ass, about their neighbors, about their brothers & sisters, about nothing except they do act as one character of importance made famous, not by Shakespeare, but by Dickens - and we all know to whom I am talking about, “Scrooge”!

Bottom line, when we have a government that allows no punishment this kind of theft, it will happen again. The real pathetic thing, we all knew that it was not an act of God, nor that of Nature. It was man-made greed and then we wasted a whole lot of money, for an investigation, that had the answer already. It was a planned attack upon the well-being of this country! Placating malfeasance is what it boils down too, this report, and now that the smoke is clearing away, the rich and the rest of us it is! What's in your wallet?

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